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Last Posted | December 28, 2024 at 5:26 PM |
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it's gonna be fun for me to watch both casual and hard stuck comp players react to that
Edited the Firesidecasts documentaries, it isn't a bad thought with the thought of the community behind it and NOT to help it be an Esport. I know joining with Fireside I thought if we had more stories besides b4nny then we can get somewhere and people will be more interested in the scene, which did work to a degree. When people found out ROME ( ) broke up it was an instant turn off to a lot of people, before that they were excited and we had more views on our stream on a low invite team than most because they knew the story behind it thus got invested. The highlander one ( ) inspired people but it's tough to get 9 people including you to join a league unless you have all the time in the world so ultimately a turn off as well.
I'm more hoping our recap series will be more helpful to connect the scene and also get people interested in the scene as well since the history of the players and stuff going on in the scene is right there and who ever watches it can go "who is this "Yight" guy and why is he so important when he left the B4nny team Froyotech?" and also "B.A.S.E JUMPER IS UNBANNED?!?" etc.
I always appreciate Siyo for his work, without him I'd probably be pumping out bad inconsistent videos with no connection with players and staff members and all so thank him for most of the leg work.
chicken alfredo is banger
DrHappinessBethniczRahmedAs of now, the discussion is off
My plan is to gather some common questions/qualms casual players have with comp and have drhappiness or someone explain it in a video - and then we record and upload it to youtube
Can we disclose why the discussion is off or no?
I won't give specifics, but basically some of the casual people that were going to take part saw this thread and a lot of the negativity put them off having the conversation.
well that sucks, but they have every right to feel that way so. ggs
RahmedAs of now, the discussion is off
My plan is to gather some common questions/qualms casual players have with comp and have drhappiness or someone explain it in a video - and then we record and upload it to youtube
Can we disclose why the discussion is off or no?
conniekinsThought I'd bump the thread to mention that some heavy hitter teams are entering the event. Right now we've got Froyotech, Like a G6, and Anglerfish all signed up to play on Sept. 1st.
It's gonna be sick to potentially see the runback between Froyo and G6.
if there is no ROME I'm not watching
gianni Why should the community need to bend for him and curate an experience when he’s entirely unwilling to change?
I didn’t think of that with zesty in mind I thought that with the new comp players or people interested in comp in mind. But you are right, people try to fight against unbanning weapons and most of their arguments have little to no knowledge on 6s in terms of how the game flows or how one unban can change the game drastically.
I honestly just think that people are more influenced by a high edit video essays on how “X is broken” and if we make something like that debunking all the claims with evidence the only people who argue against will be the zesty followers.
I am willing to help anyway I can if that were the case
honestly, this is something more drastic of a situation than we think, we are talking about a stubborn man who has done surface level research on competitive (because he doesn't care about it), has only experienced A 6v6 valve comp match and deemed it bad and never played it again, he always said "TF2 was always made with casual in mind" which is not true but fully believes that, and has witnessed quickplay being taken away from him and only watched (after mym) as the comp players going back to the community 6s, keeping the weapons banned (mostly just base jumper now) even after the nerfs on the weapons. (which is understandable).
All he has seen and experienced is bad along side other games that tried to go for the E-Sport route just going to shit, dying, becoming unfun overtime, or just see toxic people come out because of competitive. He has never seen the bright side of it like, honing your skills, feeling more proud as you win a championship, making friends that push you to your limits, etc.
with the new video about "valve catering to competitive" coming in October I'm sure he has already made up his mind and won't change let alone agree to what you have to say when it comes to misconceptions.
if you are gonna discuss with him about this tho, try and find common ground first and talk him through step by step about each topic, but he might just not take it seriously at all and just try and make you look like the fool.
my solution, is to have an accessable 6s newbie only lobby (only accessible in newbie mixes or TF2CC) with the meta being the main thing but let players play full time offclassing, let them experience the flaws of the classes, that is the best way to teach someone instead of explaining it to them.
Prime-SanityCan we stop allowing players that have never played a single RGL season or any season in any comp league from playing pugs? Its extremely frustrating. I get its open pugs but come on bro you are asking for people to sign up on alt and just use cheats. Before you say just add up captain pugs, it is nigh impossible to get those going because for someone reason everyone think its reserved for the highest level players.
literally all I can think of as a solution is to have a newbie category and have to play a certain amount of games to go through until they are allowed in open/captain pugs, let's say random number 300-500 games or at least a season, to get the gist if not fundamentals of 6s/highlander.
any other solutions or thoughts?
I don't really understand what's wrong with matches being dependent on which player is better, care to elaborate?
because sniper can easily one shot any class depending on if the charge is full, but also one shot light classes by quick scoping scout and medic. SO if a good sniper can just one shot anything easily (unless the snipers teammates are incompetent) then it'll just be who is the better sniper.
heavy is the same difference, because of his massive health pool and having a medic up their ass If a good heavy can position right and know when to go in on the entire team then it'll depend on who is the better heavy by just going forward and holding m+1.
you can't really compare a 6v6 game to a 9v9 game and say "yeah class limit of 1 should fix it"
like I'm more on the lines of offclasses can be viable with your team working around it, but this ain't it chief.
forcing a class limit to 1 on 6v6 the meta will be scout, soldier, medic, demo, heavy, and sniper, it won't be fun to play with or against. it'll just come down to who is the better heavy or sniper