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SteamID64 76561197981698232
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:10716252
Country United States
Signed Up July 22, 2012
Last Posted January 11, 2017 at 10:03 PM
Posts 515 (0.1 per day)
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#10 SYOPS_TF2 Reform/LFP in The Dumpster

good troll o.O

posted about 8 years ago
#584 Overwatch, who got in? in Other Games
sky_Anyone know where to play some organized pugs or something along those lines?
  • Not sure how active this one is: (but people are there looking for pugs) A few tf2 current/previous players are already in the group. Feel free to start your own there. I'm sure people will join or want to play.
  • r/overwatch - - scrim (have 6, find a team to play against), recruitment, looking for group (find 6 players to stack pubs), tournament announcements

That's about all I know of atm. At least for NA.

posted about 8 years ago
#73 ESEA-IM S22 Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion

Since Screwb and I are making the switch to overwatch, my roster is open. Would gladly help with the transition (game doesnt come out until May 24th and we - LuX Gaming Overwatch- are not yet registered for a tournament that I know of). However, who RDJ, Kayc, MonkeySuit decides to team with is their choice. Was a pleasure playing with all of them and couldnt have asked for better team mates. If they do decide to start on your team I am offering each of them to pay for their league fees, since they committed to playing with my team this upcoming season.

Contact me to discuss the roster and feel free to reach out to RDJ, Kayc, or MonkeySuit. Awesome players with amazing potential!

Wish everyone good luck. And I'll be keeping tabs on TF2 and its teams.

posted about 8 years ago
#4 overwatch teams/competitions- best places to look? in Other Games

Recently joined a discord group that does OW pugs. So that was fun. Just hoping to compile a list of OW competitive resources. I'll prob post on soon.

Feel free to post other suggestions.


posted about 8 years ago
#1 overwatch teams/competitions- best places to look? in Other Games

Curious if anyone knows the best places to look for teams and/or competitions? I saw reddit has some LFT posts. But is the really a good place to look? Also the tournaments where are the best ones?

I know enigma also made Is that a good place? Just curious.

Finally started playing in the open beta and really enjoy the game play.

posted about 8 years ago
#24 ex-EVL players form new roster in News

Marmaduke commin' in hot!

posted about 8 years ago
#60 Overwatch Open Beta Live in Other Games

So I really glad that I got a chance to play the beta. At first I was thinking, "nah not gonna try it until the price dropped". Plus really enjoyed playing tf2 for several years now. And I can say this gives a whole new alternative for me to enjoy. It was fun to play, counters for each hero, and teamwork is encouraged (although still trying to figure out the meta and play styles on the different types of maps).

Just bought the game this morning after having so much fun last night. I missed out on tf2s release and this is the most fun I've had in a new game for quite some time. Yes, I will continue to play competitive Tf2. Yes I will probably spend some time to check out the competitive scene. Why not? Blizzard just announced a 10,000 dollar tournament. Tf2 has never had that type of esport backing. And I wish we did. This is a breath of fresh air on the new take blizzard has taken on fps . Sure there are obviously some issues with the game on general. But the fact I had fun playing, the esport side of it is (potentially) taking off, and how much work blizzard in general put into the initial release is awesome.

Just my personal initial reaction.

posted about 8 years ago
#40 ESEA-IM S22 Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion

Typing this on my phone.. So forgive misspellings.

Confirmed teams

  1. Junes team- picked up stochastic. Not sure if they need other players.
  2. Royalty tf2 (my team) - picked up burton. Need 1 more scout. TBD probably by end of week.
  3. jags team - needs pocket and scout?
  4. skyrolla's team - think they need 2 players. Unsure who's confirmed or needed.
  5. Erin's team-building pretty sure they are playing. Unsure who is confirmed or what they need. Saw a new demo rj?
  6. vaati's team - picked up a new pocket. Think they need a new scout. Maybe fuzion?

Probably alot more that I'm unaware of. Need to talk to more team leaders and I'll update. Haven't checked much with the open move ups yet.

posted about 8 years ago
#34 TF2 for dreamhack austin? in LAN Discussion

I could potentially go to this, but it would take me a 3 hr drive and i wouldn't be able to leave until 5cst. So arriving around 8cst. Anyways if someone does want to make some team for this hit me up. Might be able to work something out to go.

posted about 8 years ago
#30 delpo LFT IM+ Demo in Recruitment (looking for team)

del "fragger" po

posted about 8 years ago
#5 We need mentors for the S22 team drive! in TF2 General Discussion

ESEA page:
Experience: IM and open
Comments: I work, so dont show up online until ~7cst/8est. Also can schedule some weekend demo reviews as needed. Always available to talk when online, dont be afraid to message. Might need to leave a comment on profile to add if list is full.

posted about 8 years ago
#95 mango playing tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

I watched towards the end. Was funny when shrugger sub'd. Seems like a cool dude. Too bad he's an Angels fan though. Rangers beat them up last night. :P

Was fun watching. Hopefully we can pull him into the scene.

Also was pretty cool how everyone from the community encouraged him and gave him tips. Really awesome of everyone. Think this speaks highly of our community.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 SYOPS? LFP IM S22 scouts/pocket? in Recruitment (looking for players)

<team name actually not decided yet> Not officially sponsored by them at the moment.

But anyways, we are currently looking for:
A) 2 scouts
B) 1 scout and 1 pocket (Screwb would move to scout in this scenario)

Our goal is to be high IM next season. Watch demos as needed / talk strats / continuously improve as a team during scrims.

Things I personally look for in players: mechanics are good, always looking to improve their own game, always looking to help team members (this could be giving ideas on how they could change their play or just assisting in game), giving feedback, and helpful comms (plans / intentions / potential improvements / focus fire).

S22 lineup is this so far:
Scouts: <you> and <your buddy>
Roamer: Kayc
Pocket: Screwb (option to scout if a strong pocket is found)
Demo: RDJ
Medic: Cheeriss
Backup: Dave_ & Walka

Add me steam (leave comment if friends list is full):

posted about 8 years ago
#6 overwatch butt drives man nuts in Off Topic

For some reason like every other notification on my facebook was talking about the overwatch butt situation. ROFL. I wish I had screen shot it.

posted about 8 years ago
#4 Highlight: Jarrett & Rekuso vs. Ronin in Videos


posted about 8 years ago
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