Can't disagree with what smzi said, the player pool is just too limited with what it takes to get a 2nd or 3rd super team up.
Genuinely not being biased here, but there are not many players like KnoX who can call at a good level but also dm, Zebbosai and maybe Ipz would be the only two who I can think of right now who could fit the hole of soldier for TLR.
So with regards to what WARHURYEAH said about TLR just needing to fill in the void of KnoX, that's not gonna happen unless a suitable and valid soldier who can command his team joins. Only ones currently Ipz (which he'd never join TLR coz Mirelin :D) and Zebbosai...
As for the overall picture, to have a super team you need at minimum 5 out of the 6 players understand the game properly, and that doesn't mean the average prem player knowledge, the knowledge of knowing how to play your class at it's very best.
The Epsilon of before were so strong because they all knew the strengths and weaknesses of their classes individually without needing a caller (aka numlocked/knox) to tell them what to do. That's what made them so strong, the understanding between each other of what to do in a transitional play. The same could be said to Classic Mixup in 2012, they too had the same tenacity.
Now baring in mind what I've just said how many players in Europe do you think could fit that specification? Without being a total ass, sorry to say not enough to make another super team I don't feel. There are a few out who definitely understand their class and they just need a few more players in the same bracket to make that "all-star" team...
Examples would be -> kaidus, Zebbosai, maybe smzi and kiler4fun (not included you WAR as you're trialing for Epsi)
I'm literally talking about knowing what to do in any given situation for your class, and for others, very epsilon'que basically.
You get the picture, not many. Who knows maybe there is a couple of players out there currently in prem who will burst and be a star but yeah slim pickings!