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Signed Up July 26, 2020
Last Posted February 26, 2024 at 8:36 PM
Posts 572 (0.4 per day)
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#29 DirectX 8.1 has changed my life in TF2 General Discussion
ampereAimIsADickHealingSentryHow did you manage to make a post worse than the people making fun of you...What do you mean?please never stop posting

I won't.

_flacIf DX 8.1 is so good, then where is DX 8.1v2?

In a revision.

posted about 3 years ago
#12 What do you use for OS Migration or HDD backup? in Hardware
MakemakeAimIsADickwall of textstop posting


bearodactylyea lemme just talk completely out of my ass and recommend others do things that i havent even done myself

It's completely possible and it's something that I'm going to do. Plus I already installed OSes (Ubuntu, Debian (only the minimal version, because live CD wouldn't fucking work), Linux Mint (my current primary OS), and Windows (the current secondary OS) in the past with flash drives and I know that you can store extras stuff in the OS installer drive; I just haven't done this as a backup solution yet.

posted about 3 years ago
#9 What do you use for OS Migration or HDD backup? in Hardware

For OS migration I just use Rufus with a 1 TB Drive so I can quickly install OSes quickly again after I partition the drive. Wait Is that what OS migration means? No? Oh. Well just use Clonezilla for OS migration like some people recommend.

Anyway for HDD backups I just put an OS installer in my HDD and then insert my important stuff in it afterwards. In general I'd rather waste some cash on some flash drives to make them install OSes and a few HDDs for my stuff (I have one HDD which I use for installing Windows, and I put my important stuff in there, but that's not much data protections to begin with), than rely on software (especially third party) to back up stuff for me.

The above is what I WANT to do, but haven't done yet.

posted about 3 years ago
#44 Autoexec not working. in Q/A Help
NL_Jonathonit work for me when i just put it in cfg instead of user

That's probably because you're using mastercomfig.

posted about 3 years ago
#2252 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
sAvenDo textures use vram?

Yes the GPU uses vram to display pixels from textures (aka texels).

sAvenWhat's the performance impact of high texture settings vs. low texture settings in tf2?

Texture settings define the resolution of textures in TF2. High texture settings will increase the resolution of textures, and low texture settings will decrease the textures' resolution. High res textures are going to take longer to render than low res textures due to the larger amount of pixels that need to be rendered.

TL;DR Yes there is a performance impact from texture settings.

posted about 3 years ago
#23 DirectX 8.1 has changed my life in TF2 General Discussion
bearodactylidk why yall downfragging this guy hes spittin facts^


posted about 3 years ago
#2248 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

The site redesign is pretty good. Only issue is that the download link to the development build gives a 404 error for me.

posted about 3 years ago
#15 DirectX 8.1 has changed my life in TF2 General Discussion
HealingSentryHow did you manage to make a post worse than the people making fun of you...

What do you mean?

posted about 3 years ago
#24 A TF2 crash that I haven't seen/heard before… in Q/A Help

Sry late reply.

mastercomsThat it segfaulted is pretty useless information, it technically narrows it down a bit, but you might as well anyway be saying it crashed.

Yeah you're right I eventually realized that sometime before you said so, since the segfault error appeared so commonly.

mastercomsSeeing stdout is not what a debugger is used for. You can do that in other ways.

I realize that now. I just thought that GDB was the only way to get stdout, since stdout wouldn't show on the (Windows) command line when I ran TF2 without start.

mastercomsWhat a debugger is actually used for is breaking into the code, viewing variables and the stack, and in some cases, rewind in the case of time travel debugging with something like rr or WinDbg. However, as was said before to you, since you do not have debug information, it will be very hard to debug the program without very good experience with programming and especially assembly.

I realize that already.

mastercomsAlso, I think in these cases, you will find Valgrind more helpful than simply using gdb.

How so? I just picked up valgrind and it feels confusing, but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it eventually.

posted about 3 years ago
#2246 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
scrambledyeah looking through this its clear to me that you need a new PC

Like as if finding the preferred linux distro is a pain in the enough, imagine not being able to get better hardware due to laziness.

posted about 3 years ago
#8 DirectX 8.1 has changed my life in TF2 General Discussion

DX 8.1 only gives increased frame rate because it renders less stuff. In reality DX 8.1 uses an older pipeline that's only efficient on older systems. DX 9 is better on modern systems.

Since frame pacing is a thing, frame rate ≠ performance; frame rate + frame time + stability = performance. (Yes I realize y'all are joking around.)

posted about 3 years ago
#2243 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
scrambledAimIsADickI played TF2 yesterday with the latest commit of mastercomfig from github, and I noticed some shadows were heavily pixelated. Is this normal for my modules.cfg?For starters what is your environment (settings, mods (including config), OS, and hardware) when you had this issue?

OS: Windows 10
Hardware: Intel Integrated CPU @ 2.2Ghz.

turbochad69it's probably the changes from 9.3.2. if you don't mind it, ignore it, if you do, set mat_filterlightmaps to 1 and clear mastercomfig's lightmaps_override alias to avoid needlessly toggling it

Oh. I really don't mind about the pixelated shadows that much, so I'll just leave the lightmaps alone. Well thank you for clarifying!

posted about 3 years ago
#2240 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

I played TF2 yesterday with the latest commit of mastercomfig from github, and I noticed some shadows were heavily pixelated. Is this normal for my modules.cfg?

posted about 3 years ago
#7 rahThread: The story behind your alias in Off Topic

nikko nikko neeee!

Anyway I got my nickname from my (still shitty) aim.

posted about 3 years ago
#54 Why are those browser benchmarks still used? in The Dumpster
dishsoapPlease do not attempt to use real life disabilities as an excuse for poor behavior. If you do have them then it's ok, but don't try to use them as a shield.

I'm not using them as a shield. I was just trying to explain that I'm not a troll.

posted about 3 years ago
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