I don't use stickies in soap, the whole point is trying to work on aim and movement and the majority of demos I see using stickies in SOAP aren't using them for that they are trapping up and playing very lame with them. The 2 per clip thing would be fine with me.
When your spamming them into a group of people not looking at you and fighting each other what exactly are you trying to practice? It's certainly not aim.
I think people get caught up with trying to TOP 3 in SOAP now so demos try and use stickies to top point on those servers. You can top frag in soap with pipes only its a nice challenge.
I'm ok with using sticks in MGE tho.
Using the targe is another lame thing to do. You will never be playing in a match or scrim with it so why equip it to get an advantage. You should get used to fighting sollys and demos with your standard damage resistance.