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Signed Up July 26, 2020
Last Posted February 26, 2024 at 8:36 PM
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#19 AimIsADick Post Ideas in Off Topic
24Why do you all have to assume he has "autism" or whatever?

I mean it doesn't harm anyone to assume here. Best case you are better able to help the person, worst case (I turn out to be faking it, which makes no sense) no harm done.

24Why does it always have to come down to "Oh he's mentally unstable, that's why he does what he does"?

Some characteristics are the result of the disorders, but that doesn't necessarily mean all traits/faults/advantages can be placed on a disorder.

24Why not just ignore him if you don't want to see his comments? There's even a chrome extension that, with a little modification, will just remove posts that are authored by him.

Just fuckin ignore him, no reason to mock him, explain to him that he's wrong, just say "Ok!!" and move on.

Yeah it's not difficult at all; I do this with subreddits that I hate. uBlock Origin is the best extension for this, but any blocker extension that has customization can also work.

turbochad69AimIsaDick I know youre reading this, I have one word of advice: learn before you try to teach :)


posted about 3 years ago
#142 Cheating to hear spies is painfully easy. in TF2 General Discussion

no. (BIND)

posted about 3 years ago
#138 Cheating to hear spies is painfully easy. in TF2 General Discussion

Yeah I did not expect that. I should have clarified I was making a stupid joke, Oh well…

posted about 3 years ago
#12 i really hate playing bad in TF2 General Discussion

Only tip I can give is that: As summarized by someone. The importance of aim is overemphasized.

posted about 3 years ago
#136 Cheating to hear spies is painfully easy. in TF2 General Discussion

It seems you are talking about trust clients specifically. In these cases I would totally agree with you, but you stated anti-cheats in general, so I'm going to assume you didn't mean just mean a trust client.

twiikuuAimIsADickThen that's more the fault of bad anti-cheats, not really the fault of the open source philosophy.Here, you attribute value that you don't define to a hypothetical anti-cheat[ that does not exist]

What value? What hypothetical anti-cheat? I'm confused. Can you elaborate? /genuine

twiikuuTo my knowledge, there are no anti-cheat solutions that do not rely on security by obscurity,

Arguably artificially intelligent anticheat solutions (like VACNet) are really the only way (I know of) to have a working anticheat while being open source. However artificially intelligent programs are expensive to create, so open source isn't always a good idea.

twiikuuthere are also no open source games that manage (or even attempt) to combat cheaters via anti-cheat

I mean technically Source mods have external programs.

twiikuuYes, in this case, it is absolutely the fault of making a game open source that makes it impossible to defend using anti-cheat solutions

Valve open-sourced the Source SDK before the game leaks, so technically it wasn't making the game open source, but rather the engine.

Anyway yeah Valve should have somewhat foresaw this problem.…well unless if they did and the benefits outweighed the cons.

twiikuuIgnoring that you conflate cheaters and cheat makers

Yeah I used the wrong term. Sorry bout that.

twiikuu, here you fail to understand that providing users with the 4 freedoms [ascribed by the libre software movement] removes guarantees that anti-cheat solutions build upon:

These issues are primarily a problem for trust clients, which are merely types of anti-cheat solutions.

twiikuuwhen any player can run their own build of the game (as per freedom 1), a specific build *cannot* be established as authentic, and any anti-cheat therefore cannot compare against it to detect illegal behavior.

Yeah. So the anti-cheat solutions would have to be done purely server side. In that case artificially intelligent anti-cheats would be most optimal here (ignoring expenses).

twiikuuEven if we make the assumption that you did not mean to talk about the libre software movement, giving access to the source code enables a much wider toolset when developing cheats: running static analysis, building the game and debugging it, seeing commits over time. It is simply impossible to argue that the quality of cheats would not raise sharply with that.

"Just hide the anti-cheat part of the program and open-source the rest!" Is what I wish I could say, but then it wouldn't be fully F/OSS.

In these cases server-based anti-cheats would be optimal, but some game companies don't have the man power for extra servers. In that case it'd be better to have the community make an anti-cheat, assuming they are able to mod the game to the point of making a anti-cheat plugin. However that isn't always possible.

twiikuuIt's incredibly bizarre to try gatekeeping cheat making when you're clearly not in any position to talk about that at all

I didn't even try to gatekeep, and sure I don't have any expertise or experience in anti-cheats, but what credibility do you have anyway? I don't ever recall seeing you have actual expertise in anti-cheats.

twiikuuAimIsADickthese two philosophies are merely different exposures to the source code.You should read the Wikipedia article you linked earlier until you understand that "libre software is when i can read the source code" is not true.

