Phoenix21BobstahUhm, I am using m0reHUD, I have put the font into the right location but I still have the letter g only instead of the seeker crosshair. I am almost 100% sure that the problem is in the ClientScheme.res files, I have 2 of them in that HUD, one in the resource folder and another one in a folder called basefiles:did you install the font? if not open the font and click the install button.
There is not such a thing like ECON FONTS existing in both
I tried to put these codes and stuff in each or just to mess them up but the only thing I get is the letter g and nothing else, pls help, I know I am kinda late but....I have this problem since a long time ago
Installed the font, I am sure the problem is appearing cuz there are 2 clientscheme.res files