I recently started playing TF2 competitively by joining a newbie mix team and I'm looking for every opportunity I can to improve my game.
Right now I'm trying to play every day, grinding away at Jumping, MGE, DM, and rollout practice. I've been playing TF2 for almost 3000 hours, on and off since mid-2013, and I've wanted to play competitively for a long time but have never had the chance until now.
I think I have really good dm and jumping abilities especially for my level on a newbie team, but for gamesense I'm starting from scratch. I'd really like a mentor who can teach me what I should be doing in certain situations, how to bomb properly, my responsibilities on midfights, and where I should be positioned on a hold or push.
My availability is a bit in flux, but I would be perfectly happy meeting only once or twice a week to review demos and maybe play practice matches.
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/FF7700/
ESEA: https://play.esea.net/users/2201048
UPDATE: Mentor found! :)