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Signed Up June 22, 2013
Last Posted June 17, 2014 at 5:07 PM
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#11 Zowie FK stock in Hardware

You can find one on newegg, but it's from their marketplace selection where it is sold and shipped from a third party company.

Here is the link.

It's a company in Asia with only 2 reviews, both positive. So if you do purchase it, be aware that it'll take 2-3 weeks until you actually receive it.

posted about 10 years ago
#17 Walking shoes in Off Topic

I'm not sure where you are located, but there's this store
Road Runner Sports

I bought my running shoes there. The great thing about them is that when you go into that store, they ask you whether you will be doing a lot of walking or running. Then they have you get on a treadmill and see how you run/walk, look at your arches, and a bunch of other stuff to find a shoe that is going to work for you, feel nice, and fit your budget.

If there isn't a location near you, maybe you can find a store similar? Other than that, I'd recommend Asics for any long term walking/running. I love mine.

posted about 10 years ago
#99 Angel! :3 in TF2 General Discussion

What I am more worried about is the fact that she's streaming in a tank-top in winter. I think she should at least put on a hoody or wrap up in a heated blanket so she doesn't catch a cold.

posted about 11 years ago
#62 Might Number Feminism in Off Topic

obe, I added "as a woman" to my post not because I felt like society has brought me down to a point where I have to let everyone know I am a woman on the internet, but because there are people out there that decide they are speaking on behalf of every female. This whole thread was about the Dina fiasco and about feminists and your so called outrage from angry misogynistic nerds. Now you're telling me that I am not allowed to identify myself as a woman who does not agree with being called an angry misogynistic nerd, nor with extreme feminist views?

Sarkeesian knows how to make a good presentation. That's not the same as speaking in a well researched manner. She leaves out key important games and characters that show failings in what she is trying to say. So I cannot back someone who refuses to acknowledge evidence that does not support their own argument.

obe_I don't see why you identify as a girl other than to try giving your post more weight than it deserves.

4) Finally, Might No. 9 is a SUCCESSOR to Megaman. It's not Megaman. It's pretty silly to point out that the title of the franchise that this IP isn't directly connected to has the word "Man" in it and thus cannot feature a female protagonist.

So my post holds no weight now? Sounds like you are trying to hold me down because of my gender, which is apparently a very familiar argument for you.

Lastly, back to the reason this thread is here: Might No. 9 kickstarter gave the impression that it was going to create an MM for this generation that holds true to what the fans of MM have been wanting for a very long time. Point is, Dina is not going to help the company do that. If she does, indeed, change the main role to a female, the supporters are going to be upset about that. The fact that her feminist views were brought into light, and the fact that she reacted so poorly is what caused the outrage. It's not because she is a woman. It's because of what she wants to do to the game.

If she wanted the players to be able to choose between male or female at the beginning of the game, fine. But from what is being presented, she wants it to be an exclusive female lead.

posted about 11 years ago
#59 Might Number Feminism in Off Topic
Allealtl;dr Feminists are claiming that the community manager is being rejected because she is a women/feminist, when the reality is that she doesn't meet any of the standards the kickstarter promised their backers.


And as a woman, can I just say this whole argument about what feminism is, is actually really silly. People like this Dina, Anita Sarkeesian, and most other extreme feminists chose the most redundant and useless things to focus on and actually pull the feminist movement back generations. They are the reason that there is hatred, even from women, towards their whole movement. I've been playing video games for years and I could honestly care less about strong female leads in a video game, so long as it has a great story, and the game play is good.

If you don't like the fact there isn't a strong female lead in video games, then make your own game. But don't take a game like Megaman, use Kickstarter funds, and try to push your own agenda. There are more important issues in society than trying to change a game to have a strong female lead. I guess that makes me an "angry, sweaty, entitled misogynistic nerd" who hates against her own gender, though.

shruggerif she actually did anything important for the company i'd agree, but i haven't seen any good reason to believe she affects the actual production of the game. i'm still expecting the game to turn out great, I really just believe MM fans are overly-paranoid they will face yet another let down based on past experiences

Apparently she is working as an artist for the company now, which is the main concern for most of the fans and supporters.

posted about 11 years ago