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Last Posted January 9, 2017 at 12:19 AM
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#19 CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl in TF2 General Discussion


On behalf of Qixalite, I would like to state that we will not be assisting or providing any of our services or resources to this event. We gave the opportunity for CappingTV to be organised and communicate properly with us, but this was never the case.

Over the period from when they first reached out to us and requested servers from us, they had nothing planned and we sent them away with the request "You need to go back, plan the entire event and keep us updated with everything that was going on", but this was never done. The only time updates were ever given to a member of the Qixalite team was when we had to argue or nag the people who wanted us to support their event.

To further clarify, another reason for not wanting to assist CappingTV is due to the distrust between CappingTV and Qixalite, as well as the community. This distrust began upon the announcement of their event, where they never outlined everything they would do with the extra keys they received from the entry fee, if there were any. In response to this we were told "the profits would go towards future ventures for CPTV and possibly we could give you guys some for servers". We would never ask for money for a community event completely funded by players.

Following further investigation into where the profit CappingTV wanted to claim was going to go, we were told that it would be used to pay a designer who created art for the tournament. Later we found that this designer is a part of CappingTV's management team, and that we were lied to about CappingTV wanting none of the profits.

After heated exchanges with the community they soon changed how their event was going to work again and yet none of us at Qixalite were ever updated with any of the changes regarding the event, yet they wanted us to provide our services.

Overall, with the constant excuses released by them, the inability for them to not be completely transparent with us and the community about their organisation of the event, and finally the failure of meeting the simple request of keeping us updated while needing to argue with them to tell us about information is the reason why we are not assisting them anymore.

Kindest Regards,

posted about 8 years ago