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Signed Up June 7, 2014
Last Posted February 6, 2016 at 2:04 PM
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#25 csgo 2v2 tourney in CS2 General Discussion

Players: Canadianese (GE) and Burdened (SMFC)
"The Phufighters" HAAAOOWW

posted about 9 years ago
#4 LF Pocket Mentor IM+ in Mentoring

try adding this guy, he's high IM

posted about 10 years ago
#26 bullet actually in open in TF2 General Discussion
futureBurd, if you pay up and play with that team you will officially become a fucking piece of shit. You are a good player man, but fucking christ stop associating with hackers and ddosing scumfucks. I mean c'mon did shit not click after this http://www.ugcleague.com/team_page.cfm?clan_id=11817 when Dave's team reported bullet, and then he got his crew to ddos them the rest of the season?

Fucking CHRIST.

If it means anything future I really only played with these guys because a select few of them were guys I considered friends in the beginning (rox, circa, muk). I didn't go into this thinking "oh boy, I get to get play with hackers and win all the time" I really just wanted to play tf2 with some guys I could shoot the shit with on a nightly basis. You of all people would know that me finding a team would be somewhat difficult (ugc shitlord) and TriggerFPS was really the only one at the time that had players I enjoyed playing with after my old team had disbanded. Having to deal with Bullet and Pancho(and for the record he played in none of our officials) was just an "elephant in the room" that I wouldn't bring up considering everyone that was on that team wanted to play with him.

posted about 10 years ago
#5 Bronan LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

Had the privilege of being carried to playoffs by Bronan in the three leagues we played in. As jake said, Bronan easily has the mechanical aim and gamesense of an IM level demoman. The best thing about Bronan is that since he's still relatively new to competitive tf2 (1st team he's ever been on) he hasn't even come close to hitting his skill ceiling, and he's only going to keep improving in bounds for the next year or 2. Would be a shame not to see him playing demo in IM this season, where he could really show what he has to offer.

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he also makes me rage in MGE sometimes
posted about 10 years ago