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Last Posted December 9, 2014 at 11:23 AM
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#17 Cevo in TF2 General Discussion
MurowI'm really happy there's CEVO HL now, but 8:30 on a Monday is interfering with UGC, I think a day other than Monday would be much better for teams who are in UGC and in CEVO, because a lot of teams will be discouraged to participate (if the time stays on Monday)

We're going to set our default time 1.5 hours before the UGC default time to do our best to avoid conflict. In addition to this, teams are encouraged to use our automated scheduling system to play their matches any other day/time before the deadline.

posted about 11 years ago
#8 Cevo in TF2 General Discussion
Deadboltmonday night matches may conflict with the ugc matches wouldnt it?

We're going to move our default time for the Highlander event on Mondays to 7:00 PM CDT (UGC = 8:30 PM) so that teams with UGC matches can play both if they'd like. Teams can also schedule matches for alternate days using our scheduling system if both teams can come to an agreement.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Cevo in TF2 General Discussion
thesupremecommanderWhat's the default match time for CEVO? Hoping it's not Monday night like all of the other leagues I can't play in.

The plan is to have the Highlander event on Monday night and the 6v6 on Thursday night.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Cevo in TF2 General Discussion

Yes! Here is the announcement on all of our Season 2 events http://www.cevo.com/news/69/season-2-registration-opens-with-9-free-to-play-events-over-4k-in-cash-prizes/

We'll have additional announcements about the 6v6 and Highlander events posted on Monday.

We understand that our first season was not without problems and we've done our best to address any technical issues that we were having in the first few weeks of the season. We've also added over $850 in cash and prizes to our 6v6 event to encourage participation. Best of all, registration is completely FREE.

As always, let me know if you have any questions, comments, or feedback and I'll do my best to get back to you ASAP.

General Manager

posted about 11 years ago
#8 Question about Cevo in Q/A Help
tranchemusicIn my time playing Cevo this season there hasn't been a single thing that resembles match comms

if you log into our website, click on "MY CEVO", then "Manage Events", click "Matches" and hit "View" on the specific match you want, you will see the match communication thread.

We encourage teams to use the thread and work with each other to find the best time for both teams to play the match. If an agreement can't be made, we do force the default day/time.

In addition to the match scheduling thread, if both teams come to an agreement to play after the deadline day and request an extension from our staff - we are usually more than happy to extend the deadline day wherever possible.


posted about 11 years ago
#21 cevo only allow native tf2 files? in TF2 General Discussion

Our web issues look to have been cleared up for the most part, if you'd like to still try and play your matches you can try again now. You may have to reschedule them in the match comms, since its been over an hour since the problem started.

Again, we're sorry for all of the problems tonight and hopefully we can get our act together for next weeks matches.

posted about 12 years ago
#16 cevo only allow native tf2 files? in TF2 General Discussion
indigoPipher, can we have a statement on why the client isn't working for most people?

also how do you ready up?

Our servers are having trouble keeping up with the load right now. That's why the Paladin is having errors. Our developers are working as fast as they can to add another server that will help with the load. Hopefully everything will be back up and running within the next 30 minutes.

When the Paladin is working properly, you will just checkin and go green almost instantly.

posted about 12 years ago
#13 cevo only allow native tf2 files? in TF2 General Discussion
Blurrwhat about
fps config

ALL of these are legal. We are going to spend some time working on our rules this week. I know that they are not very easy to understand, and I apologize for that. Look for a few updates later this week.

posted about 12 years ago
#2 CEVO has no rules. in TF2 General Discussion

we're updating them as we speak - sit tight!

posted about 12 years ago
#8 quick CEVO registration reminder in TF2 General Discussion
Saltysally1CEVOPipherKillingIs there a tf2 specific admin? We're going to have a list of our TF2 specific staff posted in the next couple of days on the TF2 game page.have they ever played 6v6 tf2?

No, we were thinking it might be a better idea to get some fresh blood on the TF2 scene, so we decided to recruit them all from a DotA2 league that went under...

Yes - everyone we bring on staff (specific to TF2) will have played 6v6 TF2 competitively in the past, if they aren't still playing.

posted about 12 years ago
#6 quick CEVO registration reminder in TF2 General Discussion
KillingIs there a tf2 specific admin?

We're going to have a list of our TF2 specific staff posted in the next couple of days on the TF2 game page.

posted about 12 years ago
#1 quick CEVO registration reminder in TF2 General Discussion

Hi Guys,

Just wanted to give everyone a quick reminder that preseason schedules will be released tonight and only teams with 6 @ready players on their rosters will be scheduled a match. Registration will remain open all throughout the preseason, so you can still register your team if you haven't done so already.

If you aren't sure if your team is @ready or not, you can check at the following page - http://www.cevo.com/event/tf2-season1/competitors/

We're looking forward to our official return into the TF2 community and we'll be doing our best to make sure this season is a good one.

If you have any questions - don't hesitate to ask.


posted about 12 years ago
#18 58 teams in cevo open!!! in TF2 General Discussion
kirbyUnless there are known teams that are also playing in ESEA, I think we'll have to wait before saying anything (I dunno who's playing and who isn't). Either way, it's gonna be fun to play in CEVO again.

I wonder how long it take before more divisions in CEVO come around.

We're looking to use this first season as a way of ranking the teams before we add more skill divisions in Season 2.


posted about 12 years ago
#1 CEVO Weapons Banlist Poll in TF2 General Discussion

Hi guys,

Things are moving along pretty well @ CEVO TF2 and we already have 56 teams registered for Season 1. We are just putting the finishing touches on our rules and official server config and thought we could get the community's opinion on our weapon banlist. Anyways, we have a poll up at http://www.cevo.com/forums/topic/613/team-fortress-2/should-cevo-adopt-esea-39-s-tf2-weapon-banlist-/ and we'd love to hear from you.

Also, registration is still open for any teams that might have missed the announcement last week and best of all it's completely FREE to play.


posted about 12 years ago
#14 CEVO Team Fortress 2 Season 1 in TF2 General Discussion
snack_attackIt says registration ends on January 3, but I couldn't find any information on when the season actually starts. Anyone know when it starts?

We'll have the first regular season matches happening on Thursday, January 10th - but you'll be able to see all of the exact match dates when we add the rounds in the next week or so.

posted about 12 years ago
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