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Country Ukraine
Signed Up June 28, 2014
Last Posted October 1, 2016 at 8:00 AM
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#55 sigafoo's Challenge Cup in TF2 General Discussion

why this men crying abbout somewone who wanted make tournament with money?? maybe dont play if yuor are not like it idiots.:D sigafou are very generious for do this and this moneys? they are not from esea illegal bitcoin they are from the mans own money, if yuo ask me who other will give own money for tournament?? nowone i tell yuo man. keep cry but peoples who want play this? they are play no problem for yuo so bla bla bla cry how any your want its not gona stop :D

(i am only think how sigafou getted this money? from enginer play in UGC platinium long time or maybe he sell drug like breaking bad? :D)(or maybe pay no rent becouse he live in boat like stabby?? haha)(only joke but sigafou if yuo wanted respond this then your are free for that)(no ofense for yuo stabby)

posted about 8 years ago
#95 ban sheepy petition in TF2 General Discussion

yes yes bla bla bla here again its americcans canot go when somewone elses have different opinions than they "ban this men this is to much! i canot read this!". sheepy have different thing in head from yuo? and how are that yuor problem! it´s internet let the men be no need four ban that: not need four ban even when it´s hard things to talk abbout like politicans or other. yuor opinions are not right. his opinions are not right. nowones is. its only talkking and everywones have right in that

without talkking nothing happen(look the history when people ban diferrent things but that things not end)(in most bad situetions only create more bad thinks)

posted about 8 years ago
#1 tupac alive in serbia??? in The Dumpster

yuo mans see this video??? i just see my friend show it and i thing it are true.... how he alive in serbia???


posted about 10 years ago
#1 tf2 player look-a-likes in Off Topic

yeah so hello mans(womans too if therres are any ;)),, i was think do yuo knowed any tf2 players who lok like somewone elses(celebritys, signers, artists, more..). first i am started this and think ->

smzi(premiumship heavy in EU played in staced last seasson) looking bit like man in this music videos
http://youtu.be/jaQ8HyA33O0?t=23s (warnign: not for every eyes becuse not all like this)

first look that videos and then see this picture of smzi twiter

it look same for you do?? queston for smzi if u read this. you sing in basic element? :D

posted about 10 years ago
#3 HL showmatch today EU vs NA in TF2 General Discussion

oh mans this is gona be good :D hasent see good 9v9 match in many times,, show matches is alwways god but onequestion are sigafoo played and otherquestion are kaido or hildreth played? :D

posted about 10 years ago
#6 mat_phong help! in TF2 General Discussion

it look like in mat_phong 1 he's eyes are more like -_- so it deppends on if u wana see more or not,you'r choise man dont ask this thing in forums :D

posted about 10 years ago
#12 TEZC Competition #2 - Shirt Design in TF2 General Discussion

text left is arial text right is my hand+mouses hahahahaha

posted about 10 years ago
#14 LF for tf2 video in TF2 General Discussion

what why yuo asked that?? it would be any wone who make thats videos where comment public and yell..so that cuestions=not easy to ansswer.

posted about 10 years ago
#89 10 Reasons Why The Aussies Will Dominate i52 in News

i heared that in next lan assians(eyes like -_-) are come played and they will win(and kill :D) becuse they are called assians and that are like assasin :D

posted about 10 years ago
#6 E.RU - A TF2 TEAM MOVIE ﭢ in Videos

god movies but why songs are to much discoteque if i wana used song in this film i use metallica or some other hard music :D

posted about 10 years ago
#2 ETF2L Highlander Nations Cup #3 Quarter Finals: Sweden vs Poland in Events

and what pipsquik has anythinks with sweden team?? sweden teams already have many premiumship/divison 1 players. i thing not need in mention that someone are added in rosters when theres alredy that many of good players and this accouncement is abbout that cast and not teams

posted about 10 years ago
#5 Plz help me with this! in Customization

hmm man i say to you.. maybe delete that ling from your'e post couse someelse might hack you computer with thats information?? but dont wory to much. many good peoples in teamfortresstv site who not wana hack so dont make bad thinks abbout it. just sayed :D

posted about 10 years ago
#5 UGC Plat: mTs vs. ET in Events

sigafoo only cast but not played?? man i say i want see that man play the platinium divison matchs again and boom boom buuum explose everrything and drop medik alltime :D

posted about 10 years ago
#9 KonrWings Help in Q/A Help

thang you korrn for inventting corsshairs!:) realy help me when i played enginer and boomboomboom hit god shoots, thanks you man for the real:)

posted about 10 years ago
#17 Tangerine S6 Frag Vid by Dashner in Videos

that head shots that darknegro is hiting... to much sick shots i wana be like this :D

posted about 10 years ago
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