Thank you, but I need ETF2L players, not RGL.
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198124371804 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:164106076] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:82053038 |
Country | United States |
Signed Up | January 12, 2024 |
Last Posted | January 17, 2024 at 8:19 AM |
Posts | 5 (0 per day) |
Game Settings | |
In-game Sensitivity | |
Windows Sensitivity | |
Raw Input | |
Resolution |
Refresh Rate |
Hardware Peripherals | |
Mouse | |
Keyboard | |
Mousepad | |
Headphones | |
Monitor |
Looking for players [HL-OPEN]
Recruitment (looking for players)
Prior to this, our team game is in 6's and we just started putting together an HL team. Looking for main scout and sub. soldier. Discord - c00livan
posted about a year ago
Looking for a pyro mentor
Looking for a straight gigachad-pybro mentor for a furry u-word scorchshot-user woman. Discord - c00livan
posted about a year ago
Looking for a heavy mentor
Looking for a big heavy weapons guy for a skinny baby pool weapons guy of our team. Discord - c00livan
posted about a year ago
Looking for a sniper mentor
Looking for a sniper mentor with the fastest arm in the wild west for our one-armed speed shooter. DS - c00livan
posted about a year ago