Jancsik_ZestyCongratulations to night terror for winning etf2l low!
They were better, ggs to them, I don't think it matters that he cheated or not, would have lost either way (maybe not on product, but they are better on 5cp maps), they played well as a team, and we were a bit sloppy, the preassure got to us at the end. We only trash talked to play mental games as a 'last resort', and we don't hate anyone on that roaster. Was a fun season, and I hope it's not the end for yakuza, we enjoyed every moment of it. We made friends, and improved a lot, so ultimately It doesn't matter that we got 2nd place, It's still a great achivement.
- yakuza_member
Well, in any ways, it was a good game overall, i'd like to apologize for arguing with you guys, i kind of got pissed a bit after all the taunts, even tho i already apologized at the end of the game, im doing it again, and i sincerely hope you will be at a prem level soon. Don't be discouraged by being beaten by lifeless boomers, GGs and good luck.