Someone add me I need more gamer friends
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198059588505 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:99322777] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:1:49661388 |
Country | United States |
Signed Up | August 21, 2012 |
Last Posted | September 24, 2024 at 11:59 AM |
Posts | 420 (0.1 per day) |
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Windows Sensitivity | 6 |
Raw Input | 1 |
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Mousepad | |
Headphones | |
Monitor |
Someone add me I need more gamer friends
Air_Unicorn_WizardI mean it's not a meme when they're some of the biggest offenders in the community
have not said anything to anyone in over 5 months, all of my shittalk is about in-game performance and everyone immediately goes to personal attacks against me and claims i'm using slurs
we scrimmed you two weeks ago and you called us "fucking faggots" and left the server
Operation: Get Tomato Tom out of low IM *COMPLETE*
change your name back to tasheem and u will nut
Hi I've been trying to login to ESEA for the last hour and it keeps giving me the error invalid username or PW... my username is change and I've tried resetting the password 3 different times using different passwords and tried logging in to both the client and the website with the same error. I also tried a different browser. HELP
Wait... Nate Rivers is back?
My roamer debut begins
Looking to backup for adv/inv for this season, as I didn't have as much free time this season as I originally planned
Just been a pug lord for the past few months, but have previously played around mid invite
Can play scout or soldier!
major whiny retard from what ive seen
rip omni5, phantom is insane lmao I never feared getting out DM'd by a medic until playing against this guy
vaati is insanely good when hes warmed up/on his game.
cool and chill guy as well.
He will el farm/le nut.
ninjax is so irritating to play against
you cant hit him
then he 2-shots your med