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Signed Up August 8, 2014
Last Posted March 4, 2015 at 9:15 AM
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#32 takyahud in Customization
snuffleupagusanyone know how to make the overheal/low heath solid colors, not transparent?Avengerfind this 2 values in the HudAnimations: HealthBarBuff, HealthBarBuff2.
Then search every *.res file using those colors and change them.

I imagine that is the some solution but just adjust the alpha (4th, last value to 255)

posted about 9 years ago
#6 Trail with viewmodel turned off? in Customization

I don´t know the console commands but you can use the broesels switcher (100% recommended) which includes what you want. Specially useful for meds and heavys.


posted about 9 years ago
#30 takyahud in Customization

Hi, great hud, very clear and efficient.

How can I change the buff backgroung (own, target, 2nd target, specs, etc) from blue to green?

edit: Done. I find this 2 values in the HudAnimations: HealthBarBuff, HealthBarBuff2.
Then search every *.res file using those colors and change them.

posted about 10 years ago
#197 StatusSpec in Projects

Really? wow, ok. I don´t know that one.
When statusspec is enabled all my hud, including the start screen, is altered.

I will try to find what`s the problem, thanks.

edit: Ok, I find the problem.
I had in the /resource and /scripts folders remains of old huds (maybe causing trouble to the steam pipe transition).
Somehow when StatusSpec loads, tf2 ignore the custom (and default) hud and load parts of the old ones.
I deleted resource and scripts folders, file check, auto download and magic!

Now I can review my demos like a Pro and hope to stop dropping my ubers.
Thanks for this great tool.

posted about 10 years ago
#195 StatusSpec in Projects
thesupremecommanderWhat's broken? I don't see anything wrong there.

The player health numbers and target info are supposed to display that way?

Is there any why to override the statusspec HUD?
That`s not the default hud and if I use a custom one it doesn`t seems to affect anything (while statusspec is enabled).

posted about 10 years ago
#193 StatusSpec in Projects

Any idea why StatusSpec breaks my HUD?
Also happens with the default HUD.


posted about 10 years ago
#157 Spec Tools in Projects

Yes, but StatusSpec mess my HUD completely and I prefer the spec tools team health.

I tried using spec tools and only enabling the outline players module from statusspec but some HUDs elements just dont fit.

posted about 10 years ago
#155 Spec Tools in Projects

Thanks for this great tools.

Is there any way to have players outline?

posted about 10 years ago
#131 medHUD in Customization

Ok! no problem.
I start using the % meter in the crosshair without problems.

Thanks for your efforts, really good hud.

The only change a made, apart from the colors (to pure green and red for buff/hurt), is to move my health to the left. The 3 values (health, target, healing) in the middle is a bit confusing (for me).

posted about 10 years ago
#127 medHUD in Customization

The uber charge meter at the bottom of the screen, in 1280x800, is not centered, it gets off the screen to the right.

posted about 10 years ago