Account Details
SteamID64 76561198032075487
SteamID3 [U:1:71809759]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:35904879
Country Israel
Signed Up March 2, 2014
Last Posted March 23, 2015 at 3:02 PM
Posts 49 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.25
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Razer DeathAdder 2013
Keyboard Razer DeathStalker Essential
Mousepad Razer Goliathus Extanded
Headphones Razer Kraken Pro
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#70 Transparent Viewmodels in any HUD in Customization
SparksLCI have a problem, it doesnt work.. the viewmodels. i put the txt in the hudlayout.res, i put the 2 files in the thumbnail, i dont know what is wrong!!!

Did you put the needed commands in the autoexec?

mat_motion_blur_enabled 1 //afaik the only sure-fire way to keep refract masking on
mat_motion_blur_strength 0 //effectively disables motion blur, personal choice + motion blur gets masked and looks bad with refract masking
mat_disable_bloom 1 //disables bloom so refract masking doesn't create a dark rectangle over light materials
mat_hdr_level 0
mat_colcorrection_disableentities 1
mat_colorcorrection 0

posted about 9 years ago
#2 ETF2L Premiership Week 7: Awsomniac vs. SUAVE in Events


posted about 9 years ago
#552 flatHUD in Customization

Resolution issue, i think. Just install the Default Loadout Layout from the customization folder.

posted about 9 years ago
#193 Prism HUD & Clean TF2 in Customization
ILLEGALELEPHANTGUNDunno if someone already asked this, but is there a way to get just the transparent viewmodel? Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought someone had introduced the idea way back when, and it was concluded that it was illegal? Something about conflicting with sv_pure options.

About the illegal thing, that was the scope removal. it's illegal in ETF2L, Not sure about other leagues.

posted about 10 years ago
#3 [Help] Garm3n HUD RS Version in Customization

posted about 10 years ago
#21 I Want to start playng Competitive match in TF2? in TF2 General Discussion

Good Luck!

posted about 10 years ago
#3 I Want to start playng Competitive match in TF2? in TF2 General Discussion

Hey there! Glad to see someone new trying to get into the competitive scene.

The link above that chrono provided will help you get started in terms of what you need to use/get to start playing competitive, aswell as some good guides about how competitive matches works.

About ETF2L, The Skill levels are Prem>High>Mid>Open. Since you don't have any competitive experience, you should start in Open level. Just try to write a bit about yourself in the recruitment post you're making, and try to play some lobbies (aka competitive matches) here: to see how things work.


posted about 10 years ago
#900 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
MubbyHey! I'm trying to update a hud ( and I'm having a little problem...
Every item is named "%itemname%" if anyone has any solution/fix that would be good,



I've had the same problem awhile ago with another hud, the solution below should fix it.

Soup8I figured this out a while ago but the fix is to go to resource\ui\ and delete econ folder or if you have some special econ files that you don't want to delete then specifically delete the itemmodelpanel.res inside the econ folder
posted about 10 years ago
#2 Steam Overlay not working in some games in Q/A Help

Try to close everything except steam. Make sure in the game's properties that overlay is enabled

posted about 10 years ago
#3 ETF2L Premiership Week 1: L'Avant Garde de Plouvorn vs. Lethal Weapon in Events

Forsak3n to offclass sniper full-time<3

posted about 10 years ago
#2 HUD Crosshair in Customization

I'm quite sure it's impossible to set a HUD Crosshair to specific classes/loadouts, Unless the crosshair is through hud achievement tracker or however it's called.

posted about 10 years ago
#42 How, Kaidus? in Videos
RagorThis is easily the most insane display of skill I have ever seen. Oh my fucking god.

Kaidus in a nutshell

posted about 10 years ago
#51 Single Player games in Other Games

Bioshock (1, Infinite)


Tomb Raider

Half Life

Batman (Arkham asylum and arkham city)

The Witcher

Mafia 2

Fallout 3 and New Vegas

Skyrim, Oblivion (Morrowind too if you're into the storyline)

posted about 10 years ago
#813 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
WisdomTreeI was wondering if anyone knew where the Scoreboard stat's (%damage%, support%, %backstabs% etc... , in tf\custom\CustomHud\resource\ui, ) are located. Thanks

Should be in scoreboard.res, just ctrl+f inside the .res file and you'll find it.

posted about 10 years ago
#23 zhud in Customization
galacticso everything is the wrong font for some reason? downloaded from github, and the only change i made was changing the crosshair

really can't wait to use the proper hud, looks amazing

Make sure you installed the fonts, then check again if the problem still exists.

Also, wanted to show this:

killstreak and demo sticky count are kinda.. yeah. it doesn't bother me too much since i barely play demo nowdays, but i just thought i'd let you know.
and, I was wondering if you could possibly add a medic charge meter.

other than that, everything seem fine. Keep up the good work!

posted about 10 years ago
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