Yes. That's why I stated F/OSS, not just Free/Libre. Come to think of it, I think I did word that argument wrong though…

twiikuu["I was merely pretending"]

Please stop posting misinformation! Thank you

I wasn't pretending at all. I just half-heartedly said a bad statement without much thought into it, so I am sorry for that.

and yes I will try not to post any further misinformation, but it's getting difficult to distinguish misinformation.

posted about 3 years ago
#133 Cheating to hear spies is painfully easy. in TF2 General Discussion

(Red herring) answer my arguments!

Also that was before I did proper research on porn. As it turns out a lot of studies on the effects of porn only target a specific demographic (heterosexual, male, female) and have low sample sizes (usually ≤300).

posted about 3 years ago
#37 What do you like and dislike about this community? in TF2 General Discussion
mustardoverlord[you see, this is weird to me because I a) totally understand why you'd use mouse accel in an arena-style shooter and ]b) have never personally seen people mocking it

You must have been really lucky them; I saw a lot of mouse accel haters.

mustardoverlordbut if that's the case then that's def dumb in a game like tf2


posted about 3 years ago
#130 Cheating to hear spies is painfully easy. in TF2 General Discussion
flatlinebc they arent fuckin weird about it

Define 'weird' in this case. What if mastercoms was 'weird' about her posts? What would your opinion be on them in that case?

flatlinesomeone pls ban this guy its the only way he'll learn

I'd just make another account anyway.

posted about 3 years ago
#6 what dxlevel do you use? in TF2 General Discussion

dxlevel 90; stable frame pacing and it works nicely for modern computers.

posted about 3 years ago
#127 Cheating to hear spies is painfully easy. in TF2 General Discussion
twiikuuAnti-cheat development is an uphill battle in any case, and providing access to the sources help cheat makers way more than it helps anyone else, the majority of anti-cheat solutions depend massively on security by obscurity

Then that's more the fault of bad anti-cheats, not really the fault of the open source philosophy.

Also open source only really enables amateur cheaters; most cheaters just use reverse engineered code, so unless if there's not that many dedicated cheaters, a game going open source is not really going to be the cause of more cheaters.

twiikuuYou're also generalizing the contrived example of TF2 where the developers gave up on the game[, us wanting access to the source is a truly desperate measure because the game is just not maintained, it does not apply to any other popular games]

Where did I ever do this? I never said anything about 'TF2 should go FOSS because we need updates!' I just merely said 'and that's why FOSS games are superior to closed-source, proprietary games' which was half-hearted; of course FOSS isn't superior, these two philosophies are merely different exposures to the source code.

flatlinei thought of gently telling you to leave because it's obvious you don't understand what this forum is for [and why people don't like your posts]

Well this forum is for competitive 6s. mastercoms has been a regular on here and she doesn't get any hate.

flatlinebut you're also kind of a dick go back to posting about porn addiction on reddit

To elaborate I made posts asking 'what is your opinion on porn?'.

sacyou guys are so mean against mentally ill people, while pretending to be toleran..

Yeah. Hypocrites! /genuine

posted about 3 years ago
#122 Cheating to hear spies is painfully easy. in TF2 General Discussion
stephAimIsADickJust another reason why F/OSS games are superior to closed-source proprietary games.TF2 isn't open source.

Yeah I know. I didn't ever claim that [in my post].

posted about 3 years ago
#31 I'm Cashing out to upgrade PC in TF2 General Discussion
RalloHi jakey it’s me from the village do u recognize me

Actually I don't. /sarcasm

posted about 3 years ago
#118 Cheating to hear spies is painfully easy. in TF2 General Discussion
twiikuuAimIsADickJust another reason why F/OSS games are superior to closed-source proprietary realize open source makes it easier to write cheats for, right?

Yes but it also makes patching cheats easier.

pajarostop posting forever nobody cares about what you say

Actually I care about my posts, so technically it isn't 'nobody'.

posted about 3 years ago
#9 What do you like and dislike about this community? in TF2 General Discussion

Like: Helpful and knowledgeable.

Dislike: Elitist, tribe mentality, and dumb hate on mouse accel.

posted about 3 years ago
#114 Cheating to hear spies is painfully easy. in TF2 General Discussion

Just another reason why F/OSS games are superior to closed-source proprietary games.

posted about 3 years ago
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