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Last Posted September 3, 2017 at 4:15 PM
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#8 Low cpu usage in game in Q/A Help

You probably know this but when the laptop is unplugged the CPU and GPU will lower their clock speed because the battery can't deliver them enough power. Like with my laptop I run rocket league at 5fps unplugged and 150fps when plugged in.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 advanced tftv advertising in Off Topic

posted about 7 years ago
#71 FUNKe: TF2's State of Specialists in TF2 General Discussion
THEBILLDOZERthats cringe brilliant


posted about 7 years ago
#2019 PC Build Thread in Hardware
ShounicSetsulI hope you bought 4x16GB.
Another B85M Pro4? If it worked before, apart from you getting a used/slightly broken one with only 2 working RAM slots in exchange for the DOA one, then why change anything? A new one should work properly.

What do you mean by that? I bought the RAM on sale as 4x8. at worst i'll have one that's extra or something but it's not that big of a deal. also that's a good idea, i'll just grab another then. there shouldn't be any issues with power supply / motherboard with the GPU upgrade i'm getting right? iirc r9 280x uses basically the same power requirements as the new GPUs so i'll be fine?

I think he's saying that with 4 RAM slots the only way you're getting 64GB is 4x16

posted about 8 years ago
#7 Good PC but low FPS in Q/A Help

run a test to see if all of your stuff is working as expected

posted about 8 years ago
#8 Is this laptop any good? in Hardware

I would hover around /r/buildapcsales if you're looking for a decent one. For that price you could probably find a much better laptop for the same price. Like this one has a legitimate 1060 3GB in it (not m, which are much worse than the basic cards).

To answer your question, the computer you posted may not run overwatch at 100fps. It might be able to, but I wouldn't count on it. If you're dropping $800-1000 on a laptop you can get a better one that can hit 100fps easily and play other games too.
Someone using a 960m in overwatch with medium/low settings getting around 70fps @1080p (thought it looks capped at 70 so idk). They have a better CPU than the computer you listed as well.

posted about 8 years ago
#22 revolutionary ninjaneer in The Dumpster

posted about 8 years ago
#29 TF2 UPDATE FOR 21DEC2016 in TF2 General Discussion

pyro got a festive axe did u not see. class is fixed now

posted about 8 years ago
#27 TF2 UPDATE FOR 21DEC2016 in TF2 General Discussion

shovel hype

posted about 8 years ago
#1939 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Any tips on places where my lack of experience has caused me to get a part that I don't need such anexpensive version of, or one where I cheaped out too much. Budget is ~665 USD

I built a pc for around this price a few months back so I have some experience with picking parts. Here's what I would change:

GTX 950 --> RX 470 - This is IMPORTANT. The RX470 is like the same price and waaaay better. The RX470 is the 26th best CPU while the GTX 950 is the 52nd best. The 470 is a whopping 80% faster. Definitely get it. You can run new games at high and even ultra settings at 60fps.

SSD --> 1 TB 7200 RPM HDD - You're going to need more than 250GB of space, trust me. If you still want a super fast startup, buy a 128GB SSD and put your OS on that, and leave the HDD to everything else. This is what I did and now every other computer I use seems painfully slow.

Different PSU: The PSU is important so it's worth spending like 5 more dollars on getting one you know is good. Generally shoot for 80+ bronze at least. Also a Semi-modular one makes building easier.

Here's everything:
$20 rebate on GPU:

I don't know that much about motherboards but I assume yours will be ok as long as you accept it's going to be a little cheap. Not a case expert either but I would read reviews and see what people have to say.

Oh, and if you live near a MicroCenter you could just buy this prebuilt if you wanted:
The RX480 is a bit better than the 470 and the i5 6400 is a bit worse than the i5 6500.

posted about 8 years ago
#5 Upgrading my PC this Christmas, anyone got ideas? in Hardware

You can't really get a 144hz monitor and upgrade your pc that much for under $400. I would buy a refurb XL2411Z ($200) and then just save until AMD launches their new top tier cards and see how prices shuffle around. If you want a GPU NOW you could get a RX480 8GB because they're $200ish, newer, and slightly better then the 970 (especially in DX12). It's also got tons of VRAM. Your CPU is fine I think.

posted about 8 years ago
#4 Christmas Music in Music, Movies, TV
Both instrumental remixes of popular songs. Pretty neat imo

posted about 8 years ago
#1912 PC Build Thread in Hardware
-coya-If you had to choose between these two, and even make some changes but keep it at about the same price point, which one would you pick?

IDK if I should take a dual-core i3-6100 or a quad-core A10-7860k. Thanks in advance.

AMD processors are old so you basically always want to get an intel one for now. They're just newer and better. Build looks good but you'll need storage (you might have it but it's not listed).

s1keAny feedback/suggestions on my potential budget build pc would be great:

I would get a better rated PSU (shoot for at least 80+ bronze tier). Not that much more expensive and it should be higher quality. Also I would look for deals on rx470 4gbs. You might be able save $30 for like 10% less performance, and since you've got a 6100 a 470 is more than enough anyway (medium-high settings on games like GTA). If you can't find a cheaper 470 the 1060 3gb should be fine.

posted about 8 years ago
#5 PASS Time Tournament in The Dumpster

pls add a trigger warning

Also the prize is hats

posted about 8 years ago
#425 2016 election live results in World Events
Shiftadot_Out here In downtown LA shits poppin. From what I hear things are also getting crazy in the bay. Good.
Fuck Donald trump.

what's with liberals being so quick to incite and support violence when they don't get their way?

People are emotional because they care about the country and know how dangerous Trump is. It's not about "getting their way".

posted about 8 years ago
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