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Last Posted February 18, 2017 at 10:43 AM
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#26 Particle Limitation Pack in Customization
wis there still any potential for this to get updated. if it did it could do wonders

also whats the difference between this and the light particles vtf?

Last update was on Jan 7, 2017.
I don't think Valve has pushed any changes since then which changed particles.

Light particles is more of a targetted edit in that it specifically removes certain systems whereas this one here is a global "everything is effected" sweep.
A lot of particles made by Valve have lax limits on the number of individual emissions per system, leading to very heavy CPU demand with a lot of systems playing at once.
This sweep forces a throttle that effects maximum emissions, rates, and durations.

RentQNPretty sure this doesn't work on sv_pure 1/2 servers, right?

I've made no attempt to bypass sv_pure with this and more than likely won't be investing time into doing so.
If you'd like to see this sort of particle limiting officially supported in TF2, then please do send an E-Mail to the TFTeam.

I've asked in the past to add this feature but after some time just made it myself and released it to the public here and other sources.
Then I asked to allow my pack to be signed for allowance within sv_pure, but no response.

Valve tends to ignore things I send their way until a public outcry happens forcing their hands.
It just isn't worth it in their eyes as a business I suppose.

posted about 8 years ago
#153 Prism HUD & Clean TF2 in Customization
JarateKing-added _tracer_removal.vpk as a little hotfix to remove tracers while viewmodel_fov -360 is broken

The patch from the 11th fixes it, and this hotfix is no longer needed as far as I can tell:

Valve- Added convar r_drawtracers_firstperson to disable the drawing of first person bullet tracer particles
- Fixed a client crash related to extreme viewmodel_fov settings
- The viewmodel_fov convar is now clamped to valid values. Users who were using this to hide the viewmodel and tracers should use r_drawtracers_firstperson 0 and r_drawviewmodel 0 to achieve the same effect.
posted about 10 years ago
#16 Particle Limitation Pack in Customization
samjain98Will this make it more difficult to see medigun beams/teleporter dust/fire?

This sort of edit will make the trails less visible at once, but as far as it making it more difficult to see is subjective.

For me even preset 2 works fine for gameplay, though preset 1 tends to get more people saying that it's a good middle grounds between performance and still relaying game information to the viewer.

Rockets tend to be a bit more difficult to judge for airblasting with preset 2 for me, but that's due to the yellow/orange glow behind it not being too visible and my usage of the glow to be the differentiation between the rocket and the background.

Your mileage may vary.

As with any modifications, if it hurts your gameplay then merely uninstall it; it's free.

posted about 10 years ago
#10 Particle Limitation Pack in Customization
JarateKingAlso CarlZalph, would it be possible to try to do the same method as in where the effect is disabled entirely and still works for sv_pure 2? I remember trying to do the same with other particles and it seemed to only work in some of the pcf's, but it'd be worth taking a look at.

I checked out what the person edited, and all that's changed in the pcf is that the Array of Elements portion for the emitters, renderers, operators, and initializers (edit: also children) to all be null tables.

If that sort of editing actually goes over into sv_pure 2 land, then I'm at a huge loss as to why that would stick.

posted about 10 years ago
#7 Particle Limitation Pack in Customization
AuraMixCan we get some screenshots?

Sort of hard to take a screenshot of something that's constantly changing, but I'll whip up a config showcasing some common particle effects and shove them to the Mediafire Steam screenshots because that's much easier- I'll post here again when they're up.

Editing to not do a double post:
They're now viewable by clicking the Preset # in the OP.

Screenshots don't do particles justice, but it's something to look at.

posted about 10 years ago
#5 Particle Limitation Pack in Customization
MonkeySuitI'm going to assume that this doesn't work on sv pure 2?

Quite correct you are, unfortunately.

'sv_pure' is the bane of all things good.

_KermitJust did a quick benchmark test with it, I got an fps improvement of ~15 fps using particles_2.

From what average to what average?

FPS isn't linear, and so that could be relatively large or insignificant in your case.
Also you'll only see great benefits if these little things were a bottleneck, which they tend to flock to the CPU on all cores it can go to.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Particle Limitation Pack in Customization

You may find the pack download link at the bottom of this post for all presets.

This pack contains generated edited particles that applies a global limitation on every particle.
A limited particle is any system that falls above the criteria and will force an upper bound limitation on it.

What this mod is:

  • Limits particles from their impact on rendering.
  • Helps gain performance in terms of FPS in particle-heavy environments.
  • Reduces the chance of getting a client-based crash due to too many particles rendering at once.. Yes, this is actually a thing that happens.

What this mod is NOT:

  • A cheat mod.
  • You will be putting yourself at a disadvantage for using any of these.
  • This is due to some particles relaying information which will cease to exist after their cutoff time, which may shorten the information relay.
  • See: Spy disguise smoke and electroball Hallowe'en spell.

How it does it:

  • There are three main variables particles can use to render.
  • There is a particle duration for how long one particle lasts in the world before disappearing.
  • There is a particle emission rate that controls how fast the particles spawn in the world.
  • There is a burst number that states for burst effects how many particles to spawn instantly.

Since it is automated I have four presets, but am open to creating more if requested.

Valve Default

  • Preset 0 - You have a decent setup but want to limit Valve's inane particle spamming ways.
    Each limited particle lasts 5.0 seconds, emits at 60 particles per second, and bursts 60 particles.

  • Preset 1 - You want some bare minimal eyecandy while maintaining the goal of a particle in what it is to do.
    Each limited particle lasts 2.0 seconds, emits at 30 particles per second, and bursts 30 particles.

  • Preset 2 - You are running a toaster but it does have a potato in there somewhere that can render something once in a while.
    Each limited particle lasts 1.0 second, emits at 15 particle per second, and bursts 15 particles.

  • Preset 3 - You want particles pretty much dead.
    Each limited particle lasts 0.1 seconds, emits at 1 particle per second, and bursts only 1 particle.

Download HERE.

posted about 10 years ago