Fixed :)
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SteamID64 | 76561198084890757 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:124625029] |
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Country | United Kingdom |
Signed Up | June 5, 2016 |
Last Posted | January 14, 2025 at 7:57 AM |
Posts | 18 (0 per day) |
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ETF2L will be having a fresh meat cup middle of next year, probably worth trying to find a team for that. It's a 6s cup that lasts a bit over a month and it's aimed at getting new people into 6s.
Other than that the new player experience in EU is kinda rough. Best bet is to watch some educational youtube content on TF2 comp and pick a class to learn, then play a bunch of TF2Center lobbies on that class and use the ETF2L website to find an Open team. Next main ETF2L season is a few weeks away.
This lineup is hype af. So excited
Demoknight TF2...
A: ***1/2, Pepis Pizza Party
B: The Dogs, Duplo
LotusberryI'm gonna need to see that soil texture chart cause idk wtf that is.
How come the corner with the highest %powerlifter is also the lowest %athlete? Surely a powerlifter with a gut is still more athletic than a 100% roleplayer. Or maybe it's mainly sports athleticism vs lifting in general.
On soil texture charts the %s have to add up to 100 still. So if someone is very high %powerlifter, they have to be low % in both other categories.
I will recommend The Talos Principle (1 and 2) to anyone and everyone. Great puzzle games
Today's daily game had a pic where someone was holding a sign saying the year, and a shop where the sign says the village and state.
Other than that though was fun, will play again
Garda could have been eliminated on 23 points if there was a 3 way tie between them, TLR and SKEDDA, since their SB tiebreaker score was the worst of the three. That's why for Garda to go out, SKEDDA would have had to win 5-1 exactly (because as you say, Garda win the h2h tiebreaker in the event of a 2 way tie vs TLR because of week 1). But regardless this doesn't matter anymore since Garda got the 1 point they needed to qualify last night.
The WDLID vs GLOBAL YETI game barely matters to be honest, except in a couple of niche scenarios where it changes other teams' tiebreaker scores enough to alter who makes playoffs.
Entropy 2nd
I had never written anything before the couple of articles that I got involved with, and it was good fun, so I'd recommend it to anyone keen to get involved. Definitely agree though that more written content would be nice, as it really helps to build interest and storylines, but I don't know how big the demand for it is nowadays. A resurgence would be great though!
wrap assassin
Great event, loved every minute, and got to meet so many great new faces
Special shoutout to Beater and Not Steven for some banger suggestions for what the last 2 letters of my name could stand for