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Last Posted December 29, 2020 at 7:28 PM
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#1044 worst steam profile in Off Topic


posted about 4 years ago
#54 Announcing RGL.gg Sixes - Season 1 in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 4 years ago
#9 who makes their living off comp tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

maybe not comp tf2 but that geel guy probably made quite a lot off scrap.tf and other related sites he owns when trading was in its prime.

posted about 4 years ago
#48 What keeps you coming back to comp tf2? in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 5 years ago
#41 Mechawreck banned from RGL for pedophilia in TF2 General Discussion

man i love being an admin

posted about 5 years ago
#43 Leagues meet to discuss future of North American TF2 in News
OculismPlease dont grudge ban players, and set strict rules for the league with static ban times. Admins of certain leagues shouldnt have bias towards disliking or liking people.

I mean, if a player was (permanently) banned in a previous league for extensive harassment towards admins/players I think it's pretty safe to say they are pretty incorrigible as a person and are not worth keeping around in the comp scene. Mirroring bans is a really good way to keep problem players out of the picture IMO. Banning someone because you don't like them is one thing (otherwise I'd have banned half of the hl players I've ever met by now lol), but keeping someone banned based off of concrete evidence that they did something they shouldn't have in the past is definitely a smart move.

posted about 5 years ago
#8730 stream highlights in Videos

we just gonna ignore the fact that b4nny uses light mode on discord

posted about 5 years ago
#24 wats ur favorite jojo stand in Off Topic

this one probably

posted about 5 years ago
#114 Harassment in this community: It needs to stop. in TF2 General Discussion
ScrewballAs for what to do about it. Do the leagues not have some sort of code of conduct? The only thing we can really do as a community is ostracize the offending individual.

To answer your question: RGL HL admin here. I can't speak for the prolander side, but we take toxicity (more specifically, personal player harassment) very seriously even outside of the game, and have banned multiple people from the league because of it. In fact, we banned about half a dozen people this past season for player harassment, primarily due to the use of slurs and witch hunting. As a side note, since we make all of our bans public, I don't have to hide that Scratchh has been banned from RGL for a while now for (guess what) harassment. Now, onto what I think...

It's very upsetting to me when I see this trend persist even after the countless threads people make denouncing this sort of behavior. You would think that more people would make a genuine effort to, as Screwb put it, ostracize the outwardly negative players from the community. I don't wanna name any names but there's definitely a handful of players that I'm surprised are still active and participate in the community, considering their controversial pasts. But no, only when someone goes out of their way to collect TONS of proof that they or someone they know has been facing this harassment extensively over a long period of time is there a brief knee-jerk reaction where everybody says "Hey man thats not cool," and we all forget about it in a week. I don't post much, but I've lurked for years and you can't tell me I'm wrong, because I swear this BS happens once every few months.

Thankfully, I'm lucky enough to have been given the opportunity to do something about it on a more official level. Like him or not, sigafoo has probably taken the biggest strides out of all of the leagues in the game's history to keep the community clean and free of toxic players, and all I can say is it feels good to play a role in helping achieve that goal. I hope others can take this example that he's setting to heart and begin making more of an effort to detrash the community.

posted about 5 years ago
#758 ESEA Open S30 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

lol! good one mustardoverlord. :)

posted about 5 years ago
#34 TF2 update for 3/26/19 in TF2 General Discussion
Yeah, tf2 developers don't have deadlines or any expectations

See I dont get this. I think I read somewhere that Valve employees can work on whatever they want but I feel like they draw a line somewhere. Are the TF2 devs part of other teams at Valve? Do all these guys work on is TF2? If so it really feels like they're just sitting at their desks with their dicks out from 9-5 making small insignificant updates every blue moon, and going home with a nice paycheck, which annoys me not only as a tf2 player but also as someone with an office job.

I dunno man i just want some transparency. That's all. Even if they straight up said, "fuck you, we aren't working on this game anymore," it would be a lot better than ghosting us and leaving us with nothing.

anyway we need a high profile demo main to fake their death so that the sticky bug can be fixed once and for all

posted about 5 years ago


posted about 5 years ago
#1266 best pub quotes in TF2 General Discussion

ZombieSupaStar : ascii kiddy reddit
ZombieSupaStar : totally coward
ZombieSupaStar : probably born in the 90s lol

posted about 5 years ago
#1068 Vent your anger in Off Topic

after nearly 7 years im finally feeling the burnout from tf2. on one hand im glad its happening because i was hopelessly addicted to this game and it was causing me to half-ass everything and never fully follow through with irl obligations. however, at the same time, i'm angry at myself for not being able to take control sooner and stop myself from ruining my high school/early college life by getting involved with the game past a casual level. i wish i could take back the thousands of hours and dollars i've wasted on this game, but i cant. i wish i could have seized the opportunities that were presented to me as an alternative to playing "one more season," but i cant. its only until i looked up from my computer screen and saw how much farther all of my peers were in life than i was did i realize how much i was being affected by this game.

ik its a waste of time to wallow in self-pity but i just dont know how to feel about what i could have accomplished in the last 7 years that would have probably set my life in a better direction than its been going since then.

fuck tf2, but more importantly fuck me for allowing myself to get sucked in, not properly managing my time, and throwing away multiple opportunities to separate myself from this game and take the steps to be a more productive person.

posted about 5 years ago
#1 21 Savage arrested by ICE in Off Topic


dont drop immortal...u get deportal

posted about 5 years ago
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