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Signed Up March 26, 2013
Last Posted February 22, 2017 at 12:46 PM
Posts 67 (0 per day)
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#8 mcgill and montreal in Off Topic

Yes, I live in Montreal and it's great. Rent is cheap, there's plenty of activities and things to do, and residents are friendly. The only problem with McGill is that its infrastructure is falling apart and so almost everything is currently under repair.

posted about 7 years ago
#9 Thoughts. in Off Topic
VulcanHashtagBasedErenJayIf videogaming helps keep doing it otherwise quit, tf2 should always come after health and school
I'm pretty sure almost everybody feels this way, video games help keep your mind off the shit that bothers you. It feels for me, however, that the enjoyment from video games, TF2 in particular isn't doing as much as it used to. Having 3,900 hours on my main and 900 on this one, the game isn't helping as much anymore.
if tf2 is affecting your sleep schedule than quit competitve, play video games more casually

Definitely this. If you're finding yourself more worried and stressed about videogames, then I think it's worth taking a different approach. I found myself in a situation where instead of having fun in games, I was mostly getting angry, so I quit stuff like Dota, Overwatch, hearthstone, etc. and now I play games that I like to have fun and to relax.

That definitely changed a lot of how I saw my daily "routine" and was able to break out of it, you can always PM me if you want to talk :)


HashtagBasedI do understand what you're trying to say, but it's not TF2 that is affecting my sleep schedule, it is something with myself that I haven't figured out yet, some type of insomnia. This is why I stated that my body doesn't seem to be functioning properly, I can't seem to sleep..

This is 100% due to stress.

posted about 7 years ago
#14 ctap macro in Customization

I found binding mouse2 to crouch made learning ctaps incredibly easy

posted about 8 years ago
#3 ESEA Database Breached in TF2 General Discussion

According to tweets here: it seems like all user information, phone numbers, etc. was leaked. Not sure about cc or payment info. seems to be a negative on that one

posted about 8 years ago
#12 Statistics Help in Off Topic
jdmOkay folks I have two others that are stumping me

You intend to estimate a population mean with a confidence interval. You believe the population to have a normal distribution. Your sample size is 26.

Find the critical value that corresponds to a confidence level of 98%.

ta/2 = ±

Just look in the t table for n-1, 0.02 = 2.485

posted about 8 years ago
#3 ETS Lan? in TF2 General Discussion

Just echoing what I said on reddit, but if this happens I'll definitely attend and do promotion for comp tf2

posted about 8 years ago
#16 Wow Legion in Other Games

I'm scared of another year long content drought

posted about 8 years ago
#15 whats ur fav mixtape? in Music, Movies, TV

Some People by the Avalanches is one of their best work

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Tips for switching from roamer to hl soldier? in Q/A Help

Being 1 of 2 explosive classes in HL, your life isn't as dispensable, so your role is a lot more passive overall. Try focusing on spamming and outputting as much damage as you can on their team without dying. Listen to comms for when you really need to go in an die, and avoid unnecessary trades otherwise.

posted about 8 years ago
#10 What concerts are you guys going to/hyped for? in Off Topic

twenty one pilots and osheaga (if it's good this year)

posted about 8 years ago
#6 Would like to commission someone to edit my hud! in Customization

If by any chance you're talking about Mangachu's edit of Hudas Iscariote, I've been maintaining it for almost a year now:
Still needs a few touch ups that should be done soon.

posted about 9 years ago
#85 froyotech disbands in News

how about no

posted about 9 years ago
#68 Pros vs. YouTubers in Events
popcorpI think you guys forgot about someone

Well I've been playing competitive TF2 ever since I quit youtube 2-3 years ago. Kinda feel stupid looking back on the pre-comp mentality.

But regardless I think these types of events are really great opportunity to get people in the competitive scene. That's pretty much what made me switch.

posted about 9 years ago
#12 TF2Center Advanced Lobbies Beta Launch in Events

Yeah I was approached by Marty of TF2C several weeks ago to play what was supposed to be a NA vs EU HL show match with other HL players like stabby, sigafoo, etc. It sounded like a cool idea to get some advertisement out for comp TF2 in general. Didn't hear any details back since then (I didn't even know I was "playing" until I saw this post lol), and I'm out of town for work. Good luck to everyone else involved!

posted about 9 years ago
#29 Fallout? in Other Games
InhakeWell, looks like it's on an updated Creation engine, so the possibility that this installment will actually feel like a shooter is pretty low.

I mean, come on, they own id Tech.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding your post but Fallout has never really been a shooter.

posted about 9 years ago
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