Account Details
SteamID64 76561198029549729
SteamID3 [U:1:69284001]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:34642000
Country United States
Signed Up March 23, 2014
Last Posted February 10, 2025 at 10:01 PM
Posts 616 (0.2 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1
Windows Sensitivity default
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
max_fps 0
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse G502
Keyboard Corsair K40
Mousepad pecham xxl
Headphones Sentey reds
Monitor Benq 144hz
1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 41
#3 Monitor Burn-In for TF2 Only in Hardware

IPS image persistence, I only experienced it with some parts of my hud on an old ass benq xl2411. I only needed to power cycle the monitor for it to go away, potentially might need to be the case moving forward if you havent tried it already.

posted 1 month ago
#435 Having a cup of tea. in The Dumpster

had winco cold & flu relief, not sick

Memento vivere

posted 1 month ago
#2 TF2 stuttering on high polling rates in Q/A Help

I had a similarish situation when it was still 32bit where messing with FPS caps reduced the problem, ended up using vsync+gsync+RTSS fuckery that completely fixed the problem. I don't anything along these lines will work due to the necessity of having a super high fps cap on 64bit now. (I could also just be misremembering my testing on 64bit entirely)

maybe just RTSS frame caps will work?

posted 2 months ago
#15 Fireside announces Physgun Fireside Denver 2025 in News


posted 2 months ago
#9 Who else has daddy issues? in The Dumpster

the ghost of entropys past

posted 5 months ago
#31 What was the worst age uv been in Off Topic

fearing 25 tbh

posted 7 months ago
#1 Logitech coating/shiny after usage in TF2 General Discussion

coating failure or user issue ie: corrosive sweat type shit or gripping too hard?

posted 8 months ago
#3 TF2 discussion thread in TF2 General Discussion

i LOVE to jump!

(multiple 1hr+ runs on t3-4 maps)

posted 8 months ago
#27 RGL S15 IM/AM/NC Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

instead of ds_record its gonna be mc_record

ggs to china team

posted 8 months ago
#1247 Vent your anger in Off Topic

the most and hardest ive ever truly cared to improve in this game for myself is long after the dream of grinding it out with the boys and climbing divs has been squashed by life being lived. I almost distinctly remember one of my first mentors for pyro sayin some shit about he had a bad day at work and playing was fun, couldnt understand it since how could you have fun at something youre supposed to win at? Older than he was at the time, almost 14 years ago now. i feel fucking cheesy for posting this but maybe its just time to accept ts for what it is and I have to move on or move with it n make new friends and play with new people. Got an appt on friday for something related to mental, frankly i dont remember what its actually for. Never done it before, kinda scared kinda excited. Definitely worried that if i find out what i need to focus on I'll snap out of this... life? and leave it behind like the rest of the guys did. Hope we win clearcut on thursday to brighten the mindset going into it.

posted 9 months ago
#6 TF2 constantly laggy in Customization
slumgullionTry capping your fps at 1000 or below

64bit update upped the fps cap from 500 to 1000, on my system changing it much at all fucks visuals in the same way. If youre capping FPS for motion clarity purposes and are on AMD, you need to look into scanline sync to achieve what gsync/nvidia control panel (as a sub-in for not being able to use fps_max now)/rtss would get you.

posted 9 months ago
#22 Timeguessr in Other Games

todays SUCKED

posted 9 months ago
#30 Monitor in Hardware

whats a solid 140-180ish hz OLED looking like nowadays? Need to learn about the tech and figure might as well find a good baseline to work with

posted 10 months ago
#773 TF2 benchmarks in TF2 General Discussion

lenovo laptop 14alc05
ryzen 5700u
16gb, 7.7gb shared, 512mb dedicated to i-gpu
driving 1440p external monitor via hdmi.
benched day 1 of 64bit

did a bunch of testing after joining skial harvest @ 22 players and with "low" avgs of 60-70 and shooting up to 170 when not looking at a lot of players (same as test #1). Seemingly can't alt-tab with -vulkan being used, not sure if igpu drivers are being weird or what.

Will say, very pleased with how this is turning out. I've slowly seen this laptop over the past... 2? 3? years become more and more viable for the random stuff i want to do occasionally. Went back to harvest, 15-20 players on the server lowest i saw with dx81, mastercom very low was like 80-90 on a mid.

I ran nerd shit for dx81, 90, and 95 progressively working up to the final 2 states i benched. like 2 dozen other tests if you want to check it out here:

Used shounics benchmarks:

///dx95 (no config, no launch options, all low adv options 2560x1440p)
sbmrk----11795 frames 252.900 seconds 46.64 fps (21.44 ms/f) 2.911 fps variability
sbmrk24--5032 frames 79.008 seconds 63.69 fps (15.70 ms/f) 5.114 fps variability

///dx81 mastercoms very low latest headsfeet (+outlines,killfeed,msgs,killstreaks)
sbmrk----11795 frames 169.904 seconds 69.42 fps (14.40 ms/f) 4.937 fps variability
sbmrk24--5032 frames 45.972 seconds 109.46 fps ( 9.14 ms/f) 7.284 fps variability

///dx90 -vulkan mastercoms very low latest headsfeet (+outlines,killfeed,msgs,killstreaks)
sbmrk----11795 frames 201.871 seconds 58.43 fps (17.11 ms/f) 3.812 fps variability
sbmrk24--5032 frames 56.345 seconds 89.31 fps (11.20 ms/f) 6.224 fps variability
posted 10 months ago
#47 MAJOR TF2 update for 4/18/24 (Windows/Linux x64) in TF2 General Discussion

lenovo laptop 14alc05
ryzen 5700u
16gb, 7.7gb shared, 512mb dedicated to i-gpu
driving 1440p external monitor via hdmi.

did a bunch of testing after joining skial harvest @ 22 players and with "low" avgs of 60-70 and shooting up to 170 when not looking at a lot of players (same as test #1). Seemingly can't alt-tab with -vulkan being used, not sure if igpu drivers are being weird or what.

Will say, very pleased with how this is turning out. I've slowly seen this laptop over the past... 2? 3? years become more and more viable for the random stuff i want to do occasionally. Went back to harvest, 15-20 players on the server lowest i saw with dx81, mastercom very low was like 80-90 on a mid.

I ran nerd shit for dx81, 90, and 95 progressively working up to the final 2 states i benched. like 2 dozen other tests if you want to check it out here:

Used shounics benchmarks:

///dx95 (no config, no launch options, all low adv options 2560x1440p)
sbmrk----11795 frames 252.900 seconds 46.64 fps (21.44 ms/f) 2.911 fps variability
sbmrk24--5032 frames 79.008 seconds 63.69 fps (15.70 ms/f) 5.114 fps variability

///dx81 mastercoms very low latest headsfeet (+outlines,killfeed,msgs,killstreaks)
sbmrk----11795 frames 169.904 seconds 69.42 fps (14.40 ms/f) 4.937 fps variability
sbmrk24--5032 frames 45.972 seconds 109.46 fps ( 9.14 ms/f) 7.284 fps variability

///dx90 -vulkan mastercoms very low latest headsfeet (+outlines,killfeed,msgs,killstreaks)
sbmrk----11795 frames 201.871 seconds 58.43 fps (17.11 ms/f) 3.812 fps variability
sbmrk24--5032 frames 56.345 seconds 89.31 fps (11.20 ms/f) 6.224 fps variability
posted 10 months ago
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