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Signed Up June 5, 2016
Last Posted March 24, 2025 at 4:15 PM
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#38 Gamestate tier list in TF2 General Discussion
Maksniper is only truly despicable on product to me. too hard to keep track of a guy that can peek japan, china, cliff and below china with really quick rotations all while wrestling point control off 5 other people playing koth normally. If japan/china/cliff were nerfed in effectiveness or 1 or 2 of them removed entirely it might be more fair and still viable.

Tbf, there is a version of product called noduct that has a load of the sightlines nerfed to make sniper weaker, would be interesting to see if the idea works and if the sightline nerfs have meaningful impact when snipers aren't in play.

posted 4 days ago
#3 Why no Newcomer div in ETF2L? in TF2 General Discussion

New HL season literally has a newcomer div (called "Fresh"). I agree though that some newbie pug groups would be great for onboarding new players, since currently it doesn't really exist. I spent much of last season and offseason mentoring a mostly completely new team to comp, and feel their pain in the difficulty of finding places to play.

posted 1 week ago
#3 2025 Thank You Thread in LAN Discussion
JMaxchillgood lan ❤️

Understatement of the century. Had a fabulous weekend, made that way for me by all the great people who I spent it with. Going to keep shoutouts short and sweet, as I could go on forever:
- Shoutout the bouldering gang who got up early on Saturday morning to travel across the city for a bouldering session (Cake, Ike, Kirby, Labricecat, Nils and Royal). Particular shoutout has to go to Kirby though for sending two V4s in his first ever session!
- Shoutout Supra for the obvious reasons, and shoutout to everyone who helped him to organise the LAN or fund it via donations.
- Finally shoutout Anti, Jmax and Not Steven in particular for their continued support throughout the LAN.

I could genuinely go on forever, this scene is amazing and full of amazing people. CU@ next year (plz say there is a next year)

posted 1 week ago
#177 koth_bagel in Map Discussion
yak404Yrri was ready to say yes but from watching the vid closely to find the issue you really did just miss those

e: to break this down
Show Content

this one just missed, nothing i could do to save you there

damage indicator a few frames later shows this actually did hit for 72, it was suuuper close to missing but i do actually give you enough leeway by having the wooden rail be non-solid

this did 80 so honestly you did enough damage to kill this medic he just outhealed it on likely 2hp, nothing i could do here to make this outcome any different


The first one hits (hitsound)
The second one has no reg (no hitsound)
Third one hits (hitsound)

Hope this helps

Shots 1-5: Clearly missed.
Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control).
Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses.
Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because kn was already dead

posted 2 weeks ago
#21 I Think The 6v6 Meta Team Composition Is Flawed in TF2 General Discussion

posted 3 weeks ago
#2 2025 Qualifiers: Oracle vs. MPREGALODONS in Events

Fixed :)

posted 2 months ago
#3 how do i get into comp 6v6? in TF2 General Discussion

ETF2L will be having a fresh meat cup middle of next year, probably worth trying to find a team for that. It's a 6s cup that lasts a bit over a month and it's aimed at getting new people into 6s.

Other than that the new player experience in EU is kinda rough. Best bet is to watch some educational youtube content on TF2 comp and pick a class to learn, then play a bunch of TF2Center lobbies on that class and use the ETF2L website to find an Open team. Next main ETF2L season is a few weeks away.

posted 2 months ago
#4 Fireside announces Physgun Fireside Denver 2025 in News

This lineup is hype af. So excited

posted 2 months ago
#1 ETF2L 6v6 Autumn 2024 (S48) Div 1 Lower Bracket Final: Aware vs Kuzkek in Events

Demoknight TF2...

posted 4 months ago
#6 ÜBERFEST 2025: Save the Date! in LAN Discussion


posted 4 months ago
#3 DORTMUND 2024 TIER LISTS in TF2 General Discussion

A: ***1/2, Pepis Pizza Party
B: The Dogs, Duplo

posted 4 months ago
#4 2025 in LAN Discussion


posted 5 months ago
#3 discuss. in TF2 General Discussion
LotusberryI'm gonna need to see that soil texture chart cause idk wtf that is.
How come the corner with the highest %powerlifter is also the lowest %athlete? Surely a powerlifter with a gut is still more athletic than a 100% roleplayer. Or maybe it's mainly sports athleticism vs lifting in general.

On soil texture charts the %s have to add up to 100 still. So if someone is very high %powerlifter, they have to be low % in both other categories.

posted 6 months ago
#17 are there any fun games left guys? in Other Games

I will recommend The Talos Principle (1 and 2) to anyone and everyone. Great puzzle games

posted 9 months ago
#4 Timeguessr in Other Games

Today's daily game had a pic where someone was holding a sign saying the year, and a shop where the sign says the village and state.

Other than that though was fun, will play again

posted 10 months ago
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