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Last Posted October 19, 2016 at 5:12 PM
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#14 most hated tf2 teams in history in TF2 General Discussion

Also Kill Switch when they had Kcot and janky servers.

posted about 8 years ago
#13 most hated tf2 teams in history in TF2 General Discussion
Phoenix21wruLowpander because that workswho knew having 4 or 5 previously prem players would work in high???
they don't win thanks to muuki, they win despite muuki.

To be fair, most of the players who have prem experience gained it when Prem was at it's lowest ebb. Kissa Kala on Medic?????????????????????????????????????????? Hildoge in general?????????? Pastnieks????? Grenjabob on scout LOL! Imagine losing to them. Muuki carries that team single-handedly.

posted about 8 years ago
#62 Highlander article missing in Site Discussion
SideshowBulowHow does producing content for one format detract from the value/content of another format?
Without even touching on the actual issue this should be obvious. If you put content you consider inferior on the same pedestal as your top content, it devalues the pedestal itself. You dilute the amount of quality content and decrease the overall value of what's on the site.

For instance if we put my 9 year old brother's poetry in the British Classic Poetry Anthology 2016, it wouldn't devalue the other pieces of work when taken as their own but "Me and My Poo" sure wouldn't help it sell. Not drawing comparisons in terms of quality of content, but you understand how it pertains to the more general question you were asking.

That's a fair comment, but I don't think it really works for Team Fortress 2. What is TFTV trying to 'sell' here? That 6v6 is a significant and prestigious esport?

posted about 9 years ago
#59 Highlander article missing in Site Discussion
Ond_kajaHighlander content doesn't have much value outside of the TF2 community, whereas the 6v6 format is more integrated with the rest of the eSports scene, and has a bigger presence with outside sponsors. The level of interest is undeniably higher with 6v6, if you look at the actual figures (prizepools, viewership, LAN participation, etc.). It makes sense for TFTV to focus on producing high-value content, rather than trying to please everyone. This is especially true now that 6v6 has the potential to become bigger than ever, at least in Europe.

How does producing content for one format detract from the value/content of another format?

posted about 9 years ago
#37 Highlander article missing in Site Discussion

Is there somewhere that explains why the News section has been repurposed to omit a very large chunk of competitive TF2?

posted about 9 years ago
#22 Highlander article missing in Site Discussion
flamefor arguments sake.


I'm sorry, that doesn't look very current. Are you sure that the competitive pyro dodgeball scene isn't dead, like 5v5 and 7v7? I'm disappointed now.

posted about 9 years ago
#18 Highlander article missing in Site Discussion
flameso is pyro dodgeball

Is it though? I didn't know that there was any sort of competitive format with organisations designed to facilitate it. Please link me to one, I would like to play some competitive pyro dodgeball, and what better place to hear about it than the inclusive home of competitive tf2?

posted about 9 years ago
#11 Highlander article missing in Site Discussion

Is there somewhere that those reasonsing are rehashed? Seems stupid to me given that I thought that this site was supposed to be a portal into all things competitive TF2.

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Highlander article missing in Site Discussion

I didn't get to see this article, could the mods please fix this so I can peruse it? I'm a keen aficionado of Highlander.

posted about 9 years ago
#9 TeamFortress.TV Highlander Invitational #2 powered by Tt eSPORTS In Detail in News

No Hegee, no win

posted about 10 years ago
#33 so . . . it's good to be a european demoman in TF2 General Discussion

Hildreth is only the 4th best English demo main in euro hl though.

posted about 10 years ago
#125 THE REMATCH IS REAL in TF2 General Discussion

So if MF9K had told an admin 5 minutes after the pause that GC weren't unpausing, what would have happened? Because even by doing that, they would presumably have delayed the game because the admin would want to get both sides of the story (even though the rule is pretty clear). And in the mean time, if GC's final player was able to rejoin, would there be any penalty?

I mostly ask because the UGC line seems to have changed. In seasons gone by wasn't it 'you don't need to be any more sporting than the rules allow, and it's actually unfair to berate teams for following the rules'?

posted about 10 years ago
#1 UGC EU Platinum Highlander All-Star Showmatch in Events
ride full of fears, tears, hats and uber drops?

I'm playing, so no need for that question mark #Bulowdrops

posted about 11 years ago