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Signed Up February 22, 2016
Last Posted April 14, 2016 at 6:49 AM
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#59 S21 Newbie Mix Team Drive in TF2 General Discussion
PendaAlias: your username you go by
Classes: what character do you play in team fortress 2
Availability: when are you free to play with a team
Past Experience: any times you have played competitive tf2 ex: 1 season of UGC Iron
Backup or Start: Whether you want to be in the team's starting lineup, or only be committed to when someone can't show up
Comments: any questions you have or things you want the newbie mix drive people to know

I'm not sure if you were answering my question, however, if you were I'm aware of what to put in the sign up form I'm not sure of where I should post it. From what I do know I think I post it in the Team Drive Sign Up Thread but again I am not 100% sure. Thanks for trying to help anyway :)


Never mind, I was just reading the thread incorrectly. You do post it on the Team Drive Sign Up page like I thought. Sorry, again I'm really new to this. And I just realized it's too late to join anyway, my bad.

posted about 8 years ago
#57 S21 Newbie Mix Team Drive in TF2 General Discussion

I know this must seem like a dumb question, but before I joined I want to know when the date of both the start and the end of this newbie campaign, so I can set up my schedule accordingly, or abandon the thought of joining (Which I really don't want to). I've already tried searching the internet and have read all the comments, but couldn't find much. Sorry for asking this question, I hope this helps some of the other newbies learn the dates so they can adjust their schedule too and thanks for helping.


And if you don't mind, could you give me a walkthrough of the signups pastebin form? I understand how to fill out this form but from this point I am lost. However, I think you put it on the discussion page of the drive sign up thread but I'm not 100% sure:

Classes (in order):
Past experience:
Backup or start?:

Again sorry for being a complete noob.

--Edit 2--

Forget what I said it's too late anyway, my bad. I thought I heard KevinisPwn talk about it last newbie mix :/

posted about 8 years ago
#2 Iron scout in Recruitment (looking for players)

---This was copy-pasted from my Recruitment (looking for team) page---

I'm AP4LLO a scout main, who's looking to joining an already existing 6s team. I do not consider myself good at TF2, because my game sense still needs a lot of improvement, but I think I can aim fairly well, according to pub standards (Which is not enough to call me good). I'm currently heading towards my 600th hour, and I have played a few games of Newbie Mixes, so I am aware of the atmosphere of the competitive realm.

Though I live in Japan, which undoubtedly will give me high ping in the North American and European servers, I am used to being able to navigate around it, and play at decent level (Pub standards). If your are looking to add me, we can train/pug/meet-up every Saturday night 9PM EST which will work best for me. If you want to change it just contact me and I'll see what I can do.

Again, I am nowhere near good, however, I think my eagerness and my goal to constantly get better at TF2 will help you greatly at teaching me. If you do accept me here is my steam profile; please send me a message on my steam and I will read it as soon as possible:
Thank you for reading this message -AP4LLO


I'm sorry if I'm not the person you're looking for; and if I'm not good enough. I do not mind if I am placed as a sub either; as long as I join a team and improve at TF2 I will be happy.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 6s Scout Recruitment in Recruitment (looking for team)

I'm AP4LLO a scout main, who's looking to joining an already existing 6s team. I do not consider myself good at TF2, because my game sense still needs a lot of improvement, but I think I can aim fairly well, according to pub standards (Which is not enough to call me good). I'm currently heading towards my 600th hour, and I have played a few games of Newbie Mixes, so I am aware of the atmosphere of the competitive realm.

Though I live in Japan, which undoubtedly will give me high ping in the North American and European servers, I am used to being able to navigate around it, and play at decent level (Pub standards). If your are looking to add me, we can train/pug/meet-up every Saturday night 9PM EST which will work best for me. If you want to change it just contact me and I'll see what I can do.

Again, I am nowhere near good, however, I think my eagerness and my goal to constantly get better at TF2 will help you greatly at teaching me. If you do accept me here is my steam profile; please send me a message on my steam and I will read it as soon as possible:
Thank you for reading this message -AP4LLO


I do not mind if I am placed as a sub either; as long as I improve at TF2 I will be happy.

posted about 9 years ago