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Signed Up July 12, 2014
Last Posted January 24, 2015 at 5:02 AM
Posts 3 (0 per day)
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Headphones HyperX Cloud 2
Monitor VG248QE
#224 in Projects
CHERRYDon't want to risk disappointing you Slin. It's very close, but I'd rather just post when it's finished or at least ready .

Hey, in one of your earlier posts, I mean around 7 months ago, you mentioned something about getting help from people? I know a bit of HTML/CSS and JavaScript, better at HTML/CSS, but working at JavaScript. If there is any way I can help I would love to contribute!

posted about 10 years ago
#48 What if Instead of Star_ as being famous in Off Topic

Erhmagheerd, how could you hate star_? I didn't even know there was competitive TF2 until 3 months ago and I have been watching star for over 2 years now. From what I see, the only reason people on YouTube use to hate on him is the lack of videos. That doesn't matter, because each video he uploads is a quality video (From a funny youtube standpoint). If you want to see a different star_ than today, watch his older videos. I am glad he didn't stay like that and now his videos are extremely entertaining and worth the wait. If you want to see star_ play competitive, watch some old esea demos or just search up 'budsquad' on youtube and watch videos posted by people on that team (tagg, seanbud, etc. (Watch their cards against humanity video tagg uploaded, it doesn't have star_, but it is hilarious)). I think a lot of his viewers didn't know what competitive was until he uploaded some budsquad vids. Yes, he had talked about it in some older videos, but he didn't touch on it for a while. Great youtuber, great tf2er, awesome dude. Dont hate.

posted about 10 years ago
#47 What if Instead of Star_ as being famous in Off Topic
cyzerI am barely reading half of this but STAR is the greatest human being ever (besides me) who has done tons more for the community than nearly all competitive players (with the exceptions of Lange, enigma, Sal etc.) and the funnier thing is all of his fame has nothing to do with any of us.. I joined budsquad having zero idea of who he was (didn't even know he had a youtube channel) and coming out of it realizing why he was as famous as he was, it's well deserved.

If it sounds like I have his dick in my mouth it's because I do, it tastes delicious and very much like brown sugar.

Anyway about b4nny being as famous I don't think he even wants to be.. he puts minimal effort in his perception and on streaming so I doubt we'll ever see it. ruwin was the only highest level competitive player to really stream and it unfortunately put his character faults for the whole world to see and ridicule, you really need to be a personality and have a wildly thick skin as a competitive player comparative to say an internet personality. It can happen though.. fatal1ty as an example.

What would the world be like? Probably like South Korea and SC... but much smaller


Brown town

posted about 10 years ago