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SteamID64 76561198443218901
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Signed Up July 26, 2020
Last Posted February 26, 2024 at 8:36 PM
Posts 572 (0.3 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 2.21
Windows Sensitivity None. Accel: 1.9
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Mousepad None
Headphones None
Monitor Integrated
1 ⋅⋅ 35 36 37 38
#9 Packet Choke issues. in Customization
SetsulWhat about the next column (k/s), that's still part of it.
And the choke happens exactly when it goes above 1260? Yeah, could be the splitting, could be a coincidence.

"in" is between 10k/s and 40k/s with the calculated average being 25k/s. "out" is between 5k/s and 30k/s with 17.5k/s being the calculated average.

posted about 4 years ago
#7 Packet Choke issues. in Customization
SetsulAnd all at the same time?

The default is 1260, not 1200 (it's literally in the quote) and it is not hardcoded. The minimum is 576 Bytes, as is required by IPv4.

It is also utterly irrelevant for your problem. Packets are choked back either when exceeding packet rate or the bandwidth. Neither the size nor the number of packets changes, regardless of how many fragments one packet is split into it is still one packet and won't get larger.

Ah ok.

SetsulIs this on one specific server or on any server?

Any server.

SetsulHow are "in" and "out" looking in the netgraph?

"out" stays ~100 bytes, while "in" stays ~200-700 bytes and spikes to ~1200-3000 bytes.

posted about 4 years ago
#31 Packet Choke Issues in Q/A Help

How is the progress?

posted about 4 years ago
#1 Packet Choke issues. in Q/A Help

Moved the post from here because I posted it in the wrong forum.

Context From Post

So I have an issue with packet choke. Every time I get packets ~1300 bytes or higher, they choke up. I tried setting the MTU size to 1464, but I could not change it on my router. I think it's something else instead, and if it is the MTU size, then well fuck. Also my cmdrate usually dips below 66, while my updaterate stays near 66, and I'm uncertain if that is normal behavior.

Keep in mind that I use mastercomfig and changing my modules.cfg a bit. I also already tried running default TF2, but I ended up also getting packet choke. I hope to soldier that this is not a hardware issue…

posted about 4 years ago
#5 Packet Choke issues. in Customization
SetsulI doubt changing the MTU would fix that, default is 1500 for pretty much everything, unlikely that your router would have it set lower. Also TF2 should start splitting packets at 1260 Bytes (net_maxfragments and net_maxroutable) so that and a combination of other settings is probably what you're choking on.
You just need to figure out which mastercomfig setting is biting you in the ass.
Try net_splitrate 2, net_splitpacket_maxrate 200000 and for the hell of it net_compresspackets_minsize 1024 one after the other (revert the others back to what you used before, should be 1, 50000 and 1260 according to your presets) and see which one helps.

I set the settings to yours. No change.

Sidenote: TF2 seems to have a hardcoded MTU size of 1200 bytes. I'm unsure if it changes anything, but something to note just in case.

P.S Choke still occurred in the exact same pattern when running default TF2.

posted about 4 years ago
#1 Packet Choke issues. in Customization

Context From Post

So I have an issue with packet choke. Every time I get packets ~1300 bytes or higher, they choke up. I tried setting the MTU size to 1464, but I could not change it on my router. I think it's something else instead, and if it is the MTU size, then well fuck. Also my cmdrate usually dips below 66, while my updaterate stays near 66, and I'm uncertain if that is normal behavior.

Keep in mind that I use mastercomfig and already tried running default tf2 and changing my modules.cfg a bit. I hope to soldier that this is not a hardware issue…

(12/27/2020) I moved the post here, since this is technically the wrong forum to post this in.

posted about 4 years ago
#7 Recommend me some stuff that increase FPS in Customization

You may need an FPS config. I recommend using mastercomfig, as that one is the most reliable in my experience.

I wish this forum site used markdown.

posted about 4 years ago
#1 On non-comp maps, what should be the callouts? in TF2 General Discussion

I prefer callouts for casual gameplay, but comp callouts are allowed too.

posted about 4 years ago
#1 Why is mat_reducefillrate causing precache errors? in Customization

When I refer to precache errors, the line below is what I mean:

Attemped to precache unknown particle system "<particle>"!

Context: So I've heard online that console errors tend to reduce fps. I have not fact checked this rumor of course, but I still wanted to get rid of them. For a while, I was trying fixes that ultimately were not working.

Then I learned that TF2 stores some graphics cvars in the Registry (Keys Computer\HKEY_USERS<id of some sort>\Software\Valve\Source\tf\Settings and Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Valve\Source\tf\Settings specifically), so I start setting each convar to 0 and running tr_walkway_rc2 to check whether the precache errors stopped. Eventually I set mat_reducefillrate to 0, and the precache errors stopped.

Currently I am looking through the source code leak of 2020 to figure out why that cvar would cause them.

posted about 4 years ago
#1 You can only use one script. What would it be? in TF2 General Discussion

By script, I mean something like a null movement or slot-based view model script.

posted about 4 years ago
#1 About the dispenser's dispense rate. in TF2 General Discussion

Apparently the dispenser is supposed to dispense more often when no one is around it. I found this out in the source code. (specifically lines 735-738 in tf_obj_dispenser.cpp) However when I test this out in game, it feels as though they dispense at the exact same rate. So I wonder if this actually even works.

Video "Evidence" (Listen out for the dispenser generate sounds. Also yes I realize this isn't enough evidence to make a verdict, but I don't have enough time tonight, so I may come back later and test this indepth.)

posted about 4 years ago
#1 New "button" setting type for custom settings. in Customization

While I was modifying my own custom settings, I came across the option for the steam chat filter in user_default.scr. I noticed that it had the "button" type, which to my knowledge hasn't been in the game before. At first glance, it's a button that shows the chat filter dialog. However I wanted to see if I can customize it, so I'm in the process of trying to figure this setting type. Here's what I found so far:

  • If the cvar is set to chat_filter_settings, and default to any value that isn't open_chat_filter_settings, the button never shows.
  • (Update 10/14/2020 9:52AM) If the default value is open_chat_filter_settings, it will open regardless of the cvar value.
  • If the cvar is not set to chat_filter_settings however, the button shows, but doesn't (seem to?) do anything.
posted about 4 years ago
#1 Waitless +attack delay. in Customization

So someone on r/tf2scripts found out that the script in that executes +jump and +duck at the same time, and +attack by 0.5(?) seconds. This needs a dive into the source code.

posted about 4 years ago
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