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Signed Up June 10, 2013
Last Posted December 23, 2014 at 8:03 AM
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#5 "Thanks for being a part of my life!" in Off Topic

I'm not sure tbh. I'll get back to you though man. The reason for the repeated disclaimers being that the admins on this site are bad at what they do.

posted about 10 years ago
#3 "Thanks for being a part of my life!" in Off Topic

I'm not the wounded stapler and not speaking for him anymore so i don't mind telling you that i hate you all :)

posted about 10 years ago
#1 "Thanks for being a part of my life!" in Off Topic

Quote from The Wounded Stapler:
"First of all, I wanted to say thank you all for being an amazing influence in my life!

I remember when I randomly decided to start playing TF2 and figured that making a first impressions video was the way to go, and through a random stroke of luck I remembered this community and posted the video here in anticipation
of people telling me how much I suck and why I should quit, instead I got accepted with open arms and you guys showed me the true value of a community! If you would've asked me when I first started The Wounded Stapler what my plans were for the channel, I would've told you guys that I wanted to keep making funny YouTube videos on TF2. Boy, did that change. It's been almost an entire year since I first met you folks, and I've been coming back here with news of going from pub to competitive, from competitive back to pub and from funny TF2 videos to commentaries, and from commentaries to college and college to acting and eventually doing stand up comedy and realizing what I wanted to do all along.. Put a smile on people's face and make them a happier a person in general!

I've added many of you on Steam, I've spent counteless hours on TF2 and doing different collaboration projects such as Specast with Kevin, and increasing my comp. knowledge via streaming all while having you awesome Tf.Tv folk behind my back! I wanted to say thank you for the experience and memories, you guys definitely made 2014 a year that i'll never forget, and hopefully we'll have many more awesome years to come!

With that being said, about 8 months ago, I did a livestream of my first ever comp. match and it had started so many friendships that I still cherish to this day and to be honest with you folks, my first comp. experience was incredible due to the all the support that was shown that day so I decided to make a commentary that I initially scrapped, but looking through and listening to it again and looking at a younger version of my self brought tears to my eyes and it made me feel extremely nostalgic about the days that had passed and it made me hopeful for the days to come in the future.

Without further ado, I present to you guys, a blast from the past! "


Disclaimer: I am not The Wounded Stapler, and this content is uploaded with his express permission.
The quotation was from The Wounded Stapler, edited only to fix his bad spelling.

posted about 10 years ago
#30 [Stream Request] Noob Adventures! in Requests
MR_SLINI couldn't stand to read the whole thing

Same then mate.

MR_SLINI'm all for having a discussion about this but be reasonable here.

I was. They were points, not demands.

If you're so bored with the tedium of having people make obviously valid points, then I guess I'll take logic elsewhere, Admin: 1. Entire community: 0.

posted about 11 years ago
#27 [Stream Request] Noob Adventures! in Requests

I wouldn't worry about me getting banned, lol. Enigma's a nice guy, and if he did I wouldn't care. He'd just go down in my (and a lot of people's) opinions. Although the site would become a little of a joke if he did it personally.

posted about 11 years ago
#25 [Stream Request] Noob Adventures! in Requests

Well I just wrote a huge (like, over 2000 words) essay on this, but internets are bad. So I'm pissed and can't be arsed to write another book.

Let's move quick here.

Point making time! Slin, I don't want some like, official response or anything, I want your actual thoughts.

I understand you can't do anything much about anything I say, I want thoughts rather than actions really.

1. this guy is freaking great at entertaining.
2. TF2 needs new people joining competitive or it'll die. If this guy goes big then we get that.
3. If he doesn't go big then we broke one rule for a gamble (like a kritz, right.). Oh well.
4. the rule above that we broke is invalid in that the SITE OWNER BROKE IT ANYWAY. What a great example. If he can do it as a lone individual, why can't the entire community stand up for it's self in the same manner?
5. In response to likely response to the above response to your response to the idea of this dude doing that thing: There's a point when a website and thus its owner have a responsibility to their community moreso than their own personal control of the website and its administration. This website is something big now, amalgomously becoming the competitive hub. It needs to show that rather than being a dude who can do whatever and everyone else.
6. "competitive hub" Boom! I just argued against myself so you don't have to. But the point is the competitive community is symbiotic with the general interest in the game, obviously.
7. Elitism that comes from creating a site that's hostile to newcomers shoots both short-term personal gain in terms of the website and the general longevity of both the game in general and the competitive community in the foot. That's really counter-beneficial, which is bad...
8. This dude is actually awesome.
9. him blowing up like STAR or whatever and being linked to this site = hella traffic, I'm talking $$$ here. Case study: A dude called Jerma posted a video about MGE right, he's kinda crap at tf2, but this video (and him) are fairly popular among newer players, and suddenly there were tons of new people in all of the MGE servers. If our stapler here gets big and has a direct link to TF.TV then we get an influx, that's great. If he doesn't get big (somehow) then we broke an arbitrary and evidently redundant rule in terms of TF2's life.
(9.5). DISCLAIMER: IDC about what you think of star or jerma or freaking shibby2142 or whatever, it's a point and it's made, plz, no flame-y.
10. Can you mis-read this one please slin?
11. Why is E's friend more important than the community's friend? Links in with earlier points, but more directed at the management and administration (and flaws therein) of this website.
12. This guy is so entertaining.
13. "We take great pride in our thriving global community and want it to continue to exist as a healthy medium to exchange ideas and discuss TF2 and other topics" That is this website literally stating that it's bigger than one admin's word.

