Yeah I don't expect the existing mge networks to replace their SM versions just yet (if ever), especially ones that need the database connection. Once its polished up it will be better for long term stability though. When the sdk update dropped every MGE server was dead thanks to sourcemod going down for a day, meanwhile my vscript server almost immediately filled up with 25 people completely unscathed lole.
Once it's stable and pretty much finished people can also pack it directly into the map and put it on the workshop for even easier installation. Packing it into the map also means you can get a lot more exotic with custom overlays and stats pages and whatnot that don't need to be sent over fastdl and can just be baked directly into the map. Arena scoreboards, custom HUD, a lot more possibilities to bring it into a new era.
I imagine some people reading that will get spooked by the idea of turning mge into workshop slop and I do recognize that I/any mappers would need to be very careful about this. Everything must be done through playtesting with real mge rats and not random workshop creators, and most importantly a lot of it should be optional to avoid fixing what isn't broken. Still got time to think about how to do this before it's even at this point.
I've got more lofty ideas like "infinite" maps using propper templates to dynamically spawn however many spires/blands mids/etc that you want so you never need to wait for one to open, but that's a lot further down the line and is currently just an idea.