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Last Posted November 30, 2012 at 5:05 AM
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#80 All-girl, transatlantic TF2 HL showdown! in TF2 General Discussion
zigzterWhy do so many people have this shitty attitude.

"Oh this person called me bad at [whatever], now my feelings are hurt and I'm going to stop doing it."

Grow a fucking spine.

(Not directed at you. Just a general statement.)

Congratulations on justifying all verbal bullying ever, racial abuse, sexism, homophobia, and nullifying all harassment laws.

You are a brave middle class white man and we can all learn something from you, thank you for your wisdom.

posted about 12 years ago
#76 All-girl, transatlantic TF2 HL showdown! in TF2 General Discussion
zigzterCan we have an All-male transatlantic TF2 HL showdown as well then?

There are plenty of all male transatlantic games. And those are league game finals, this is just a fun showmatch.

Why are so many people butthurt about women wanting to play tf2, like this is some kind of injustice that they would want a game?

posted about 12 years ago