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Signed Up March 9, 2013
Last Posted June 8, 2023 at 12:31 AM
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1 ⋅⋅ 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ⋅⋅ 115
#23 tf_use_match_hud 1 in TF2 General Discussion
for people who dont wanna have to scrub through the VOD
give hud i want this

nubby be like: wait i can make my game look more cancer? sign me up

posted about 5 years ago
#12 PSA - Jordy's Steam Account Hijacked in TF2 General Discussion
BrockAir_Brockfor the record, Ive had a few phishers add me asking if I wanted to be on their team for some made up league, they send you the link to the site. I've seen a few variations, but that's normally how it goes.
wow awesome dude, its good we have that on the record now.

People are actually falling for that stuff man it isn’t funny, younger players don’t know what’s what, I keep bumping into 12 year olds on tf2 center who are learning 6s and shit because they like it instead of overwatch, or they don’t like the art style or they can’t run a GPU intensive game. I would like them to feel that they know what’s up. They look on this site, they read what we post. I’m tired of the negative crap that keeps new players away from another year of tf2.

ok, then tell the 12 year olds you spend so much time around that they shouldn't click links and put their passwords into websites.

posted about 5 years ago
#10 PSA - Jordy's Steam Account Hijacked in TF2 General Discussion
Brockfor the record, Ive had a few phishers add me asking if I wanted to be on their team for some made up league, they send you the link to the site. I've seen a few variations, but that's normally how it goes.

wow awesome dude, its good we have that on the record now.

posted about 5 years ago
#37 UGC Season 30 + Updates on recent events in TF2 General Discussion

the difference between soundscape removal and replacing the sound with a different sound completely is enormous, you can hear it from extremely far away much clearer than you can hear the default with soundscape removed

posted about 5 years ago
#4 RGL Season 2 Info and Fall 2019 Map Test Cup in TF2 General Discussion

because rgl has no affiliation with, esea seasons were not stickied when they were announced. there is 0 reason this should be stickied. there is no discussion on this thread in over 2 days, it does not contain important information to this forum.

posted about 5 years ago
#2 RGL Season 2 Info and Fall 2019 Map Test Cup in TF2 General Discussion

why is this stickied?

posted about 5 years ago
#12 shitpost containment thread in The Dumpster

hooli you fucking killed tf2 with sexism get off your high horse

posted about 5 years ago
#56 McDonald's in Off Topic
aieraAir_aieragrifflet me get a diet coke with my 2250 calorie meal please :)i love how people with no grasp of nutrition like to dunk on people for drinking diet soda when limiting carbs is the best way to make any diet healthier, obviously water is even better, but such is life.
nobody eating at mcdonalds is making a real effort to limit their carbs intake
i dont recall specifying that i was talking about mcdonalds, it's more of a general statement

its a mcdonalds thread

posted about 5 years ago
#54 McDonald's in Off Topic
aieragrifflet me get a diet coke with my 2250 calorie meal please :)i love how people with no grasp of nutrition like to dunk on people for drinking diet soda when limiting carbs is the best way to make any diet healthier, obviously water is even better, but such is life.

nobody eating at mcdonalds is making a real effort to limit their carbs intake

posted about 5 years ago
#10 More major updates from Valve to come soon in TF2 General Discussion
dMenaceout of the loop, what is the det bug

you don't need to watch this whole video to get the idea

posted about 5 years ago
#3 ams quits in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 5 years ago
#64 dexit (Pokémon) in Other Games
also if any MFs play ubers necrozma is even more fucked than he was last gen. Last gen he was insane because he could be so many sets that were all really threatening and if you guess wrong you lose. his most threatening set was double dance (SD+rock polish) but that limited his coverage options so he could get walled by skarm. now he gets fucking DRAGON DANCE so he can boost his speed and attack with 1 moveslot and this mf is going to be nasty

LMAO why give that thing dragon dance

posted about 5 years ago
#14 The Pugchamp Adventurer - An interactive story in Off Topic
toemas_"Eemes fucking dies."

Please produce at least 4-5 mobile lines per roleplay response.

Thank you.

posted about 5 years ago
#17 Why crossbow is bad for TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

make a subforum for crossbow posts

posted about 5 years ago
#6 Why crossbow is bad for TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
phoroforit significantly increases medic skill. people only stand still for arrows because bad medics can't hit players who are moving. i can tell u if u can arrow ur teammates without them calling for one, it doesn't slow the game down at all.

it slows the game down because it makes it so you can't push off damage.... not because people stand still for arrows

posted about 5 years ago
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