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Last Posted May 4, 2018 at 1:56 PM
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#82 WoolenHUD by blungo in Customization
JarateKingBlungoim sorry that i struggle with huds and im not a natural hud god like you lmao.No one is. There isn't a single person in the community who's "a natural" at huds. Everyone who made any decent hud did so through their attitude, their willingness to improve, and their dedication. And playing the victim, when this is your sign that if you want to be a hud dev you have things to work on, shows that you're lacking in all three. This isn't picking on you or anything, this is just the fact. Like you say, your attitude is indeed shit, but it's not because you can't take insults, it's because you're settling with doing things in an insult-worthy way and not seeing the problem.

Again though, we get it if you never intended this thread to be made and your hud released. But you're presenting it like you could've made it and continuing to post updates on it and treat it like a proper release thread. So naturally, people will respond to it as if it were a proper release thread too. You're acting like it's a full hud and shrugging off issues when other people also treat it like one.

Good on ya for trying to sort it out but you really do have to figure out for yourself; do you want to be a full hud dev, or do you want to use a hud mod? Because right now you're acting like each one half of the time, in the worst combination. I hope to see good things from you in the future, but it's all on you to make them.


posted about 8 years ago
#80 WoolenHUD by blungo in Customization
the301stspartanBlungoas usual all help will be appreciated.
I challenge this assertion


posted about 8 years ago
#78 WoolenHUD by blungo in Customization
STOGEI still don't understand your reasoning behind you justifying not taking 5 minutes out of your time to fix the minmode stuff, people obviously come here to this thread to have your re-creation of woolens HUD as their HUD okay? but if they happen to have minmode on for whatever reason (it's left behind in their config, they had it on in a previous HUD and forgot to turn it off etc) then download the HUD and it looks different - surely that just makes you look like an idiot?

When _DR34M_ first posted about it, he simply asked (nicely) if you could fix it as he implemented his own scoreboard which he turned on with minmode (from what I gathered from his post), you replied to this in a condescending manner just 'cause he didn't take time out of his day to read your readme about a silly mistake you left in (and could've fixed in 5mins or less).

I'm sure woolens official HUD looks roughly the same in minmode and non-minmode (slight changes to ammo/health position, different scoreboard etc), it makes no sense for a minmode switch to so drastically change the HUD that you need to literally put a section in your readme advising people not to have minmode on when it's such a simple fix for you to apply.

I wasn't trying to be an asshole to you man, but I felt the need to post what I posted just 'cause you were being lazy, I even downloaded the HUD the same day to try help you with the winpanel stuff, but the sheer lack of commitment on your side to resolving such a simple problem put me off.

None of this is your fault of course, you didn't even want this thread made by the looks of it - but the fact that you start posting updates in the thread, clearly showing you care enough, and then be lazy about certain things that users of the hud point out just rubs me the wrong way.


posted about 8 years ago
#77 WoolenHUD by blungo in Customization
omniBlungoyou really do talk a lot of shi.No, that's called truth my man.
Blungoim sorry that i refused to delete some code when enabling minmode causes the hud to look nothing like woolens hud, thats the point im not touching it.That last point makes no sense.
Blungoi dont struggle with huds i dont take them as seriously as you do because instead of making money off of code that i make im gonna get a real job :*You totally struggle with HUDs, you fuckin' liar lmao. The amount of messages I got from you in a week, despite me telling you that I don't give HUD support on Steam because it eats up so much of my time, was ridiculous. It's almost like you thought I was kidding about me not giving HUD support on Steam.

Luckily for me I have a full time job already and my seriousness in HUD Development has gained me an additional chunk of cash every month plus I get to work on awesome projects for the community such as Tip of the Hats.
Blungonow onto the winpanel, i read your fucking thread. i tried the animations and shit. didnt work, and i appreciate the person that told me about the hudanimations entry, because thats kinda what a thread is for.You clearly didn't read the thread I posted, because if you did, you'd have seen that the second part of the post was titled Changes to Win Panel/HUD Animations, which covers the hudanimations_tf.txt fix that Pinkie posted in this thread. It also covered everything else, including the following changes, which in my experience with fixing it were needed:Literally in my postYou'll also be required to make changes to "BlueScoreBG", "RedScoreBG" and "WinPanelBGBorder" inside resource/ui/winpanel.res. You also need to make sure that the "BlueLeaderAvatar", "BlueLeaderAvatarBG", "RedLeaderAvatar" and "RedLeaderAvatarBG" elements are also defined correctly in this file as well. Failing to do so will result in the Win Panel incorrectly loading the Team Names and Score (for some reason).
I gave you shit because your attitude is shit. Don't develop a HUD if you're going to be lazy or stupid in putting in the legwork. Nobody has to give you the answers, and yet I post the answers to new updates on every time there is one. I got thanks from other HUD devs I helped out with that specific post about the win panel, so clearly you were doing something wrong.


posted about 8 years ago
#76 WoolenHUD by blungo in Customization


posted about 8 years ago
#71 WoolenHUD by blungo in Customization
pendablung you're my dude, but you gotta stop posting


posted about 8 years ago
#70 WoolenHUD by blungo in Customization


posted about 8 years ago
#66 WoolenHUD by blungo in Customization


posted about 8 years ago
#65 WoolenHUD by blungo in Customization
Tommyya i heard about colly on my local news. hes huge outside of tftv


posted about 8 years ago
#64 WoolenHUD by blungo in Customization
flatlineomni going in


posted about 8 years ago
#62 WoolenHUD by blungo in Customization
STOGEhey guys, you gotta put effort in for one of my own mistakes because I can't be bothered to fix it - AND ITS YOUR PROBLEM!


posted about 8 years ago
#61 WoolenHUD by blungo in Customization
_DR34M_Guys please calm down now i know how to fix the minmode bug Thanks to sfan


posted about 8 years ago
#60 WoolenHUD by blungo in Customization
omniThe fact you refuse to help someone out with a simple minmode issue (which by the way, is an issue that is your fault), no wonder you struggle with HUDs as a whole and can't even figure out what's wrong with the winpanel.


posted about 8 years ago
#59 WoolenHUD by blungo in Customization
flatlineomni going inPinkieevent WinPanel_CompPos
Animate WinPanel ypos 115 Linear 0 0

event WinPanel_NormalPos
Animate WinPanel ypos 215 Linear 0 0

paste this to your hudanimations_tf


posted about 8 years ago
#58 WoolenHUD by blungo in Customization
FireAnd people are still wondering why woolen doesnt publish his hud
STOGEhey guys, you gotta put effort in for one of my own mistakes because I can't be bothered to fix it - AND ITS YOUR PROBLEM!
well someone has to put effort in fixing this problem, this is just a custom yahud i believe to look similar to woolens hud,i dont see why he has to fix minmode. ofc his reaction couldve been nicer but i think people are treating him a bit harsh.


posted about 8 years ago
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