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SteamID64 76561198028690509
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:34212390
Country United States
Signed Up January 30, 2014
Last Posted December 6, 2015 at 9:11 PM
Posts 56 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 2.40
Windows Sensitivity 6
Raw Input 1
1600 x 1900
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Red Dragon Centrophorus
Keyboard Magic Eagle Faux Mechanical
Mousepad SteelSeries
Headphones Razer Carcharias
Monitor Hanns-G
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#16 Experienced Medic LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

Welp, Looks Like I'm never finding a team ever, thanks guys :)

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Experienced Medic LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

Hey guys, I'm looking for a team for next season. I spent a season away from esea playing Highlander and boy do I regret that decision so I'm looking to find a fun group of nerds to play video games with. I'm available to scrim most nights and I want to try and do well this season, hopefully playoffs. Add me on steam and I can tryout sometime, thanks


posted about 9 years ago
#1 Medic Looking For Team in Recruitment (looking for team)

I've been playing comp tf2 since 2012. I've played one season in open, rest in UGC. I'd like to find a team that scrims a lot, but I'd rather sub since I don't have any money. Not a huge fan of UGC tho so subbing seems better. Hmu if you want me to tryout.

posted about 9 years ago
#6 esea server lag in TF2 General Discussion

How hard is it to get good, working servers? This isn't me trying to be a dick, I'm honestly curious. Most server companies have a rep for being "trash" and I'm wondering why even ESEA can't get servers to work properly.

posted about 10 years ago
#7 ESEA Invite: Street Hoops eSports vs. eLevate TF2 in Events

Idk how this will work tho. Street hoops doesn't have 6 payed up. Hell, there's an invite team with only 3 rostered people. Mad men ALSO isn't all payed up. Instead of freaking out about IM, we should be worrying about Invite, as the cost of playing seems to be making teams unable to play. I know if I was trying to play invite I wouldn't be able to afford it!

posted about 10 years ago
#144 ESEA S18 & TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
fargobawlersOnd_kajaNormally, you would pay to play in a P2P league because of the quality of servers, organisation, customer service, cheat free environment etc. This is what you should get when you pay up. You get value out of paying other than the mere possibility of winning more money. There's nothing wrong with pay to play.

However, when I played in the only season where ESEA operated in Europe, everything was basically a trainwreck and it was all ESEA's fault. I've NEVER played in such a disorganised league, and I've played in many free leagues. Three weeks delay of the season, servers weren't working when the season finally started, when the server issue was fixed there were no server available suddenly, ESEA doesn't give a fuck and forces us to play four officials in one week, and then the BTC scandal happens again. The competition was non-existant because nobody bothered to play four matches a weeks and would rather fold (because the league was at this point a joke, there was no reason to not drop once you weren't able to reach play-offs anymore). Meanwhile the ESEA staff posted dumb shit on TFTV to everyone who complained, it really showed that they don't really give a fuck about TF2.

So yeah, I basically paid them to fuck me up in as many ways as they possibly could think of. It still gives me a headache thinking about this, which is why I think they are fucking crooks.
ya see the thing is that tf2 isnt some hot new game that every league is scrambling to cater to. esea is the ONLY company that offers tf2 players a consistent lan

the whole tough guy/hardball act works better when you have a bargaining chip

Cevo did everything it could to change that and apparently noone went with em. They had a lan finals at GXL, GXL was a HUGE LAN that was dominated by TF2, basically the NA version of the Iseries and it folded.... People rolled their eyes at it and they said fine, don't love us. They were cheaper, gave better service, had people that actually cared about the community running it and actually wanted TF2 around and ESEA people didn't join and it folded, and now we have ESEA being esea with servers that give terrible ping to people that live in dallas, that force as many dollars out as they possibly can and give nothing back. People prefer scrimming on their own servers cuz they aren't bad, people don't use the pug service because it is bad. What are we paying for? The prestige? The right for 4 invite teams to pay their own way to a lan that likely wont even pay back their travel costs? Why? Because ESEA is the only company that offers tf2 players a consistent lan... This... This doesnt make sense to me. CEVO wanted to give us a lan and we refused. Its sad really.

posted about 10 years ago
#143 ESEA S18 & TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
Ond_kajahookyAlso, pay to play generates better competition, since there's more risk. In ESEA, you automatically lose your premium/league fee money if you drop out; in free leagues, nothing happens. You have just as much money as before. League fees keep competition up towards the higher ends of each division.
Normally, you would pay to play in a P2P league because of the quality of servers, organisation, customer service, cheat free environment etc. This is what you should get when you pay up. You get value out of paying other than the mere possibility of winning more money. There's nothing wrong with pay to play.

