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Signed Up January 29, 2013
Last Posted June 23, 2023 at 12:09 AM
Posts 1213 (0.3 per day)
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Headphones Sennheiser 569
Monitor ASUS VG259QM
1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 80
#2 horrible lag after opening server browser in TF2 General Discussion

Go to Steam, settings, open the "in game" tab and set server browser pnigs/minute to a lower value

posted about a year ago
#6923 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

Where do you edit the avatar/name position?

posted about a year ago
#142 Diabotical Kickstarter in Esports

CPM movement is already functional in the game to a degree, but you are basically just enabling air control with console commands on local servers right now. They're planning on adding some other functionality from CPM movement but a lot of it will likely never be functional due to the way maps are created in the game. Things like stair jumping require individual brushes that players can double jump on and right now every staircase is just a model with a flat collision mesh so rockets don't always break. Ramp jumps and double jumps will likely be functional at some point but with how jank most of the maps are they are probably going to be super inconsistent at best. I think there are a handful of race/defrag maps that are created with CPM movement in mind but I don't know if they will be added for the beta next weekend or not.

You can use these commands to try it out on a local server but it's fairly underwhelming

-Legacy (CPMA) /multi /phy_target_tickrate 125; /phy_crouch_speed 160; /phy_surface_friction 6; /phy_air_speed 320; /phy_air_speed_anisotropy 1; /phy_accel_air_anisotropy 1,56.25,1,1,56.25,1,1,56.25,1; /phy_air_speed 32; /phy_air_steering_torque 3600; /phy_air_speed_anisotropy 10,1,10,5,1,5,5,1,5; /phy_air_steering_torque_anisotropy 1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0; /phy_auto_jump 0; /phy_bolt_type 0; /phy_slide 0

There are a few other movement systems that have been created using those commands but most of them are fairly strange and a few are just fully broken last time I played with them, still kind of fun to mess around with though.

-Default (VQ3+UT dodge): /multi /phy_target_tickrate 125; /phy_crouch_speed 210; /phy_surface_friction 6; /phy_air_speed 320; /phy_air_speed_anisotropy 1; /phy_accel_air_anisotropy 1; /phy_air_steering_torque 0; /phy_air_steering_torque_anisotropy 0; /phy_bolt_type 1; /phy_bolt_base_speed 500; /phy_bolt_extra_speed 0.1; /phy_bolt_cooldown 3; /phy_bolt_cooldown_recovery 0; /phy_slide 0

-Classic (VQ3+circlebolt): /multi /phy_target_tickrate 125; /phy_crouch_speed 210; /phy_surface_friction 6; /phy_air_speed 320; /phy_air_speed_anisotropy 1; /phy_accel_air_anisotropy 1; /phy_air_steering_torque 0; /phy_air_steering_torque_anisotropy 0; /phy_bolt_type 2; /phy_bolt_cooldown 9; /phy_bolt_cooldown_recovery 204800; /phy_slide 0

-Vintage (QW): /multi /phy_target_tickrate 72; /phy_crouch_speed 160; /phy_surface_friction 4; /phy_air_speed 32; /phy_air_speed_anisotropy 1,1,1,1,1,1,5,5,5; /phy_accel_air_anisotropy 100,100,100,100,100,100; /phy_air_steering_torque 0; /phy_air_steering_torque_anisotropy 0; /phy_bolt_type 2; /phy_bolt_cooldown 9; /phy_bolt_cooldown_recovery 256000; /phy_slide 0

-Hybrid (VQ3+QW+Q4): /multi /phy_target_tickrate 72; /phy_crouch_speed 160; /phy_surface_friction 4; /phy_air_speed 32; /phy_air_speed_anisotropy 10,10,10,1,1,1,5,5,5; /phy_accel_air_anisotropy 1,1,1,100,100,100; /phy_air_steering_torque 0; /phy_air_steering_torque_anisotropy 0; /phy_bolt_type 2; /phy_bolt_cooldown 9; /phy_bolt_cooldown_recovery 256000; /phy_slide 1

