cvk is getting demo reviewed for cheating, And for the Record, and hold your fucking heart, when I was a young man, I had a reading disabled and every thingg harder for me, I was held back because I was born as a c-section child. For those of you idiots who dont understand what that is, that means my mother was cut open because I was too big. In the old west, in that situation, you choose the baby, or the mother.
Today I'm sharp sober son of a bitch. So on the record, refgarding UGC and its rules, I can in fact use that word.
Pajaro, stop telling people to kill them selves, That shit is toxic. RGL should really look at that clip and say, "is that really how we conduct ourselves in voice chat, no wonder we dont get any fucking sponsors". Its the same shit that Tagg dealed wiith,And for the record Tagg if you see this, Mossflower was my favorite book of the series.,1000_QL80_.jpg