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Last Posted January 11, 2025 at 11:09 PM
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#9 Medic class unpopular? in TF2 General Discussion

IDK in my experience its other player's mindsets too. "Medic is an easy class." Many other players don't respect medic mains, Doing well isn't as clear cut as the other classes. I've heard multiple times from different medic mains ranging from steel to Invite saying they don't know if they did good or not or if they are really improving as medic(Nursey has said this). It's hard to give medic a first try because its such an important class, and usually people are very toxic when things go wrong. An example is when Console (a low-mid open medic) dropped an uber resulting in a tie on PugChamp and B4nny flipped out cursing at him and calling him an idiot. (BTW Console has quit medic) Other players easily blame the medic for their faults, even if its not the medic's fault, and if these medics are inexperienced they might think that medic isn't for him/her or they are just bad. I'm not disagreeing with you on the fact that most players don't like medic, but what I am saying is that the population of medic's is then decreased even further due to allot of these things. IDK maybe I'm biased because I'm a medic main but allot of this stuff has happened to me but I have seen many others experience the same.

posted about 8 years ago
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