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Signed Up October 13, 2012
Last Posted February 16, 2025 at 10:50 AM
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1 ⋅⋅ 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 ⋅⋅ 49
#54 - free server reservations in Projects

Logjam cup caused all 78 EU servers to be in use yesterday evening. If you had to play on a Russian server without being Russian, sorry. If you played on FakkelBrigade servers #1-8, sorry, a maintenance task on the box nearly took down the machine, so those servers were pretty laggy all evening. Fixed now.

posted about 10 years ago
#20 TEZC Competition #2 - Shirt Design in TF2 General Discussion
futurecan I submit a graphic of seagul attacking Coleman

What are you waiting for?

posted about 10 years ago
#3 i52 LanCam: POV Stream of Insomnia 52 Footage in Videos
ShintazTo extend the good memories had at i52, I will be streaming a re-broadcast of mine and Coleman's (slightly) drunk cast of the iM vs. mix^ game in the lower bracket semi-finals.

I remember that....barely

posted about 10 years ago
#53 - free server reservations in Projects
  • All: TF2 update broke all plugins, disabled all plugins on all serveme servers in the world so we can at least play. Fixed!
posted about 10 years ago
#323 i52: Knockout Stage in Events

Best cast of the LAN, Shintaz and Coleman doing the iM vs Mix^ game.


OsirisThank you Arie. I hadn't realised some of the ones missing from YouTube were available on there for download; I should've checked before asking, my bad.

I hadn't uploaded/cut the vods before you asked ;)

posted about 10 years ago
#320 i52: Knockout Stage in Events
OsirisIs Immunity vs Froyotech on cp_snakewater from the group stages available in unmuted form? It was casted on TFTV2 by Ryushi and CommanderX, as per the VOD here at 1:08:00(the score says 3-0 at that time but it is temporarily incorrect, it did actually start from the first mid fight). Thank you in advance.

Here ya go:

posted about 10 years ago
#317 i52: Knockout Stage in Events

Pheeeeeeeew, that was a lot of work!

All VODs we have are now on Youtube, you can watch all of them from this playlist.

If you'd rather watch them in 60FPS or download them, you can do that from:
All the local recordings we could recover are on that site.

posted about 10 years ago
#17 i52 Stream Postmortem and GXL in TF2 General Discussion
joejoe347I thought the player cams were cool, but it was weird when the epsilon cam was only WAR. I realize it was probably a space issue, but still something to work on.

Matter of angles and people available to man the camera's. Knoxxx was obscured by a huge PC case for example for our camera angle.

SerotoneGet proper audio on all the cameras, especially the crowd cam. I thought the setup you had there deserved a dedicated audio person. Also maybe have some sort of presenter with a microphone being followed by a camera walking around the venue, talking about stuff and doing quick interviews with players. Would keep things more interesting between games / maps than the static cameras.

We didn't have a dedicated audio person, nor the gear the support such a person, unfortunately. We're just some guys bringing a ton of consumer equipment to try and mimic a professional broadcast. We don't have a mile of SDI cables and gear.

ArxIn game camera man should use some third person. TF2 has appeal for not just the aim of a player, but team's positioning and third person can show this incredibly well.


D_goesprobablyhugeId like to see more interaction with the crowd. For example short interviews with viewers and their experience of the game after it ended. Also it wouldve been nice to show the whole event hall a few times or a portable live cam (+cameraman) that is able to catch more emotions and the social side of TF2. (obviously with an implemented delay synced to the stream ones)

We considered doing a roaming camera with a laptop, USB3 capture 'card' and SLR with proper HDMI out. Had to scrap it due to lack of reliable WiFi, but it's definitely something that can be done.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 i52 Stream Postmortem and GXL in TF2 General Discussion

Our i52 sound setup sucked, should have had a proper mixer and the skills to use it ;)

This caused all the differences between sound levels at the stage and on stream, sorry about everyones ears at home.

posted about 10 years ago
#162 Insomnia 52: Group Stage in Events

Twitch VODs are slow/muted, Youtube is 30FPS, so here are the cut local recordings for the group stage:

posted about 10 years ago
#48 i52 Photos and Video in TF2 General Discussion
ScissorsWhere are the others? Ofcourse I had to stand behind the guy who was sitting on his friend's shoulders :D

Here ya go:

posted about 10 years ago
#18 i52 STV demo's in TF2 General Discussion

Also: The link on first post only says "Soon" on the page atm. Was working an hour ago, but it seems intentional and not a bug.

Never underestimate my incompetence, that wasn't intentional ;)

posted about 10 years ago
#161 Insomnia 52: Group Stage in Events

VODs for the group stage from the primary stream are on the youtubes.

posted about 10 years ago
#180 i52 best players in TF2 General Discussion
AdmirableColeman told me he was planning to burn the American flag on entry to GXL as a statement of intent.

Good thing it's a free country.

posted about 10 years ago
#40 i52 Photos and Video in TF2 General Discussion

Community photo:

posted about 10 years ago
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