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Last Posted March 4, 2017 at 3:42 PM
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#7 cp_hybro in Map Discussion

Luckily, the gameplay between linear A/D and TC are very similar. If you took TC, locked one point, and made the attacking team spawn faster, you'd essentially have 1CP A/D. Hydro is huge, making most other gamemodes impractical with how spread out everything would be. Breaking it up into stages solves that problem and allows me to retain every single point. From there, it was just a graph theory and logistics problem of what points could be concatenated well, which paths were preferred, and which paths needed to be avoided. I can walk you through that if you really want to know how I solved it.

I'd love to go for a competitive focus, but what exactly makes a good linear A/D map hasn't been determined. As doubtful as it is, it'd be great if this map held the answer to that. At the very least I'm aiming for a pub map featuring what folks like about Dustbowl, but overall be better for everyone.

As for future plans, that awkward first point in stage two is going to get attention. Plan for that is to carve out a new area adjacent to the cave and sewer segment to be its new home, as well as give attackers a better hold in sewer. Attacking the second point in stage two is hard enough, so I'm against pushing it back for now.

I'm keeping an eye on the garage due to the height advantage it gives defenders. If it does become a problem, and unless I get any better ideas, the plan for that is to raise the entirety of Blu base out of the underground so it's more level with the garage.

The entirety of the last stage needs attention as well to ensure good balance. Options for attacking the first point might be too limited. Final has a reputation for being an incredibly difficult point to cap against a good defense. Once I get good play data for these to analyze, I'll be figuring out ways to address them.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 cp_hybro in Map Discussion

Hydro repurposed as multistage A/D with the worst paths gutted.

This effort tries to simplify Hydro by maintaining the same core gameplay, but dedicating teams to either defense or offense. It also removes the chance of stalemates everyone seems to love so much.

For now, testing is needed to fine tune certain areas to ensure a smooth and fair experience for both teams. If you've got feedback or gameplay demos, feel free to share.

Album: (spoiler: it's hydro)

posted about 8 years ago
#42 cp_abyss in Map Discussion
sage78theres some bugs with stickies related to the moving platforms in mid
Show Content
edit: in case its not obvious, its floating

As much as I'd love to fix that, it's beyond my control. I can only have floating stickies, or stickies that slide right off.

posted about 8 years ago
#20 cp_abyss in Map Discussion
trapsterAfter loading up the map I can already tell that the second point is very flawed.

The distance from mid and second needs to be increased, and there needs to be a more defined choke point between them. I don't like how the second point is currently situated as the team who wins mid gets free high ground moving into second, making it almost impossible to setup a hold for the second point. Possibly you can move the point further into this room: (

Just my two cents running around the map for a few minutes. Also this honestly one of the best looking maps I have seen in awhile.

That's what I'd think too, but from the playtesting I evaluated the proximity of the spawn balanced things out. Right now I'm sure it works just fine, though I'll see how more in-depth testing goes. If it turns out to be bad, I'll be going for a suggestion a friend gave and do something similar to this.

SmytherWho/What is this map intended for?

Pubs, but wanted to throw it this way to see if there was any potential for it to be competitive. I ain't a competitive player, so I have no idea what makes a map competitive. I just sought to make the map interesting, fun, and fair.

Twiggyyeah amazing visuals! I think it's the most beautiful map i've ever seen!

Visually i'd say you need to add signsthat tell the players where to go. Otherwise it's perfect.

Gameplay wise, props on walls can cause spash bugs, small spaces below ramps are meh for projectiles, i'm not sure it's a good idea to raise the middle point after it's capped, i'd rather see it the other way around (so holding mid becomes more difficult, and the first midfight is airshot city)

The second point seems quite odd. The point itself is completely enclosed but the attackers can bully defenders out of the big ramp room with their height advantage and then cap the point.
I cannot climb on this :(

This area is quite odd : perfect for pubs but offers a big sightline for a sniper
at least give the guys on mid a way to go there to attack the sniper, or nerf the sightline.

I love your last with the curved ramp.

Overall your map seems perfect for pub play. THere is a bit too much corridors to make a good 6s map because getting flanked and backcapped can become a serious issue, but maybe for HL its ok, i dont know.

I'd love to play it on a pub server!

There are signs, but I did too good of a job making them match the aesthetic. They blend in and nobody notices them.

As for mid, once second gets capped, it reverts to the original layout it had before to make fighting back easier. Sort of a tradeoff.

Next version will make the pipes climbable. Most wall details I tried to keep nonsolid to prevent any explosive oddities, all stairs are clipped with blockbullets as well.

For the sniper sightline, it is only useful against that high ground. Any players using that route have the option of taking a left, which gives them low ground, but completely out of sight of that window/platform. Not to mention that other route which gives no high ground, but can get a lot closer to the point without any worry of snipers.

posted about 8 years ago
#16 cp_abyss in Map Discussion
Scruff_Jeez, how long have you been working on this map? No matter if it is good for comp or not, it looks amazingSmytherI'm walking around this map, feeling like I'm in a rachet and clank level. There are so many gradual, curving ramps; was this map designed with bunny hopping in mind?

Also b81?! How long were you keeping this map from the world?

Started on it sometime in January. First release was in February. Just released the detailed version this month. Here are a couple shots from the first version.

As for the ramps, I just wanted curved ramps. I think they're neat and you rarely ever see them in other maps.

eeeThe artpass and lighting are gorgeous jfc how is the framerate on it?

also the dynamic map thing isn't a bad idea and could be pretty cool. A lot of payload maps play with the idea. Even if it doesn't work for 6s, this looks like it'll get into the game eventually because holy shit

After testing the first detailed version with a server full of players, I noticed my framerate suffered far more than usual. Without anybody on it it was comparable to other maps, so I spent a week simplifying the detailing and trying to optimize what I could. Now framerates should be fairly good, but I'll need to hear from you guys how it compares to other maps.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 cp_abyss in Map Discussion

I heard you guys like 5cps, and I have been working on one of those. It takes place in a facility built on the ocean floor in an underwater volcano. I welcome you all to try it out for yourselves to see if it has in potential in the competitive area. If not, then off to publand it will go.

Map download:
Imgur album:

This map deviates a bit from your usual 5cp. As it was originally for the Dynamic Control Point contest, mid was designed to change itself depending on who owned it. The first few shots in the album will show this. Additionally, there is only a base spawn and one forward spawn for each team. The base spawn is located between second and final, but when offense captures second, the defending team will lose their primary path to second, which is somehow represented in this image:

posted about 8 years ago