Hello! I would like to join your team as an engineer. I don't have TF2 competitive experience, but I have played TF2 Center games. I'm constantly trying to improve my game and I think that joining your team can be mutually beneficial. I watch TF2 comp streams and have been playing the competitive mode in tf2. I don't have a lot of hours, but you can at least give me a try! I'm ready to give joining a team a shot.
Username: Kraz
TimeZone: Eastern Standard Time
Availability: I can play really anytime, but sometimes I have plans or up coming events I have to take care of.
Classes: I main engineer and off class spy and scout
Microphone: English
Thanks for taking a look at me!
Add me on steam if you're interested! http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198087768678/