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Signed Up April 22, 2015
Last Posted February 24, 2016 at 8:05 PM
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#19 4v4 Tournament Hosted by Rai eSports and servemetf in TF2 General Discussion
tetrominoQueyhthat's because no one takes 4s seriously
10:12 PM - crab_f ringme?: what's up?
10:12 PM - Bay: hey, I added you because you guys played lego in 4's
10:12 PM - crab_f ringme?: mhm
10:12 PM - Bay: was wondering if you noticed any attitude problems
10:12 PM - crab_f ringme?: from?
10:13 PM - Bay: any of them
10:13 PM - crab_f ringme?: not really, no
10:13 PM - Bay: tetro, sigh and air are who I had problems with
10:13 PM - crab_f ringme?: they were really chill
10:13 PM - crab_f ringme?: with us
10:13 PM - Bay: that's so strange
10:13 PM - Bay: I'm thinking about reporting for sportsmanship for how bad they were

immature children smh

posted about 9 years ago
#11 4v4 Tournament Hosted by Rai eSports and servemetf in TF2 General Discussion
Getawhaletbh I'll start caring about 4v4 when all teams stop running Medic-Scout-Soldier-Demo and start being creative, outside the box, and the meta game stops relying so much on medics. why would anyone want to watch 6v6 minus two when they can just watch sixes. hey even better, ban medic altogether and see how team play style changes. we have no format in the game without medics right now, except for 1v1 MGE.

my personal opinion.

The top few teams in ugc are not running the meta classes, mine included. ie. barycenter sniping and TMP flamer. Also, banning medics would turn what is a ~80-90% dm based format into a 100% dm based format.

posted about 9 years ago
#38 Iron Pugs 2015 Winter Tournament in TF2 General Discussion

my team was winning and I got banned before day 2

posted about 9 years ago
#7 [Scout] Zoomoo LFT Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

can't speak for his skill having not played with him, but he's friendly and dedicated.

posted about 9 years ago
#12 LFT open in Recruitment (looking for team)

asked me to call him bad too. you're bad dex

posted about 9 years ago
#23 UGC Steel 6v6 Finals in TF2 General Discussion
omnificFor those who are wondering, I'll give a basic rundown of the game. Papi, the roamer, and Blaze, the medic (and leader) weren't there. This resulted in players from the sub roster playing. They lost 4-0 on Snakewater, they won in overtime (golden cap round) on Process, and then they lost 2-3 on viaduct with about 1:00 left on their own timer. I think they lost because of one of the subs in particular preformed quite badly.

Here are the logs snakewater process viaduct

Wouldn't be so sure. Our pocket couldn't come in until viaduct and our roamer was on a crappy laptop. The reason dan squad had any chance to begin with was because they lied about not using rain and then their scouts started playing together after snakewater.

posted about 9 years ago
#19 UGC Steel 6v6 Finals in TF2 General Discussion

ayy look at my superior heals

posted about 9 years ago
#5 UGC Steel 6v6 Finals in TF2 General Discussion

plz I'm not a sandbagger, I just play with them

posted about 9 years ago