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Country France
Signed Up March 14, 2017
Last Posted January 4, 2024 at 10:51 AM
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#7 ire has passed away in TF2 General Discussion

She was a good friend and someone who relentlessly tried to make the scene better. So young too, a complete tragedy.

posted about a year ago
#9 puggin in TF2 General Discussion

You'll need to apologize first for mocking the way I cook chicken nuggets but sure.

posted about a year ago
#23 2024 #winter in LAN Discussion

I don't wanna sound stereotypical about Poland but how are things here if you look a little bit gay on the street ? Will it be an issue of any kind ?

posted about a year ago
#179 - free server reservations in Projects

anyone else having issues with getting demos from serveme ? right now its broken for me (although still works)

posted about a year ago
#7 Insomnia 71 (7-10/09/23) - incl a TF2 Esports Zone in LAN Discussion

unlucky about the dates still but props to everyone involved for trying to improve the experience

posted about a year ago
#4 A new NTF2CL takes place this weekend in News

While they laugh at my corpse I use my deathcam (now frozen in choke) to call out how to best fight them

posted about a year ago
#6 rahThread: EU Freshmeat cup feedback in TF2 General Discussion

Yeah every fresh meat cup before was also won by like lobby/mix lords with 3000 logs/MGE gremlins (nas boii won it twice lmao), it's a bit of a shame when you're getting stomped by them but as long as the whole cup isn't like that I don't see why we should change it, the point of the cup is more to show what comp is like and for new players to make connections so they can keep making teams and signing up.

Also to be fair you can be a lobby lord and a newbie at the same time as well, I think especially for like young people putting yourself in a voice call with 5 people you never met can be a bit daunting and so it might be easier to grind in spaces where you don't have to speak and so I think this type of player being in the cup is completely fine, they also have to learn to comm.

posted about a year ago
#6 etf2l players thoughts on the gunboats plugin? in TF2 General Discussion

I still think it's not necessary and too big of a change to the class to stop one specific scenario from happening.

I am completely addicted to rocket-hugging people now however, it's like they hooked me up on their own supply and now I can't stop even if I wanted to, which is messed up and evil.

posted about a year ago
#10 forgotten game mechanics in TF2 General Discussion

Pressing left alt and moving your mouse makes you walk really slowly.

Not exactly forgotten but one that I don't think everyone knows is that the announcer will not yell about the control point being capped if there was any sort of captime before you went on it.

posted about a year ago
#4 What is your oldest fondest TF2 memory? in TF2 General Discussion

getting a backcap in my first ever comp game, I was so hyped :D

It also influenced drastically the way I played the game for 2 years after that at least.

posted about a year ago
#2 last round of every RGL season in Videos

this is a great idea, good job !

posted about a year ago
#54 book megathread in Off Topic

I've been reading The World According to Color : A Cultural History by James Fox and it's been an absolute pleasure thus far. The book is split into chapters, each about a specific color and how it was used and its meaning altered throughout history. It's very readable (I don't have any formal art training and I never struggled) and its super interesting. Would recommend to anyone even slightly interested.

posted about 2 years ago
#14 RCADIA Fortress Hamburg Thank You Thread in LAN Discussion

as usual, big thanks to production, admins and casters for working tirelessly through the issues to offer us a great LAN despite being mostly trapped in a dungeon cell on the first floor.
HUGE shoutout to Chiers for smoothly running everything and being super nice while doing so. Also sick engi cosplay.
shoutouts to everyone I hung out with : Hugo, mak, leth, karaoke master piggles, sintyre, drhappiness (finally free from admin work), and, nation, swamp (especially after one beer), b_fisch, qbown, warped, Samus, DCS (thanks for the powerbank btw), nas boii, tob, schocky, danny, mulaa, ronz, dwo, june (Season 35 throwback!!! We don't talk about 36.) and everyone else that I might be forgetting.
shoutout to mackey5, mirra and tidB, for the CPHG 2019 throwback, it was lovely.
shoutout to zhern for not going through the numerous pre-LAN death threats and for beasting the B tournament.
shoutout to KO for the greatest heist ever tried.
shoutout to bum for the unauthorized recordings, helping me find people and some bold flirting maneuvers.
shoutout to Josh for some very nice chats and a surprisingly close armwrestle match.
shoutout to tiia and nicco, the wonder twins. It's always so nice to see you both !
Finally, a big shoutout to Oracle : Apollo, Bv, Dowel, Lukas (Thompson), Wylenn and honorary member Sinika. When I started online gaming, I never thought I could make such good friends and I feel incredibly lucky to have met each and everyone of you.

see you all soon I hope

posted about 2 years ago
#27 RCADIA FORTRESS HAMBURG: Feedback Thread! in LAN Discussion

Agree with everything said comparing this LAN to iSeries, rental prices were fucking sick as well. Having the hotel and the venue in the same building was super nice too.
BIG agree on the lighting, was hard to see and I feel like it made me sleepy + I kept knocking over one light fixture close to me.
Only thing that I would add is that I really enjoyed having a Grand Final that started earlier than usual. I know Insomnia gets delays all the time so it was not the admins' fault but having it start around the late afternoon makes it so much better for the afterparty and for people who have to leave early in the morning.

posted about 2 years ago
#63 If you could bring a dead game back to life in Other Games

Planetside 2 deserved better

posted about 2 years ago
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