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Last Posted February 3, 2025 at 4:04 AM
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#110 TL Harbors Pedophiles in TF2 General Discussion
RendoasIf you give a fuck about what consenting adults are doing in the bedroom, you're not as liberal as you'd like to believe.

You're acting like I'm harassing a innocent queer person that enjoys risque kinks in private who's just a victim of alt-right evildoers. You are belligerent. This is someone who is 21, interacted with minors on a roster for months, who has been following accounts drawing Lolicon Porn and Cub Porn. for God knows how long.

Would you want kids around that person? Would you want Your kids around that person? And don't make this about "you dont want queer people around children because you believe they are all pedophiles" No, I don't want Pedophiles around children.

posted 4 weeks ago
#65 TL Harbors Pedophiles in TF2 General Discussion
cygThis thread is pointless, you should just report them through the links posted by mariomanz

I had already waited for more than 2 months too see if any repercussions would be given too the players in question, and they hadn't, so therefor I had made this thread. Reporting had already been done months ago. Nothing happened. So I decided too make a thread about it.

posted 1 month ago
#39 TL Harbors Pedophiles in TF2 General Discussion


posted 1 month ago
#23 TL Harbors Pedophiles in TF2 General Discussion
Saphbanned pedo accuses people of being pedos ggs.

Posted at July 17th 2024 at 1:42AM EDT
edited Jan 28, 2025 at 3:21 AM EST

This community will die out completely if we continue to let it be ran by people who don't play the game or don't actually care about being a part of the community besides when they're being edge lords and whiny nerds in random discord vc's (M17). This isn't just for rgl, but for every sub-community. The people we let admin for Tf2CC and newbie cup, the people we let run pug servers, and the people that are known sex offenders, racists, or any other form of unforgivable weirdo behavior being able to play with and around us. I have never been in a community so intent on constantly complaining about how things are, and have always been, without doing anything about it.

delete your post before your embarrassed any further in your contradictory statements. Pathetic.

posted 1 month ago
#4 TL Harbors Pedophiles in TF2 General Discussion
stkcraz behavior to make this thread not even acknowledging that

morphine was literally able to recognize loli artists by looking at a pfp (check that hard drive)

Morphine saw fawn post a video in your server, thought it was weird, stalked their twitter profile, looked through their followings, found those accounts by opening them and checking the profiles, also one of them literally had "i draw cute boys and girls" in the description (?)

No other options? Ringers?

Also refusing too address every other point that i made including
the bsky follows
the fact that you kept them around for 2 weeks after this entire situation
and the fact that you conspired too get the report ruined
makes you look very weird

The scratchhh thing i dropped almost instantly after speaking too them

And the incessant name calling in your post makes you look very immature, calling me a moron under a post of you defending and harboring a pedophile on your roster which also had minors apart of it makes you look very weird

posted 1 month ago
#1 TL Harbors Pedophiles in TF2 General Discussion

No, this isn't about some super b4nny invite status player, its amateur highlander, pedophiles are still pedophiles regardless of div (Hot Take)

This is the last thing I can do for you all as a warning too not roster nor play near this person
I will be walking you through a timeline of events that occurred before after and during this
All names uncensored are who you should be focusing on, That being av7ry/avy (Harboring the person of interest) Fawn (the pedophile)
All users who's names are censored are blameless victims, Don't bother harassing them, Nor should you bother harassing the people who aren't censored in this, Fawn has since quit RGL because they probably foresaw something like this occurring after my ban, and av7ry just shouldn't be interacted with on any basis.
If these streamables are taken down and you are viewing this within the year and my account is still up Inbox me and i will give you the raw recordings

Don't turn this thread into the conversation of "What is a pedophile" Fawn was rostered with minors and was allowed too be around kids even after it was made apparent too avy that Fawn followed multiple accounts on twitter that sexualized children

I was made aware of a player on my team following lolicon artists on 10/21/24
RGL Report sent in at 10/22/24
I Decided too tell our TL this info at 10/22/24
We talked on voice and they decided too tell me "I should wait until the seasons over", I Told them that the report was already sent
On or around 10/24/24 a group chat was made in which they would discuss ways of sabotaging my report and continuing too harbor a pedophile
These screenshots were given too me by someone from inside that group, if you need to question the validity of them, please inbox me on this site with your discord or something
The censored profile in this collage is a 15 year old, who was being with a lack of a better word, emotionally manipulated into taking the side of avy under the pretense of the season ending short because "our core would be ruined"
On 10/27/24 I was removed from multiple team discords and De-rostered from the team on RGL
On 10/29/24 I was banned for 4 years for Cheating, presumably because Someone had found a video of me doing so about a year ago by now on casual, for clarity, I had never cheated in anything competitive related.
On 11/18/24 my Appeal was rejected after I had argued that the reasoning around my ban was clearly not too Uphold RGLs code of conduct and only too keep me out of the community and keep pedophiles in
On 1/23/25 I was made apparent of Fawns Bluesky account by an anonymous source, in which they were following multiple pedophilic accounts too this day not limited too;

ilstarlite: MASSIVE FUCKING PEDOPHILE (drew naked kid furries eating tampons while being sexually assaulted)
miyoriia: reposts rape + pedophile art
doomsday: drew fanart + reposted art from lilstarlite
dead-girl: follows lilstralite + follows many zoophiles and people who pretend to be toddlers for sexual gratification
nikonikonek000: reposted lilstarlite art
nullfawn: has reposted multiple pieces by lilstarlite, including an explicitly pedophilic one
kitteh: reposted artwork from lilstarlite
jasperscales: reposted zoophilia art, age-gap zoophilia art, incest, and is proship (proship people do not see a problem with pedophilia or zoophilia or any number of things and label anyone who has an issue with these things "antis"), and has reposted blocklists of these "antis" so people can wank it to their pedophilia in peace
valentine-actual: reposted lilstarlite art, and is into diapers/pedophilia
oceanhearinganimal: reposted lilstarlite art
loli: i think the problem here is obvious
bunydogy: reposted lilstarlite art

No images are shown in this recording, its just a display of all the accounts that are followed by this person

There is nothing else regarding this certain situation that I would like too add further, except for this one screenshot that was sent too the same 15 year old, why you would tell someone that young information like this is beyond me:

The reason I have made this thread is because There is no other option for me anymore, I'm banned from RGL now 2 days after submitting a report for pedophilia against another user, Which I like to believe is completely unrelated,
And I believe that bad things need too happen to bad people, and its been 3 months and no bad things have happened too bad people, so I'm giving this situation a little push

I'd rather this exist just too make people aware of this persons actions, and that you shouldn't roster with this person unless you want too either get gaslit for a week straight having everyone who you thought were your friends telling you that pedophilia is in fact normal, and that you are the crazy person.

posted 1 month ago