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Signed Up June 26, 2014
Last Posted December 28, 2020 at 1:44 PM
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Headphones beyerdynamic DT 770 PRO - 80 Ohm
Monitor Asus VG248QE
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#10485 stream highlights in Videos


posted about 4 years ago
#18 Should I watch LOST? in Music, Movies, TV
SnackFunsyou misunderstood me, I didn't mean that as in 'just turn ur brain off', I just meant snack should probably give it more than three episodes before looking for 'what the writers were trying to convey'In that case, you've misunderstood what I meant when I said that. I was referring to moments in the show with piss-poor acting or really obvious, cheesy directing, how I'm able to look past these in order to see what the writers were trying to imply.

Still frankly, Funs, I don't see your point. I dunno, do you wait until you're halfway into a poem to start reading in between the lines? I see no reason not to read into the show from the get go, and from where I'm standing, it's very clear that Lost is packed with metaphor. Though maybe you're saying this because there is stuff you know about the show which I couldn't know as of yet.

It's not a poem though lol. To be honest casual made a good point in his last post, if you didn't like the pilot I wouldn't bother continuing because you probably won't enjoy the rest. Trust me I'm really not someone to just recommend any tv show I've ever seen, I'm actually quite choosy when it comes to them. But nevertheless even I feel like trying to come to conclusions just a couple of episodes into a show isn't giving it much chance

posted about 4 years ago
#16 Should I watch LOST? in Music, Movies, TV
MenachemFunsmaybe just don't think so deep about it lolif you can just turn off ur brain you can watch anything. why would anyone ask for advice on what to watch if they wanted this response when you recommend bad shit?

like not everything has to be on rick and morty tiers of intellect, but if its corny, its corny
Show Content
i have never seen lost

you misunderstood me, I didn't mean that as in 'just turn ur brain off', I just meant snack should probably give it more than three episodes before looking for 'what the writers were trying to convey'

posted about 4 years ago
#13 Should I watch LOST? in Music, Movies, TV
SnackOkay so I've seen the first three episodes. I fucking hated the 1st pilot and almost stopped there. I really hate that faux-suspenseful "the characters are running away from something scary but we're not gonna show you what the scary thing is". But I do like the kinds of characters they have in the show, the political and philosophical themes, the overall sense of mystery. Some of the acting and scenes are really cheesy but so far I'm able to look past that and understand what the writers were trying to convey. I also like that the show isn't hiding away from harsher, real shit like racism, domestic abuse and drug abuse.

Already I know Lost isn't going to be my favourite show ever, but I'll see how far into the show I can make it and what I can take out of the experience.

maybe just don't think so deep about it lol

posted about 4 years ago
#23 How to reduce wrist tiring? in Off Topic
-protoI aim exclusively with my wrist at around 30-40cm/360[/url]

1. why
2. how

posted about 4 years ago
#9 Should I watch LOST? in Music, Movies, TV

I think it is 100% worth watching. The main criticism most people give is related to where the show heads in its later seasons, but honestly I agree with Casual's point above ^. Have you watched game of thrones? Game of thrones ended horrifically. Lost was not even anywhere close to game of thrones' drop off in my opinion.

It stays great quality all the way through and in my opinion stays interesting and bingeable throughout the whole show, which is something you rarely see nowadays unfortunately

I vote yes!

posted about 4 years ago
#28 Headphones in Hardware
ScrewBMy 250 ohm DT 1990 pros sound anemic out of my phone.

you have so many pairs of headphones
Yeah, I'll probably get the 80ohm dt770s, I can't think of any particular reason the 250ohms would be too much better

posted about 4 years ago
#23 Headphones in Hardware
_KermitI really like my DT770 Pros that I got at Christmas 2018, I got the 250ohm version and they're a solid pair of headphones. I've always used an external sound card so I don't know how well they sound straight from the mobo, but my current phone was able to drive them enough to a decent volume and they sounded just about as good as at home.

I've been looking around for an answer as to whether phones can drive the 250ohm ones for a while now, and this is the first thing I've read finally lmao
I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get the dt770s but now it's just choosing the impedance basically

posted about 4 years ago
#12 Headphones in Hardware
ScrewBPetebruh.If he wants something for around $100 he should say he wants something for around a $100. When you are asking for suggestions on anything you should AT LEAST give a budget.FunsBudget wise I don't mind, I'll decide that myself later :D

I think it was obvious enough I didn't want a $4000 pair of headphones lol
Surely it was implied I just meant a *sensible* price

posted about 4 years ago
#8 Headphones in Hardware
grain_deathAudio equipment is very subjective and there are a ton of different headphones that fulfill different purposes. A headphones that is good for one person isn't necessarily the headphone that is good for you; it all depends on what your use case is. Questions like sound signature, isolation from external sounds, what you find comfortable, what you don't like about you're current headphones, sound source(whether you want to buy a dac and amplifier), and most importantly budget can change your decisions greatly. Also depends on how involved you plan on getting. Some people are fine with most headphones and don't care about the idiosyncrasies and getting to caught up with sound signature, frequency response and impedance just don't matter to them. If you want to make audio equipment a hobby or just find a better pair then you currently have can change someones recommendation. Asking yourself some basic questions about what you want can allow people to give significantly better recommendations.

bro i just want some good headphones

posted about 4 years ago
#1 Headphones in Hardware

I'm really unfamiliar with headphone tech, but I'm tired of the HyperX Cloud IIs I've had for years and want something newer with great sound quality. (actual headphones rather than gaming headset)

Does anybody have any recommendations? Obviously something that's still good for games is a priority. As I said I know next to nothing about sound tech! Budget wise I don't mind, I'll decide that myself later :D

posted about 4 years ago
#19 final interp value? in TF2 General Discussion
Wizardcl_cmdrate / cl_updaterate: should usually always be at 66 for a stable packets to the server. You can go to 100 if you wish but that's recommend if you have a god tier connection.

i honestly dont understand where this sort of thing comes from. does everyone just make up random bullshit lol

posted about 4 years ago
#3 Leagues order Promod à la carte in News

valve tf2 jill:
that thread has done it there will be no major

well done guys

posted about 4 years ago
#18 How are you? in Off Topic

I have 5 more uni exams and they are not good how do they expect me to remember so much

the idea that these would have originally been closed book exams sitting in a hall makes me genuinely wonder if I would have passed half of them before this situation

posted about 4 years ago
#10 final interp value? in TF2 General Discussion

that link is just a bunch of pointless jargon, I've never seen a single bit of proof that changing your interp ratio between 1 and 2 actually does anything other than make projectiles appear slightly later, which if anything you don't want

trust me I wondered the same thing years ago and to this day have seen not one bit of evidence from a player that their hit detection was influenced in the slightest by changing between 1 and 2

however, if you want an interp command that actually fucks with hit detection, hit up the thread stark made a while ago about making your interp ratio 1000000000 for sniper and forcing your "lerp" to appear as 0. now that has some interesting results

posted about 4 years ago
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