Have to back kermit up here, the kingskiller chronicles are just so well written, it's probably the best fantasy autor i've read so far.
Another great fantasy series for me is the black magician trilogy by trudi canavan, good story and characters. She published another series which i got told is even better than the black magician trilogy. Have to try that out when i'm getting back into fantasy, it's called the age if five.
Peter V. Brett evolved his writing skills with his first books and created an interesting world with the demon cycle.
If you wanna try some science fiction, i can basicly recommended most of the books of Sergej Lukianenko, he's great and unique.
I'm trying out some classical literatur right now, Sienkiewicz's Quo vadis was kinda hard to get into but it was defenitly worth sticking to it.
Reading the jungle by upton sinclair right now, easy to read, timeless and exiciting book.