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Last Posted December 24, 2022 at 1:03 PM
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#78 TF2 Center is closing in two days in TF2 General Discussion

Cant wait to be able to host lobbies again in 2999

posted about 2 years ago
#130 Thank You Letter to RGL in TF2 General Discussion
tojoCatalystI commit felony assault, but I gave the guy 5 bucks after and I said sorry, therefore I should be exempt from the mandatory minimum sentence. that was dumb as fuck

he is a volunteer for the league, volunteering has led to the issue. I think he deserves a pass, you clearly don't. You can go about ur day now I'm gonna try to stop refreshing the thread :)

I already knew you were going to ignore the concept of it and point to it being stupid, mandatory minimums are something I oppose genuinely, but id rather them exist and get applied equally then have them exist and have some sentences be less than they should while others get the shaft for doing or not doing something. As that would lead to a shit ton of cases where oh so and so person did action a or b and got a different sentence, and so and so person did action c and didnt get it. While both committed the same crime
my argument is that we should never give anyone the ability to do that because is can lead to whack as fuck outcomes.

tojo I think he deserves a pass, you clearly don't.

I don't think anyone deserves a "pass" regardless of what they do or dont do, unless you PROVE the rule is a horrendous rule in ways I already outline, thank you for ignoring that, As they say ignorance is bliss.

tojo. You can go about ur day now I'm gonna try to stop refreshing the thread :)

Suck my knuts.

you analogy fails cause antlers was already warned two different times

If you run a red light three different times got off with a warning the first two and you ask the judge for another bone, the judge will fucking laugh at you. Intent also matters very little when you've been warned twice for it, I don't think the dude cheats i think he should of been smarter and double checked after those warnings, i have 1 warning and offense for demos, you bet your ass im checking manually that my demos are on for matches

posted about 3 years ago
#126 Thank You Letter to RGL in TF2 General Discussion
THEBILLDOZERtojolike the dude is probably like one of maybe what, 10 people who are willing to do production. But we're gonna random demo call him 3 times and ban him bcus we need to prove a point.10 people EVER maybe. I think there are less than 5 people at this moment that actually had a decent stream layout and had the tech working and all that.

I commit felony assault, but I gave the guy 5 bucks after and I said sorry, therefore I should be exempt from the mandatory minimum sentence.

RGL should never be able to give people preferential treatment on punishments, that's a can of worms that the COMMUNITY no less, should never give them the green light on. If you point to an instance of them doing that i will say thats awful.

Regardless of how you valid you think his excuse is, it's an excuse he didn't record the demo so he should be punished according to the rules, same with any other player in the league. I empathize, but I cant scream from the rooftops that rgl should throw people bones because they do or dont do certain things. that is literally begging rgl to do some whack ass shit with that leeway.

What you should be thinking about is, is the rule beneficial and can I make an argument that proves it isn't. Otherwise your asking for somthing rgl REALLY shouldnt be able to do.

posted about 3 years ago
#119 Thank You Letter to RGL in TF2 General Discussion
tojoTHEBILLDOZERYes, i do actively wish that a player nobody suspects of cheating that puts in extra work for the community on his own time for free, gets special treatment in the form of admin discretion regarding his ruling. Sorry if thats keeping us from getting our 100,000$ seriously u guys are some fucking cops

posted about 3 years ago
#111 Thank You Letter to RGL in TF2 General Discussion

Don't complain about what happens when you break the rules unless its inconsistent with other instances, you can complain about the rule being a terrible rule, one that takes an excessive amount of effort for a marginal or nonexistent benefit for the league. I broke the rules and got the due punishment cant complain about that, I can contemplate if the rule I was punished over provides the league benefit that outweighs the effort of enforcing it or complying with it.

The only time in recent history where going monke mode genuinely caused change was metal footsteps, the reason why is because the rule was
1: neigh unenforceable, unless someone was dumb enough to stream with it .
2: it was unreasonable in comparison to other punishments.
3: Showed in the best way possible the undue burden placed upon the playerbase to ensure they didnt have it installed, shoutouts to you exa :).
Too much effort for almost no benefit.

(btw I am not privy to the actual reasons the metal footsteps stuff was changed this is just my assumption after that whole incident)

I am still genuinely undecided on if demo checks are actually good, cause rgl probably have access to information we don't, which is probably why the rule persists, although it does suck when someone like daf gets banned over a demo
for a warning they got almost over a year ago.

If you're gonna complain about a rule make a genuine argument and reinforce the argument, saying look at this great person who broke this rule and got punished for breaking the rule is just about the dumbest thing I've ever seen. I understand the argument of discouraging player retention with stricter rulesets I myself am worried about that.

Prove the rule is either, unenforceable, inconsistent, or burdensome to comply with. While also not giving the league any tangible benefit. RGL bad, but actually demonstrate to them why they're bad so they stop it.

posted about 3 years ago
#8 "tf2 projectiles have aim assist" in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 3 years ago
#115 RGL Ringer Fees in TF2 General Discussion
You want a fuckin nerd novel about how your league and this scene sucks ass? Sure. Let's do it,

you banned someone from pugs for saying yessir, please stop fucking speaking.
also remember when you tried to get my scout banned for cheating off a single log because he made fun of you, I do, the term sub-brick would be perfectly accurate to describe your intelligence.

there were multiple attempts outside of staff, of people gathering the things you've done in an attempt to finally have the admins dump you, myself included. Not a single staff member barring shaggy was as atrocious as you.

people do not dislike you because you're correct or your some truth seeker, or giving the real perspective on what's happened, people dislike you because you're a dipshit who has done some real shady and flat out incompetent shit while in a position of power within the community. become a better person, cause it isn't that hard.

posted about 3 years ago
#94 RGL Ringer Fees in TF2 General Discussion

The only good things about ugc were the lack of entry payment, and the forums.
everything else was ass.
remember the season that had millstone, I do, that was giga ass.

posted about 3 years ago
#17 RGL Ringer Fees in TF2 General Discussion

I'm just generally tired of paying any money to rgl, even if it goes towards the prize pool id rather not spend anything, even if that were to mean the elimination of the prize pool. I just want to have fun, its understandable rgl needs revenue to continue operating so ig its alright, its just tiring when you want to play the game without paying, but you just get restricted from any class you enjoy if you try to drop down from invite.

Also don't want to pay any money to rgl cause they suck.
and hl uses team fees so this is redundant

posted about 3 years ago
#22 if you could do anything comp-related to tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

Unban the airstrike.

posted about 3 years ago
#97 Warning about Nursey trying to come back in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 3 years ago
#41 RGL and Metal footsteps ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮ in TF2 General Discussion
mintyxdJarateKingI don't regularly check tftv all too often nowadays but I did patch cleantf2+ so that it doesn't provide the option to use metal footsteps.

Someone tech savvy could still easily modify it to add metal footsteps again, or just modify the file after it's generated, or copy it from someone else, etc. but anyone downloading cleantf2+ from now on will not accidentally get it.
Great job! Only after someone got permabanned.

this is exactly what I don't want people doing minty good lord. anyway, ugc removed jas's ban I hope the other two realize this shit is dumb.

posted about 3 years ago
#10 RahThread: We should play payload + a/d in TF2 General Discussion

tug of war

posted about 3 years ago
#60 What legacy will you leave for TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 3 years ago
#8 Rgl Rewind in TF2 General Discussion

Everyday that list of people with metal footsteps gets larger. Please check if you have them, cause if you stream or record and someone's got a hate boner its over. Also a1 video

posted about 3 years ago
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