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Signed Up December 19, 2018
Last Posted May 22, 2019 at 10:28 PM
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#4 cant access ugc league forums page in Q/A Help

Our forums have been inactive over the last six months or not and has had some buggy back end work with the forums (example being steam accounts not linking) so we decided to close the forums from the public.

posted about 5 years ago
#1 Opinions on T-Shirt Design for Miggy's Gift in TF2 General Discussion

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to ask the community's advice on what people thought of this t-shirt design. For those who aren't aware, Miggy was a UGC Anti Cheat adviser and founder of the series of Florida LAN based events until his tragic passing of cancer on November 2017. A memorial was made in honor of him which was FLAN 2018 and turned into a success of community based events and remembrance to Miggy as a lot of people including myself were sad to see him pass. I would like to thank everyone again for everyone's involvement both playing in the LAN and working behind the scenes to make the event happen as I am very proud of how it turned out to honor an individual who meant a lot to a lot of people.

After FLAN 2018 had concluded Miggy's family decided to start a non profit organization titled Miggy's Gift to help spread melanoma awareness and cancer research funding as that was the cause of his death. I was reached out by Miggy's mother about the community's opinion on a t-shirt design so I thought that TFTV would be the best place to hear everyone's thoughts on the t-shirt.

In the imgur image provided is a long sleeve shirt with UPF (Ultra Violet Protective Fabric) to help reduce the exposure to the UV from the sun. It would only be the Miggy's Gift logo on the front and would cost $20 USD plus shipping and handling. I'd like to hear what everyone thinks and what changes could be made or added to the shirt. Chances are is that the family would make more than one design if all is well.

Please feel free to reach out to me directly with any questions, comments, or concerns you may have regarding the t-shirts or anything that comes to mind. Also a big thank you for being apart of the competitive Team Fortress 2 community whether you are new or old and I look forward to hear what people think about the design.

T-Shirt Image:
Charity Website:

posted about 5 years ago
#254 ESEA Season 29 Invite Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

I handed out the medals for invite just a few hours ago. Hope all enjoy the medals. They are also confirmed for Season 30 and I will hand those out as the time comes.

posted about 6 years ago