I feel like I had more to say in the enourmous, 460 page book that I wrote first time around, but maybe I'm all placebo.

Again, just want opinion really. Also, don't ban me E, I know you! (I don't. Ban me. It'll prove your tyranny and open the eyes of the oppressed. There will be a revolution, and I shall be its martyr!)

Also, if he wants to be on the sidebar, I'll get him there. It's not hard to draft him into a comp team, either roll without too much help from him or have him roster ride or pug a bit or anything. (Not saying you're bad stapler, but you're kinda bad.) Just throwing that out there.

TL:DR: This guy is pretty cool, let's not lie here.

posted about 11 years ago
#88 The Game Plan - TF2! in TF2 General Discussion

Watching through all of these vids now, hopefully I'll clear the backlog. You're like the Tyrone we lost, only slightly worse (or better) at soldier <3. I want to add you and give you some weapons and hats and shit or whatever. Good luck, and I hope you carry on doing what you're doing etc.

Tip being don't disguise as scout, you move slower than them so you're more easy to spot.

EDIT: God damn being in england, I need someone else to find out what time that stream is GMT because I'm obscenely lazy and if I think about doing it myself I'll procrastinate chronically.

EDIT 2: Gratz on Aurora's repeated comments. That dude's the best. (he also has like, 4500 hours on tf2 or something along those lines.)

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Dumb Idea for Idiots in TF2 General Discussion

Well, having read up on it (TY lemon) it seems pretty sick. Shame it's not so popular really. Us euros never get populated servers for niche games like this.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Dumb Idea for Idiots in TF2 General Discussion

EDIT: Escorting myself out as we speak chaps.

I'm petitioning (totally not) for something along the lines of Ultiduo and MGE procreating. The birthed child would be something along the lines of 2v2 with all comp (6s) classes available. This could, admittedly really roughly, simulate scouts or soldier + scout vs demo + med or something random (most of the scenarios of a 2v2 are pretty obscure and all, but MGE spire.. 2 fully buffed soldiers jumping eachother.. Okie dokie.)

The idea of training a dumb specific scenario where you're defending your demo as scout from a pocket and a scout or something is a smaller part of this idea for me, as the idea of somewhat team-based deathmatch/practice and the fun that could be had (think of the mad medic clutch killing two soldiers yo!) is the main influence in my idea for this really. I don't know shit about shit really, but it doesn't seem like it'd be too hard to make, either just unlimit the classes on ultiduo, or preferably throw 2v2 mge at us.

Last thing I'm gonna throw out there is that I haven't done my due rounds of different forms of DM practice, so if there's something out there that essentially is this, then totally tell me and I'll escort myself out awkwardly.

TL;DR: 2v2MGE?

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Platinum's Vods in TF2 General Discussion

B||oodsire's vods seem broken for me.. Twitch has blown up atm, so I can't check Plat atm. But that'd suck if it's true, cause he's the best guy.

posted about 11 years ago
#30 Summer Shades in Off Topic
JustifyedI dont know how to lock it because I am new to tf2 and, hence why I asked a noob question, then everyone pounced on me because almost everyone here hates anyone that is new and may not know what they are talking about because they are new.

There's the sympathy play again. You want someone to give you summer shades for free, or want a way of getting them for free? Think of it this way: You want this item, but you're new, so you ask how to get said expensive item for free... Think! If it's expensive, there's clearly no fucking way of getting it is there?! Anyway, how much do they go for these days? 4 keys? That's not hard to scrounge up, even for a noob. keep trading off these forums in the future, and get your own items.

posted about 11 years ago
#66 When did you realize you were better than average? in TF2 General Discussion
cage-I knew when I was above average because I realized I didn't want anymore hats, and just wanted to play.

S-so, I'll never be above average?

posted about 11 years ago
#150 New kind of 6v6? in TF2 General Discussion

The problem with one class limit being that off-classing wouldn't be such a prevalent and exciting feature. I know when I was new to watching comp TF2, watching a guy switching to sniper and going crazy was a fantastic moment in a 6v6 game for me. As it is, a full time sniper would likely be present, and the most viable off-classes to use, would be part of the main team anyway. So if VALVe think that mixing things up is important to keep the game fresh for viewers, this won't help. All this will do is give repetitive games. They'll be different than the games we're used to now, but I feel they'll quickly become the norm, and we'll miss Habrleu going crazy as spy, or B||oodsire actually doing well as Pyro or whatever. I'm pretty new to the scene though, and that's just my two cents. Feel free to correct me on whatever I'm completely wrong about.

posted about 11 years ago
#137 What yall think of... in TF2 General Discussion

Meh, this guy's no B||oodsire.

posted about 11 years ago