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Signed Up May 9, 2018
Last Posted April 17, 2019 at 5:13 PM
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#8 Beersy LFT Low Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Bump, still LFT

posted about 5 years ago
#6 Beersy LFT Low Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Still LFT

posted about 5 years ago
#4 Beersy LFT Low Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Bump, still LFT

posted about 5 years ago
#3 Beersy LFT Low Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Bump. Im still looking

posted about 5 years ago
#1 Beersy LFT Low Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Looking for a team for the upcoming season. I'm willing to play/learn anything besides medic. My preference in order would be Roamer > Pocket > Demo > Scout. My experience is listed below:


S25 - Roamer - Steel - Team Nectar
S26 - Roamer - Steel - Team Nectar

S30 - Roamer - Open - Rex and His Raptors

Prolander One-Day Tournament 2018 - 1st place.

My current availability is pretty much every night. I currently have class 2:30-6:30 EST (All times are in EST) and i only typically work till 9 EST on weekends. I sometimes work till close or 11, but otherwise I can make anything at 9:30 if need be.

PS: I'm aware of the Newbie Mix drives existence, just LFT before it starts so I can start looking early, so please don't comment about it. Thank you.

Steam Profie >
Discord > Beersy#2334

posted about 5 years ago
#1 Beersy LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

LFT Open for an upcoming season. All my Exp is on roamer but interested/willing to learn and play demo. Exp is on profile:

Feel free to add me on steam or contact me on discord: Beersy#2334

I only work weekends (Sat/Sun) right now as im in college, typically out and back to my dorm before or at 9:30 EST, sometimes later though. March 15th-March 25th im on break so im basically 100% open.

posted about 5 years ago
#118 ESEA Open S30 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

>When everyone shits on UGC, RGL and TFCL
>ESEA not working week 1
> O k a y

posted about 6 years ago
#6 LFT 6's Roamer, Low Open/High Steel in Recruitment (looking for team)
boxcarBeersy I feel like your mocking me, but I wasn't implying I was super experienced, but i'm still far from newbie drive.yeah but you have 2 seasons of UGC steel which is the lowest level of tf2 6s and the rest of your time in the game is on spy, so joining the drive and getting an almost guaranteed spot on a team and getting a mentor provided to you, plus the added bonus of getting your fees paid is almost stupid to pass up on

Your not wrong, but I've played for a few open teams just never finished a season due to disbandments (and 1 of me leaving the team) plus newbie is usually made up of players brand new to comp, from my short experience (Which was a horrible one) on a friend's team. I'm not looking to work with people learning basic 6v6 strategy and holding positions. Thanks for your input but I would rather avoid newbie drive. If that makes me stupid, so be it. Ill look into it buts it unlikely ill join a team with brand new players.

posted about 6 years ago
#3 LFP S30 open in Recruitment (looking for players)

I might be interested unless this POV fellow is as toxic as everyone says.

posted about 6 years ago
#4 LFT 6's Roamer, Low Open/High Steel in Recruitment (looking for team)
pyxelizeyeah, zanda. if you had cared to take a look at all this guy's experience you would know he's a tf2 veteran.
Show Content
"Competitive Experience:

S16 - Scout Sub - Iron - Eskimos With Guns
S17 - Spy - Iron - Team Stratz
S18 - Spy - Steel - Some Random Strangers
S19 - Spy - Steel - Pringle Party
S20 - Scout Sub/Heavy - Steel - Ubi Concordia, Ibi Victoria UGC
S21 - Spy - Steel - Kritizen Kane
S22 - Spy - Steel - COMMS
S23 - Spy - Silver - Kritizen Kane


S25 - Roamer - Steel - Team Nectar
S26 - Roamer - Steel - Team Nectar

Prolander One-Day Tournament 2018 - 1st place."

I feel like your mocking me, but I wasn't implying I was super experienced, but i'm still far from newbie drive.

posted about 6 years ago
#3 LFT 6's Roamer, Low Open/High Steel in Recruitment (looking for team)
zandaIf you're still relatively new to 6s you should check out the newbie mix drive! it's a great place to start

Thanks but im not new xD

posted about 6 years ago
#1 LFT 6's Roamer, Low Open/High Steel in Recruitment (looking for team)

Hi! Im LFT 6's, Exp is listed below on my profile:

Feel free to add me on steam or contact me on discord: Beersy#2334

Im working some nights over Christmas break but when college is in session I only work weekends until 9pm.


posted about 6 years ago
#58 Can someone explain the benefits of playing ESEA? in TF2 General Discussion

I had work and matches, so the missing scrims and matches point is moot, so try again my dude. I was not toxic and bitchy all the time, in fact the only time I was toxic was when we lost a 5v6 and you all started laughing about it. I occasionally got angry, but never at you or any of the teammates. You think I need to grow up, considering the fact that you kick and blocked me when I said "Hey, ill stay until you find a replacement", I'm sorry I expected you to do your job as TL. Also, on top of my two jobs, and I was training for one BTW, so don't act like I skipped out on scrims and matches cuz I didn't feel like playing or something, because I had a paying job to do instead of paying to play a game. Don't tell me to grow up when I didn't abandon you, you essentially forced me too by kicking me from everything minutes after I said I was leaving, and don't tell me to act like an adult when you come in here trying to start drama for no reason, and even after you said you wanted to talk ignored me when I tried to reach out to you (I would have come back with an apology, btw). Your over-reaction is ridiculous, you hold grudges and literally all your teammates (And your brother, btw), can confirm that, so maybe ask all of your 5 original teammates, who added me back after and still wanted to be my friend, even your medic (Unless she left/changed teams etc) after you played a match against me taunting every time you killed me, apologizing for BM'ing. Im glad to hear everyone else is improving, and thank you for the actual lack of advice and just drama.

Yeah, I need to grow up, have a nice day Treatz. I won't be responding to either of you anymore so go pound sand.

posted about 6 years ago
#54 Can someone explain the benefits of playing ESEA? in TF2 General Discussion

Thank you for everyone for all your feedback!

Special thanks to to Brimstone, Marxist, Antimoon and Apt for actually providing some kind of advice or feedback, instead of people who just threw salt at me, completely missing the point of my post.

A special thanks to slicerouge, who, even though I didn't mention names, had to be misinformed or skew the information in his post, and try and make me look bad. Best of luck to you in IM!

Thanks again everyone, but I think ill stick in UGC until im better for ESEA, thank you for the feedback. Some of your points were good enough to get me thinking, but I think at the end of the day im just too new at 6's to bother with ESEA at this point in my "TF2 career" (Could not think of a better term so sorry for that cringe).

posted about 6 years ago
#39 Can someone explain the benefits of playing ESEA? in TF2 General Discussion
smitty_BeersyI can (And did) do that in UGC, I also adressed this as "whats the point in playing ESEA if you arent already good". I have improved more in the past 2 seasons of UGC 6's than I have in ESEA because half my matches get ffw or cancelled. Please dont assume that just cuz I play a different leauge that I dont try to improve.
If you want to improve, you will get back on the grind, and try to play against the best players you can. If you did decent in silver 6s, most the people you are playing against aren't actually that much better than you.

Im not sure where you picked up that I played silver 6's, I have not.

posted about 6 years ago
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