-Freestyle (PK+Q4+UT): /multi /phy_target_tickrate 72; /phy_crouch_speed 160; /phy_surface_friction 4; /phy_air_speed 32; /phy_air_speed_anisotropy 1,1,1,0,0,0,5,5,5; /phy_accel_air_anisotropy 100,100,100; /phy_air_steering_torque 12800; /phy_air_steering_torque_anisotropy 1,1,0.25; /phy_bolt_type 1; /phy_bolt_base_speed 236.358; /phy_bolt_extra_speed 0.92388; /phy_bolt_cooldown 9; /phy_bolt_cooldown_recovery 256000; /phy_slide 1 
posted about 5 years ago
#10 koth_clearcut in Map Discussion

Doesn't really matter but it looks kinda stupid to have the door clip through this window hole

If you're going to blockbullets under this you should put some sort of chainlink fence texture to make it a bit more obvious. I would also consider redoing the displacements in spawn as it's a bit awkward to jump around due to them. I would also consider removing those bushes since they're a bit obnoxious as far as sticky traps go.

The way you clip roofs on this map is strange, you do it like most of the 6s maps on like half of it but keep the old style (Overhanging clips) on a bunch of them as well. I personally think the best solution is to just clip off from the actual building and then use something like func_illusionary so you can still have the nice looking overhang.

I don't really see a reason for this roof to be lower than the rest of the building. If you're trying to jump off the wall there you're going to hit your head most of the time.

Another example of the inconsistant roof clipping

Another area you bulletblocked that you'd be able to shoot through on most maps. I know it isn't a major thing but if you're going to bulletblock it you might as well just have the two props directly next to eachother.

The ramp leading up here is like incredibly steep and could probably be changed a bit to look and play nicer. I would probably just have it extend a bit out onto the concrete platform near the boxes.

More clipping

This corner is kind of just a place where you'll get bounced and die, I would try to smooth it out so the building just line up with a fence or something.

I also feel like you could raise the height of basically everything on the lower end and it would make the entire area feel a bit less awkward, there's a lot of displacement height variation that seems pretty unnecessary. If you had it roughly to where the red lines are you could get rid of that ramp on the side room and then just have a smoother transition to the middle entrance.

One of these requires a crouch and the other does not, I would probably just try to space it so you can just jump for both so going between the areas is smoother. Lowering the first one slightly should do that.

One way glass is a bit strange to have on this area of the map, I guess you have it to allow players to check for forward holds but I normally only see that kind of stuff on last points. I guess you can keep it but it is strange.

The clipping on this area is pretty strange, not sure why you have clipped off the right side when you can jump through the left. I would also move that pipe thing up a bit (~256u) so that when you're jumping in/out of that area you're not going to be hitting your head every time.

Same thing with this, I guess you have this to prevent people from flying in to the packs but it is fairly awkward and the first time I played the map I figured you could just go over it or something.

Ramp could use some clipping on the edges to make going up it smoother.

This whole part of mid felt off when I played it, it seems like it's only purpose is to give scouts a way to get onto the enemies shed which feels unnecessary considering how dominant the class already is on koth maps. Also just having a small health/ammo in such a risky part of the map feels pointless, it's such an incredibly bad place to be as pretty much every class and you can just get basically the same pack/ammo by going into the shed which at least provides some level of cover. Much like the area near the larger pack I feel like the displacements are far too steep in this area. If you level it out a bit and change around that little stand thing you might be able to at least spam point or something from that area. Right now it just feels like a death trap.

Goes in with my suggestion about raising the displacements around the point but having the ground around these boxes a bit higher would make it so you can crouch jump on them from more than 1 spot easily.

Clipping/displacement raise here would make this corner a lot nicer.