However, when I played in the only season where ESEA operated in Europe, everything was basically a trainwreck and it was all ESEA's fault. I've NEVER played in such a disorganised league, and I've played in many free leagues. Three weeks delay of the season, servers weren't working when the season finally started, when the server issue was fixed there were no server available suddenly, ESEA doesn't give a fuck and forces us to play four officials in one week, and then the BTC scandal happens again. The competition was non-existant because nobody bothered to play four matches a weeks and would rather fold (because the league was at this point a joke, there was no reason to not drop once you weren't able to reach play-offs anymore). Meanwhile the ESEA staff posted dumb shit on TFTV to everyone who complained, it really showed that they don't really give a fuck about TF2.

So yeah, I basically paid them to fuck me up in as many ways as they possibly could think of. It still gives me a headache thinking about this, which is why I think they are fucking crooks.

These are all thoughts I've had about ESEA, yet people continue to throw money at them and if you want to be looked at as a good TF2 player, you have to play ESEA. I mean, I'm paying... Why do I get better servers/support from UGC, a free league that really only cares about HL? I'm honestly ignorant on this, don't just say I'm stupid: Why does everyone at the higher end of TF2 love ESEA so much when ESEA doesn't love us back?

posted about 10 years ago
#142 ESEA S18 & TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
hookyOnd_kajaIt's kinda sad that people actually believe that the survival of American TF2 apparently depends on paying (read: donating) money to a crooked company like ESEA who seemingly do everything in their power to fuck up their customers. In return we get three LANs a year with only four teams, which are mostly just boring turtlefests where nothing interesting happens for an hour per map, while the same people win the prizes season after season. Lol, TF2 won't die just because ESEA stops supporting it because in the end only a few people are truly in it for the money.It's either support ESEA, a league that seems to have at least some interest in TF2 6s, support one that has traditionally heavily favored HL over 6s, or support one that isn't even for our damn continent. And making a new league would just create more problems. You think I'm wrong about that? Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't we just have a league that supported us for a whole year and gave us another set of LAN finals as well as our own version of the i-Series LANs, but never gained much traction and ended up dropping TF2 a month ago?

Also, pay to play generates better competition, since there's more risk. In ESEA, you automatically lose your premium/league fee money if you drop out; in free leagues, nothing happens. You have just as much money as before. League fees keep competition up towards the higher ends of each division.

Why did CEVO die? I wanted to play in it because it's cheaper than ESEA and less... Evil? Idk if thats the right word... But now its no more. It had a ton of potential! And what's this I hear about Mix^ dropping out of invite? Did they all quit?

posted about 10 years ago
#141 ESEA S18 & TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
cyzerNot really, typically after LAN teams take 1 week off, but after that week it was basically the holiday season. Having the LAN in December everyone pretty much knew this lull would be happening. I would just pay my fee if I knew I'd for sure have a spot on a team but that's pretty impossible to do since everyone is just waiting until after New Years.

Cyzer, you have a spot on a team. My open team needs a scout, the spot is yours XD

posted about 10 years ago
#10 cheap mechanical keyboard in Hardware

If you want really REALLY nice switches... Good luck. If you want the mechanical feel, I can't recomend Magic Eagle enough. I'm not sure if they are 100% mechanical, but they feel freaking amazing. Very responsive and a joy to type on. In terms of gaming, since I switched from my old compaq hunk of shit to this bad boy my bobbing and weaving is much MUCH better (I main medic). I can't recomend it enough!

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Medic Looking to sub in Recruitment (looking for team)

Hey guys. I'm looking to sub for this season/some scrims. Took a season off so I'm trying to break off the rust. I'm a good worker and I'm not a pain in mumble. I'm 23. I've been playing comp tf2 for nearly 2 years. Just looking for a relaxed group of gamers to vidya game with and if a main spot opens up, then woo hoo! Shoot me a message on steam for a tryout, thanks :)

posted about 10 years ago
#205 cp_logjam (5CP) in Map Discussion

did you fix heavies being able to fire through the wall at last? I remember walking through this map in pugs with you, it's come a long way. You added elevation to mid YES! Also, you made the tunnel narrower like you said you would. I like the map! If you ever have a pug on it again, shoot me a message! I love intermodal and I think this one is just as solid!

posted about 10 years ago
#20 CEVO Season 6 Announced in News

Hey, if CEVO needs casters, I've been dying to get into the casting scene. Just message me on steam how to get ahold of people to start casting.

posted about 10 years ago
#8 Pocket - High Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Added for a tryout :)

posted about 10 years ago
#639 rayshud in Customization

Are you releasing the Vaccinator fix as 3.92 or are you going to wait for the complete overhaul you are planning and just make it 4.0?

posted about 10 years ago
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