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Signed Up October 13, 2012
Last Posted February 16, 2025 at 10:50 AM
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#184 Announcing Sixes - Season 1 in TF2 General Discussion

I'm a little late to the party, so first of all, good luck Sigafoo with this first season of real competitive TF2 at RGL (lolhl). You've shown your dedication and tenacity in your previous leagues, so I'm confident you have the skills to make this 6v6 league a success.
I am still hoping for some competition though ;)

Like others before me in this thread, I was hoping to change your/RGLs mind about two things planned for this first season:

The whitelist:
Using the global whitelist instead of a modified ESEA one would be great. You could still modify it mid-season if stuff seems broken, exactly like it's mentioned in the current rules for the ESEA whitelist. Basically a RGL-version of the global whitelist, but only if it's needed. No bureaucracy required.

External casters
I get the technical concerns about allowing more people on STV, but simply attaching an STV relay yourself (a good idea anyway) or requiring 3rd party casters to bring their own relay solves this.

That just leaves the exposure for the sponsor and the stream viewer numbers. I think more streams get more people to watch a game, not less, so just request 3rd party streams to use your sponsor's assets when casting RGL games. Seems fair to me. I'm willing to provide STV relays to any caster that needs them.

To anyone unhappy with RGL or Sigafoo and thinking it's unfixable, please support those working on alternatives and actually try to help them, because it's going to take the amount of effort Sigafoo puts into RGL to deliver a better product and he's already done this before.

posted about 5 years ago
#11 black mirror s5 in Music, Movies, TV
gbjwikipedia says theres 19 eps, i dont think theyre releasing them all at once

It's just 3 episodes, unfortunately. There were 19 total episodes of black mirror when S4 finished.If you include Bandersnatch, there are now 23 episodes total.

Loved Smithereens, the other two were pretty good too. Surprise Nine Inch Nails was nice :)

posted about 5 years ago
#35's incredible review of tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 5 years ago
#111 - free server reservations in Projects
_KermitJust had a server that shut down the instant a map ended, logs or stv aren't available, and the server doesn't show up as a reservation I've played in. Is there a way either of them will be available at all?

Sorry about that, I see you were playing on a cloud server in the UK. These currently can't be used for two consecutive matches due to a misconfiguration (servers get killed x minutes after the first match has concluded), that's going to be changed this week, but that's why the server suddenly shut down during the 2nd map.

Logs and demos for these cloud matches get uploaded to and respectively, you can find the logs and demos of the first map there, but the server got killed before the logs and demos of the second map got uploaded. These can't be recovered unfortunately.

posted about 5 years ago
#4 Server hosting help (eu) in TF2 General Discussion

5Mbit up for 6s, 8-10Mbit up for HL. If you want to be on the safe side, 100Kbyte/sec down and 100Kbyte/sec up for each player.

posted about 5 years ago
#2 Server hosting help (eu) in TF2 General Discussion

Donate to serveme!

If you want to host it yourself and aren't afraid of Linux, a single core VPS with 2GB of RAM should be enough, you might just squeeze by with 1GB RAM. A recent gen CPU with 2+Ghz will work nicely for 12 player matches.

A $10 DigitalOcean droplet will do for example, OVH and Hetzner have some decent options as well.

Not sure what kind of image you linked, I don't see how you could run 5 instances of TF2 or any other game in 1GB of RAM so it makes little sense to me.

If you just want to rent a TF2 server in EU, I'd say Hiperz.

posted about 5 years ago
#33 ETF2L and the Fresh Meat Challenge #2 in TF2 General Discussion

Hey ETF2L, perhaps you didn't notice, but one of your league admins is still part of a team that spells out racials slurs with their nicknames for the lulz.

posted about 5 years ago
#255 Game of Thrones S8 in Off Topic
SnackSo am I good if I just watch till the end of S4? Or does the way S4 ends demand that I continue watching to find out what happens next? There are some series I've watched where you can sorta stop at an episode which isn't the last and still be fairly satisfied (ex: Breaking Bad S4 finale, or S05E14)

Just watch it all, it's worth it. It's not "Lost".

posted about 5 years ago
#2 Connectivity Issues with Tragicservers in Q/A Help

Run net_graph 5 until it happens and record a video or get some screenshots.

posted about 5 years ago
#14 Advice to a newcomer to LAN? in LAN Discussion

Make sure the spectator ticket gives access to the BYOC part.

posted about 5 years ago
#51 Formula 1 Megathread in Off Topic

F1TV is such trash :/

posted about 5 years ago
#2 Copenhagen Rental Problems in LAN Discussion

Check temps with HWInfo64

posted about 5 years ago
#2 I have super high ping on valve servers HELP! in Q/A Help

Looks like more than just high ping.

Record some footage with net_graph 5 and run a trace with WinMTR or pingplotter to the IP of the Valve server.

posted about 5 years ago
#9 Attack in Utrecht, The Netherlands in World Events
sheepy_dogs_hand...especially towards the incompetent Dutch government that can't even catch him and seem to have known about this (and many others) yet continue to do little.

They caught the dumb criminal right as you were posting this drivel.

posted about 5 years ago
#2 High Ping to Servers in Q/A Help

Run a trace with WinMTR to a jump server and a server where you have high ping and share the results here.

posted about 5 years ago
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