More roof stuff, I do really like that sort of displacement ramp thing on the side since you could use that you stop fall damage on a high jump or maybe some sort of rampshot thing as well

Another overhang that can block jumps

Fairly unimportant but I'm not sure what's going on with these textures, I don't think it's my config as I have overlays and most other things on but it could be an issue with dx81, either way it looks off and there's quite a few of them around the map.

I'll likely update this once I've played the map a bit more most of my opinions on gameplay changes are just based on looking over the map since I haven't played it very much.

posted about 5 years ago
#12 Benroads lft roamer in Recruitment (looking for team)

bump, may or may not play this season but I would like to see what's out there

posted about 5 years ago
#11 Benroads lft roamer in Recruitment (looking for team)

bump for rgl, as of right now I would probably prefer to try pocket but I am also open to roaming.

posted about 5 years ago
#10 Benroads lft roamer in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 5 years ago
#3 lft post of a guy who's setup was on a bench in Off Topic

posted about 5 years ago
#9 Benroads lft roamer in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 5 years ago
#8 Benroads lft roamer in Recruitment (looking for team)

Able to play tonight if any teams are still looking, would also consider playing pocket but I would strongly prefer roamer.

posted about 5 years ago
#1 Benroads lft roamer in Recruitment (looking for team)

I haven't played in awhile so I don't know exactly where I would fit skill wise, I imagine I could still play at a high open level. I'm available after 9:30 est Sunday-Thursday, I do work late some nights but I will normally know at least a week in advance.

posted about 5 years ago
#4831 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

Recently just changed computers and for some reason my achievement crosshair no longer works.

I fully copied over my custom folder from my old computer so I'm not sure what would have changed unless there was something that has broken them in the past month or so. Would be really nice to have this fixed since I use it to outline the default crosshair.

posted about 7 years ago
#8 jump_kin in Map Discussion
200if pumpkins are tf_generic_bombs with extremely low respawn times, that should work in multiplayer just fine, I don't see any possible issues. if players can't hit other players with them, it is fine

The issue would be more along the lines of using them to exploit stuff in Tempus. The same issues happened with Bumper Cars and the Halloween mini effect on my previous maps. I can't really think of anything that they could be used for but i'm sure given enough time someone could find a way to abuse them.

Starkiereally cool map, one of the few gimmick maps thats actually fun
the skybox on 11 feels too low and the pumpkins on 5 are a little strong (i dunno if you can actually make them weaker)

I could make the pumpkins slightly weaker per jump but for consistancy/simplicity I chose to keep them all the same. 5 is a pretty strange jump since you're not getting a large amount of height so the catches will still push you just out of an additonal rocket range so you need to prefire the rockets pretty early so you're not going to bounce yourself too far back on it.

As for 11 from testing it never really felt like the skybox was too low unless you were climbing up into the pumpkin since I normally would get most of my height and then turn the corner to take it from the side. A lot of the jumps do have lower cielings to prevent people from resyncing on the pumpkins to skip the jumps since before most of them were super easily cheatable by doing that so I will likely be keeping most of them the same to avoid that.

posted about 7 years ago
#4 jump_kin in Map Discussion
ReeroBenroads there's a pretty low chance of this map being added to Tempus Why? You might as well add scotch and try..

I'm not 100% sure how the map will work in multiplayer. I tested it with bots and there did not seem to be any issues but there is a chance that it could cause issues and they seem to prefer just pulling maps instead of working around them (They removed my sick bumpercar jumps because of some spectator glitch)

posted about 7 years ago
#1 jump_kin in Map Discussion

Typically I would not post jump map stuff here but since seems to be fairly dead and there's a pretty low chance of this map being added to Tempus I figured that I would post it here as well. I intended to finish this last year but ended up somewhat burning out on TF2 and somewhat forgot about it untill about a week ago, I figured it would be cool to release it on Halloween.



A1: (20 jumps, 4 Bonus)
-Initial release

posted about 7 years ago
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