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Last Posted February 18, 2025 at 5:03 PM
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#141 TL Harbors Pedophiles in TF2 General Discussion
RendoasThe OP is about furries and the kink artwork they make/consume, with a focus on the artist Lilstarlite.

Hey uh that Lilstarlite person, as evidenced in the original post itself, has literally drawn a child furry eating used tampons while being sexually assaulted????

This isn't an anti-kink thread, its calling out a person who LITERALLY follows someone named loli.bsky among various other zoophile/pedophile accounts, who was allowed to be around multiple children.

Your posts indicate that you think people calling someone out for consuming lolicon art is similar to homophobes/transphobes harassing queer folk. This is a genuinely disgusting and abhorrent comparison. Thanks for implying that you think pedophiles are at all similar to the LGBTQ community, a talking point that the conservatives you seem to hate so much love to throw around!!!

Calling out zoophiles and pedophiles is not queerphobic or kink-negative or puritanical or whatever.

Get real.

posted 2 weeks ago